doi: 10.56294/sctconf2024.650




Psychology of self-development and self-realisation in the context of transformation of the educational environment of Ukraine


Psicología del autodesarrollo y la autorrealización en el contexto de la transformación del entorno educativo de Ucrania


Alina Parasiei Hocher1  *, Maksym Hryshchenko2 , Nina Stelmah3 , Vsevolod Zelenin4 , Oleksii Tolmachov5


1Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Science. Bucha, Ukraine.

2Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kharkiv Region, Police Department № 2 of the Kharkiv District Management № 2. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

3V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University. Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

4Ukrainian State Drahomanov University. Kyiv, Ukraine.

5 Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Department of Public Administration. Kyiv, Ukraine.


Cite as: Parasiei Hocher A, Hryshchenko M, Stelmah N, Zelenin V, Tolmachov O. Psychology of self-development and self-realisation in the context of transformation of the educational environment of Ukraine. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias. 2024; 3:.650.


Submitted: 19-02-2024          Revised: 24-06-2024          Accepted: 28-11-2024          Published: 29-11-2024


Editor: Dr. William Castillo-González  


Corresponding author:  Alina Parasiei Hocher *



the study aimed to analyse the key aspects of the psychology of self-development and self-realisation within the transformation of Ukraine’s educational system. The focus was on understanding how educational changes promote personal growth and self-realisation among students.

Method: a thorough analysis of scientific sources was conducted to summarise and consolidate existing knowledge in this field. The research employed methods such as analysis, synthesis, and content analysis, revealing the research process through successive stages.

Results: the findings indicated that the current educational environment in Ukraine necessitates a shift from standardised approaches to flexible, individualised development strategies. This shift encourages students to explore personal interests, leverage their strengths, and chart unique paths to self-realisation. Such changes align with national values and provide future generations with opportunities to actively pursue self-development. The study highlighted the role of motivation in self-development and self-realisation, showing that success in learning and work, regardless of intellectual levels, depends significantly on positive motivation, deep interest, and goal-driven ambition.

Conclusions: the study emphasised the importance of fostering and supporting motivation for self-development among students in Ukraine. Encouraging motivation can enhance students’ deeper and more successful development during their educational journey and future endeavours. These findings underscore the transformative potential of educational reforms in promoting personal growth and self-realisation.


Keywords: Self-Development; Self-Realisation; Self-Improvement; Educational Space; Trends Of Change.




Introducción: este estudio analizó los aspectos clave de la psicología del autodesarrollo y la autorrealización en el contexto de la transformación del sistema educativo ucraniano. Se centró en cómo los cambios en la educación fomentan el crecimiento personal y la autorrealización de los estudiantes.

Método: se llevó a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de fuentes científicas para consolidar el conocimientoexistente en este campo. Los métodos empleados incluyeron análisis, síntesis y análisis de contenido, estructurando el proceso de investigación en etapas sucesivas.

Resultados: los hallazgos revelan que el entorno educativo actual en Ucrania necesita un cambio de enfoques estandarizados hacia estrategias flexibles e individualizadas. Este enfoque alienta a los estudiantes a explorar sus intereses, aprovechar sus fortalezas y diseñar trayectorias únicas hacia la autorrealización. Estos cambios, alineados con los valores nacionales, ofrecen a las generaciones futuras oportunidades para un desarrollo personal activo. El estudio destacó el papel crucial de la motivación en el autodesarrollo y la autorrealización, demostrando que el éxito en el aprendizaje y el trabajo depende, en gran medida, de la motivación positiva, el interés genuino y la ambición orientada a objetivos, independientemente de los niveles intelectuales individuales.

Conclusiones: este estudio resalta la necesidad de fomentar y apoyar la motivación para el autodesarrollo entre los estudiantes ucranianos. Una motivación sólida puede facilitar un desarrollo más profundo y satisfactorio durante su experiencia educativa y su vida futura. Los resultados subrayan el impacto transformador de las reformas educativas para promover el crecimiento personal y la autorrealización.


Palabras clave: Autodesarrollo; Autorrealización; Sistema Educativo; Motivación; Transformación Educativa.





In today’s transformational environment, the multifaceted nature of the educational system encompasses both a traditional, conservative function and a progressive, revolutionary one. The traditional aspect of education involves the transmission of wisdom, customs, and ideas from older generations to younger ones. In doing so, it strengthens the foundation of social norms and conventions, providing a sense of continuity.  However, the value of education goes beyond mere preservation. It serves as a foundation for innovation and transformation, offering the younger generation a platform to cultivate new experiences through the lens of contemporary social structures and ideas. This progressive aspect of education contributes to shaping the development of society, encouraging it to adapt and thrive in a constantly changing world. For this reason, such phenomena as self-development and self-realisation are important in the educational system, as they encourage students to a state of continuous improvement and development.  At the same time, the issue of the psychology of self-development and self-realisation is becoming particularly relevant in the context of the transformation of Ukraine’s educational environment.(1,2)

Changes in the country’s education system create new requirements for self-education and personal development, making these psychological aspects more important than ever. It is worth noting that the transformation of the educational environment in Ukraine means not only the transition to new pedagogical methods and curricula but also the reform of approaches to self-knowledge and self-development of students.(3) At the same time, modern scholars have been interested in studying the key aspects of self-development and self-realisation of students. In particular,(4) describes the peculiarities of using cooperative learning technologies to form the basis of self-realisation and self-development of pedagogical students. Danyliuk & Kuprieieva(5) described some psychological foundations of self-realisation. At the same time, Frytsiuk(6) identified the key elements of future teachers’ self-development. Gavran(7) characterised the peculiarities of the formation of pedagogical empathy in modern students. The psychological signs of personal prerequisites in the process of forming students’ empathy identified by this researcher will contribute to the development of their positive personal attitudes. Krasnoshchok(8) described the problem of pedagogical support on the path of students’ self-development. Kuprieieva(9) investigated the possibilities of self-realisation of students with special needs. The researcher addressed similar issues in Kuprieieva.(10) The main trends in the development of pedagogy and psychology through the prism of digitalisation are described in detail by Chernova Nemesh & Togachynska.(11) Nevertheless, the issue of self-development and self-realisation of students is not fully understood, especially given the current changes in education.


Research Focus

In this context, the psychology of self-development and self-realisation in the context of the transformation of the educational system is an important subject for research. The transition to new pedagogical methods and curricula in Ukraine means that students need to be more active and independent in their learning. They must have the skills to search for and analyse information independently, develop critical thinking and creativity. This is where the psychology of self-development and self-realisation plays an important role. It helps students to understand their goals and aspirations, develop intrinsic motivation and self-discipline, and work on developing their strengths and overcoming limitations.

Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyse the key aspects of the psychology of self-development and self-realisation in the context of the transformation of the educational system of Ukraine. Accordingly, the range of research questions is as follows:

1.   Defining the psychology of self-development and self-realisation in the context of education.

2.   Characteristics of the main principles of self-realisation of students in the context of the transformation of the educational system of Ukraine.

3.   Analysis of the key features of individual self-development in the framework of digital transformation of the Ukrainian education sector.



General background

The research methodology includes a thorough analysis of scientific sources to comprehend and consolidate the available knowledge and information in this subject area. The research is carried out in several separate stages, which requires the use of certain scientific methods (see table 1).


Table 1. Coverage of the research procedure


The first stage

The second stage

The third stage

The fourth stage

Identifying and processing key sources

Critical analysis of the materials found

Using synthesis and analysis

Summing up the results


Stages and methods

1.  Identification and thorough analysis of scientific sources. The initial stage involves a systematic search and curation of scientific publications related to the peculiarities of self-development and self-realisation of modern applicants at the same time, the article is based on a broad analysis of scientific works on modern transformations in the educational sector of Ukraine.

2.  Critical evaluation of the literature. At this stage, each selected source undergoes a thorough review, which involves a comprehensive study of the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and research results related to the topic.

3.  Analysis and synthesis of information: the third stage focuses on the consolidation of information obtained from the analysis of sources. The main principles and mechanisms of formation of self-development and self-realisation of the individual in the context of modern transformational changes in the Ukrainian education system are determined.

4.  Formulation of conclusions and recommendations. At this stage, the main conclusions and recommendations related to the psychology of self-development and self-realisation of individuals in the modern educational environment are outlined.



The modern approach to education and training has a distinctly humanistic perspective, embracing a blended curriculum that focuses on the needs and experiences of learners. This student-centred approach empowers learners to determine what they want to study, to actively participate in shaping the curriculum, and to take responsibility for their own education.(12,13) In this educational paradigm, much attention is paid to experiential learning, which is driven by intrinsic motivation, self-esteem, observation, and discovery.(14) Thus, education plays a key role in the pursuit of self-realisation, serving as an important background for modern educational goals. Modern trends in upbringing and education must constantly adapt to the unique needs and aptitudes of each student. This approach creates an environment where every learner can thrive and develop to their fullest potential. In essence, self-development and self-realisation in today’s educational environment requires a shift away from the monotony of the past and the adoption of a more flexible and individual approach. This encourages students to explore their passions, build on their strengths, and pave their own path to becoming the best version of themselves. This shift in educational philosophy not only aligns with our national ideals but also enables future generations to contribute more effectively to the development of our society. (15)

The process of personal development in a higher education institution is primarily about self-improvement. The desire for self-determination, a fundamental inner drive, finds its solution through the mechanism of self-realisation. At the same time, self-realisation, as a deep motivator, reaches its peak in youth, when individuals have the greatest energy and effectiveness due to their psychophysical and mental properties. This desire for completeness distinguishes the adolescent phase from subsequent stages of life. The concept of “self-realisation” has gained prominence in scientific and cultural discourse, largely due to the contribution of scientists who support humanistic psychology, such as A. Maslow and K. Rogers. Advocating the development of human potential, the proponents of this trend perceive a person primarily through his or her ability to improve. At its core, humanistic psychology asserts that the very essence of a person drives him or her to personal growth and self-development, which is motivated by the manifestation of his or her creative potential. Personal self-realisation is primarily related to the search for one’s own self, the knowledge of one’s own abilities, capabilities, or talents, and the ability to bring them to life.(16) According to modern concepts and theories, the category of morality is a kind of basic one for professional self-realisation. Self-realisation interests, hobbies, or values enable an individual not only to plan and direct his or her activities but also to realise the dimension of his or her own life position.



Figure 1. Basic principles of personal self-realisation in the context of modern educational transformation


 The process of self-realisation of the student within the framework of cognitive activity is that in educational and extracurricular cognition, the student manifests himself in the qualitative implementation of educational and cognitive tasks. At the same time, their cognitive activity reaches not only educational work compatible with the teacher, but also, as a rule, an independent and creative level. Therefore, to achieve the development of the cognitive activity, especially in the context of modern digitalisation, cognitive activity should be transferred to the synergistic field of the self-realisation process. (16)  For this reason, to achieve self-realisation in the cognitive work of an education applicant, the requirement for creativity and the corresponding system of thinking traits must be developed: criticality, originality, independence, problematic, etc. (17) Therefore, the basic principles of self-realisation of an education student are gaining a new context and relevance due to transformational changes in the education system in Ukraine. This transformation provides the educational process with new requirements and opportunities, and students should be guided by several basic principles (figure 1).



Source: compiled based on Almås, Bueie & Aagaard(20), Bakhmat et al.(21), Semenets-Orlova et al.(22)

Figure 2. Key aspects of personal development in the context of digital transformation of education


Self-development is a complex and multifaceted concept in psychology. Most scientists agree that it encompasses the improvement of personal and professional qualities, acting not on an external but on a deeply personal level.(6) The impetus for this process of self-development comes from the individual, who sets the course for his or her own growth and self-improvement.(18) In psychology, self-development is interpreted as an individual’s natural need for self-actualisation (based on already present, i.e., formed stable personality traits).(16) Separately, self-development arises in connection with certain difficulties that go beyond the already established framework for solving life tasks. This requires an individual to have an additional understanding of such cases, their own resource capabilities in order to implement or new ideas, goals and maintain the desired result. In this situation, this category correlates with self-realisation or self-transcendence. At the same time, self-development is understood as a reflective and conscious process. It means that an individual understands not only his or her qualitative basis (what he or she consciously relies on) but also his or her potential: “I don’t know how, but I will learn...”, “with some effort, I will be able to...” - what they will rely on to cope with certain internal and external obstacles.(16,19) At the same time, in the context of digital transformation, which is still at the forefront of Ukraine’s education sector, the development of competences, skills, and adaptation to change comes to the foresee (figure 2).

In general, the psychology of personal self-development in the context of the digital transformation of education in Ukraine plays a key role in the development of competent, independent, and adaptive individuals who can cope with modern challenges and make the most of digital opportunities for their personal growth and learning.(23) At the same time, in the new conditions of digital transformation of education, a person must be ready for active learning, self-development, and adaptation to the changing educational environment.(24) This, in turn, requires new psychological approaches and skills. At the same time, the process of personal self-development plays an important role in the education system and should start from the first days of studying in educational institutions.(17) While studying various academic subjects, students not only acquire academic knowledge, but also transform their worldview, deepen their understanding of self-knowledge, and help harmonise relationships with others. Specific self-development mechanisms such as reflection play an important role in developing self-development skills.(17) Reflection allows a person to analyse their actions, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and plan further steps for their own development. It is an important tool for self-discovery and continuous growth of modern students. It is also important that elements of self-development are gradually becoming integral features of the personality. This indicates that self-development is not a limited task only for the period of study, but it continues to accompany the individual at all stages of his or her life.



Self-fulfilment in the context of the transformation of the educational environment is a process in which the educational environment creates opportunities for pupils, students, and other learners to develop their abilities, interests, talents, and personal qualities, ensuring their ability to find and realise their own potential. As education is transforming, the educational environment is becoming more flexible, innovative, and adaptive to the needs of modern society. This means that students can choose individual learning paths, choose subjects or areas of study that meet their interests and goals.(25, 26, 27) According to Hurska and Parshyn(28) modern textboos and educational programmes can be more flexible, allowing for a variety of learning and assessment methods. This aspect is analysed in detail in Andersone.(29) Self-actualisation in such an environment means that students can be more actively engaged in their own learning, creating their own learning path and using available resources and opportunities. They can develop their unique gifts and make their own choices about how to organise their learning process, which contributes to a deeper education and greater satisfaction with learning. However, as noted by Chertov,(16) self-realisation requires learners to be responsible, self-disciplined, and able to define their own learning and personal goals. The transformation of the educational environment provides an opportunity for self-development and self-realisation but also requires more activity and independence in learning.(30)

The results indicate that the process of self-development of an individual should begin from the first days of studying at educational institutions. It is obvious that while studying various subjects, students not only acquire knowledge but also transform their worldview and deepen self-knowledge. This process is extremely important, as self-development helps a person become more independent, reliable, and capable of self-realisation.(4) And this happens not only through lessons and lectures. It is important to gain your own experience in various activities, even outside of studies. It can be volunteering, project work, independent research, and studies. At the same time, students should acquire knowledge about the role of self-development in any field of activity.(8,31) Understanding that self-development is a key factor for success in study, work, and personal life motivates them to actively develop this aspect of their personality.(5,32)

