Strategies for developing hard skills in higher education students through innovative pedagogical technologies in realistic professional environments




Innovative Educational Tools, Integration Processes, Hard Skills, Digitalisation, Professional Competence, Pedagogical Technologies


Introduction: the global emphasis on developing hard skills, essential for professional competence in digital optimization, has led to a focus on practical skills like foreign language proficiency, programming, and data analysis. These skills, acquired through education or experience, are crucial across various professions, especially in the digital era, where innovative pedagogical methods are key.
Objectives: this study aims to analyze the impact of innovative pedagogical technologies on developing hard skills, particularly foreign language competence, in higher education students, simulating real-world professional environments.
Methods: the study employs a range of general scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, formalization, and generalization. These methods help identify and describe the development of hard skills and digital competence, focusing on innovative pedagogical strategies.
Results: the findings highlight a structural-functional model for professional training in the digital labor market, emphasizing interdisciplinary integration, professional training alignment with market needs, and the use of innovative technologies. Key skills identified include financial management, software development, and foreign language proficiency, essential for making informed managerial decisions in a globalized world.
Conclusions: the integration of innovative pedagogical methods, such as incidental learning and argumentation, enhances the development of hard skills, particularly English language competence. The study underscores the importance of creating learning environments that closely mirror professional conditions, thereby improving the quality of education and preparing students for the demands of the modern labor market. Future research should focus on refining digital tools and methodologies to further enhance language skills and overall hard skill development


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How to Cite

Vieilandie L, Soloveichuk O, Petryk L, Kosharna N, Dzhurylo A. Strategies for developing hard skills in higher education students through innovative pedagogical technologies in realistic professional environments. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 3 [cited 2024 Dec. 2];3:1147. Available from: