Exploring the Role of Teaching Leadership in Enhancing Deep Learning Among Chinese Vocational Students: Mediating Effects of Academic Self-Efficacy and Teacher-Student Interaction in Blended Learnin
blended learning environment, perceived teaching leadership, academic self-efficacy, teacher-student interaction, deep learningAbstract
Introduction: This study investigates the relationship between perceived teaching leadership and deep learning within a blended learning environment among vocational students in Zhejiang Province, China.
Objectives: The primary aim is to examine how academic self-efficacy and teacher-student interaction mediate the relationship between perceived teaching leadership and deep learning.
Methods: Utilizing convenience sampling, the study collected data through 1129 valid online questionnaires from vocational students in Zhejiang Province.
Results: Findings reveal that academic self-efficacy significantly mediates the relationship between perceived teaching leadership and deep learning. Furthermore, teacher-student interaction also functions as a mediator in this dynamic. Notably, a chain mediation effect involving both academic self-efficacy and teacher-student interaction is evident.
Conclusions: The results underscore the crucial role of perceived teaching leadership in enhancing deep learning among vocational students. Importantly, the study highlights the mediating effects of academic self-efficacy and teacher-student interaction, providing valuable insights for improving practices in vocational education .
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