Researchers emphasise that an important aspect of increasing students’ motivation for self-development significantly enhances the effect of educational and cognitive activities. In addition, in the process of preparing and training students for their chosen profession, personal, activity, and dialogue approaches are necessarily used.(33) It is also extremely important to create a comfortable psychological microclimate during classes. In the scientific literature, the concept of “motivation” is interpreted as a process that gives a certain activity a special, special meaning, maintains a steady interest in it, and transforms the external goals of this activity into the internal needs of the individual.(6,8,34,35) It is important to note that regardless of the general level of intellectual development of each person, success in an activity requires positive motivation, deep interest, and desire to achieve the goals.(36) For this reason, motivation as a phenomenon plays an extremely positive role in the psychology of self-development, as it pushes students to master their chosen speciality more deeply in the learning process. At the same time, the vulnerability of this concept is that it can be difficult for students to choose the right profession, because when they start their studies, they may not know for sure how much they will enjoy their chosen profession.(33,37) When disappointment occurs, motivation to study significantly decreases, indicating the need for a complete change of educational environment or at least a break in studies.

In the Ukrainian reality, it is not easy to make such a turn in education, as students often make their choice based on the advice of their parents or other reasons that led them to choose this profession and study. It can also be difficult to refuse to continue the wrong educational trajectory because of the traditional Ukrainian society’s belief that the most important thing for career development is a university degree, not the knowledge gained during studies. Accordingly, societal paradigms and perceptions that influence the motivation and learning styles of students need to change dramatically.(38) Recent proposals and changes in Ukrainian education demonstrate trends to overcome such a worldview crisis.(39,40,41)

It is proposed to introduce the possibility of changing the speciality after the applicant enters an educational institution. In such circumstances, if students feel that the choice of a particular speciality was a mistake, they will be able to change their choice to one that better suits their interests without unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles. The motivation to study will increase, so self-development within the framework of education will also occur. Although such innovations are only projects, it is important to understand the importance of such innovations in the current context. For this reason, it is important to use a personal and interactive approach, which involves interaction, where the teacher and the student work together to develop the student as an independent subject of the educational process. The main goal of such interaction should be the development of the student in the areas of self-control, self-regulation, self-organisation, and self-management of his/her educational (theoretical and practical) activities.



Thus, during cognitive activity, the participant of the educational process becomes the main agent of his/her own self-development and self-realisation. This process involves not only active learning of educational tasks but also the identification of one’s own potential in the context of learning and the expansion of cognitive horizons. The significance of the approach to cognitive activity as a synergistic field for self-realisation points to the need for developed creativity and a system of thinking traits, including criticality, originality, independence, and problem-solving. This enables students to realise their potential at the highest level and create an individual path to self-realisation. Given the current trends in the development of education, important aspects of the self-development of a modern student are independence and activity, creativity, openness, adaptability, consideration of personal priorities and values, etc.

It is proved that a person who sets a course for his or her own development and self-improvement acts as an initiator of the process of self-development. This need for self-development is natural and capable of active growth and formation throughout life. At the same time, the process of self-development should begin from the first days of studying in educational institutions. During their studies, students not only acquire knowledge but also transform their worldview, deepen self-knowledge, and prepare themselves for further self-realisation. An important component in these processes is motivation, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities. In this context, the creation of a favourable psychological environment during study plays a key role, and motivation contributes to deeper mastery of the chosen speciality and success in learning and cognitive activity.



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The authors did not receive financing for the development of this research.



The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.



Conceptualization: Alina Parasiei Hocher, Maksym Hryshchenko.

Data curation: Nina Stelmah, Larisa Rodchenko.

Formal analysis: Vsevolod Zelenin, Larisa Rodchenko.

Research: Alina Parasiei Hocher, Nina Stelmah.

Methodology: Maksym Hryshchenko, Vsevolod Zelenin.

Project management: Alina Parasiei Hocher.

Software: Vsevolod Zelenin.

Supervision: Larisa Rodchenko.

Validation: Nina Stelmah, Maksym Hryshchenko.

Display: Vsevolod Zelenin.

Drafting - original draft: Alina Parasiei Hocher, Larisa Rodchenko.

Writing - proofreading and editing: Maksym Hryshchenko, Nina Stelmah.