Application of ARIMA model and deep learning in forecasting stock price in Vietnam




Deep learning, Stock price, Vietnam, LSTM


Introduction: Time series forecasting is essential in production, business, and policy-making. In Vietnam, statistical models have been used to forecast time series, such as foreign investment and consumer price index. However, only some studies have used deep learning models in predicting economic variables. The study aims to application of ARIMA model and deep learning in forecasting stock price in Vietnam
Methods: This article aims to review and evaluate the predictive ability of the ARIMA and deep learning models when forecasting the prices of the five stocks with the largest capitalization from January 2018 to April 2023. 
Results: The deep learning model's prediction results show that the deviation rate between the actual and predicted values is 3.3%. 
Conclusions: Businesses and stakeholders should increase the use of technology and artificial intelligence for forecasting to support decision-making


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How to Cite

Thanh Loan NT, Ngoc Hung D, Thuy Van VT. Application of ARIMA model and deep learning in forecasting stock price in Vietnam. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];4:1320. Available from: