Analysis of the management of segment 1 of cooperatives in the Cayambe canton and its regulations in the case of Ecuador
Competitiveness, Analysis, Cooperatives, Research, Canton Cayambe, Segment 1Abstract
A comprehensive study was conducted on the Savings and Credit Cooperatives of segment 1 in the Cayambe Canton, Pichincha province. The objective of the study was to evaluate the competitiveness of these cooperatives through a detailed analysis of their financial information for the year 2023. The research was theoretically based and proposed strategies that could improve the financial services offered to its members.
The methodology used included a financial analysis that examined key indicators, such as profitability, non-performing assets, total portfolio delinquency and liquidity, as well as an operational and global analysis of the figures for the third quarter of 2023.
Data collection was carried out through surveys directed at the members of the Savings and Credit Cooperatives of segment 1 in the Cayambe Canton, complemented by interviews with representatives of the San Francisco Savings and Credit Cooperative and the Erco Savings and Credit Cooperative. These methods allowed for a more in-depth analysis of the competitiveness of these cooperatives.
It was concluded that, in order to maintain a competitive advantage in a constantly evolving market, Savings and Credit Cooperatives in segment 1 in the Cayambe Canton must diversify their financial services offering, going beyond traditional savings and loans, and incorporating products such as insurance, investments and financial advice
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Copyright (c) 2025 Roberto Isaac Costales Montenegro , Francis Jacqueline Brito Martinez, Carmen Raquel Erazo Matute, Avalos Pañafiel Victor Gabriel (Author)
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