The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning with Multimedia for Improving Scientific Process Skills




Problem Based Learning, science process skills, elementary school


Introduction: Learning problems in the subject of energy and its changes where there are still students who have difficulty understanding it and lack of science process skills. Learning with a scientific process is needed to solve problems and produce a product in the form of a concept. One of them is by implementing the Problem Based Learning learning model. This research aims to determine the improvement in science process skills students in Indonesian elementary school in the 2023/2024 academic year. Participants were a classroom teacher and 23 students, consisting of 13 male and 10 female students.
Methods: The data used are qualitative and quantitative data. This study uses a classroom action research method. Data collection techniques use observation and interviews. Data validity uses triangulation of sources and techniques. This study was conducted in three cycles with five meetings. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out using three stages consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
Results: The results showed an increase in science process skills in the natural and social science subject among students when the Problem Based Learning model with multimedia was implemented. The average percentage of science process skill indicators in cycle I was 71.52%, cycle II = 82.89%, and cycle III = 89.79%.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning model with multimedia can improve 4th-grade students’ scientific processing skills skills in the natural and social science subject in the 2023/2024 academic year


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How to Cite

Ngatman N, Salimi M, Ulfiana U, Hidayah R, Wahyudi ABE, Wahyono W, et al. The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning with Multimedia for Improving Scientific Process Skills. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];4:1247. Available from: