Vol. 3 (2024): Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias

					View Vol. 3 (2024): Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias
Published: 2024-01-01


  • Fort-Trust: Safeguarding online transaction by machine learning

    Suresh Subramanian (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241026
  • The Influence of principals' Instructional Leadership on teachers' Professional Learning Community: the mediating role of school climate

    Shihui Hua , Azlin Norhaini Mansor, Khairul Azhar Bin Jamaludin, Xin Chen (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1373
  • Abood MY, Aljanabi KR, Sayl K. Using GIS Tools for the Prediction of Bearing Capacity of shallow footing (qu)and Undrained Shear Strength (Su) values for Falluja City's Soils. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias.

    Maria Y. Abood, Khalid R. Aljanabi, Khamis Sayl (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024843
  • The influence of regional online media on public opinion formation under martial law in Ukraine

    Olga Mitchuk, Natalya Kharkevych, Andrii Horbenko, Tetiana Slotiuk, Anzhelika Bondarchuk (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1384
  • Beyond the Conventional. Value Proposition and Sustainable Innovation in the Transformation of the Mango Epidermis and Kernel for ASAGRAT

    Luis Alberto Rojas Farfán, Martha García López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024347
  • The effect of education with case-based scenario simulation on interns' proficiency in cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Xinyuan Wang, Yufeng Wu, Xiabing Huang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241032
  • A Cultural Perspective: Using Chinese Auspicious Patterns to Improve Logo DesignUna perspectiva Cultural: el uso de patrones auspiciosos chinos para mejorar el diseño del Logo

    Mengze Yuan, Surendheran Kaliyaperumal (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1361
  • Maximal oxygen uptake and cardiovascular adaptation to handball game specific endurance circuit training in handball players

    S. Rameshkannan, B. Chittibabu (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024882
  • An Empirical analysis of the effect of user behavior based on marketing sustainable fashion

    Beeraka Chalapathi, Dr.G. Rajini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024883
  • Prevalence and symptomatology of musculoskeletal disorders in dentists with a focus on ergonomics and self-care

    Yaima Rodríguez Cuellar, Jorge Ricardo Rodríguez Espinosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.928
  • Managerial  Accounting  and  Fintech in  Listed Telecommunication Enterprises

    Hoang Dinh Huong (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1419
  • Faculty perception on digital transformation in education sector during pandemic

    P. Sujendra Swami , T. Hareesh Kumar , Y. Jahangir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024884
  • A study on the factors influencing sustainable social media consumption among Generation Z through sustainability, ease of use, trust, social influence, and subscription convenience concerning YouTube Streaming

    Rashmi Mishra , Deepika Varshney , Fredrick Kayusi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1395
  • Millennial consumer’s stance toward sustainable fashion apparel

    Beeraka Chalapathi, Dr.G. Rajini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024885
  • Environmental Impact of Petroleum Refinery Effluent on Groundwater Pollution: A Case Study of Maysan Refinery, Iraq

    Abdul Razzaq M. Khalefah, Isam I. Omran, Maki J. M. Al-Waily (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024844
  • Analysis of financial management and its impact on the budget execution of the decentralized autonomous municipal government of the Canton Colta, Ecuador case

    Roberto Isaac Costales Montenegro, Ángel Bolívar Burbano Pérez, Ángel Eduardo Rodríguez Solarte, Emilio Fernando Santillán Villagomez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1396
  • Dimensions of responsible tourism and quality of life

    R.A. Dhilipan Rajha, G. Rajini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024886
  • Research on the influence of university teachers' job embeddedness on organizational commitment level

    Chen Xin, Azlin Norhaini Mansor, Salleh Bin Amat, Hua Shihui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1381
  • Digitalization of human resource management and the significance of motivation in acquiring digital skills for employee retention

    Ebnezer, G. Rajini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024887
  • Beyond weight loss: Complications and benefits of gastric bypass

    John Torres Yanez, Kevin Carrillo Lalaleo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.926
  • Environmental awareness as a transfiguring factor of the sustainable behavior of the visitor to the Lachay National Reserve

    Patricia Elena Ramos La Rosa, Ana Juliani Rodriguez Cadillo, Maria del Rosario Grados Olivera, Pedro Javier Yovera Rodríguez, Santiago Ernesto Ramos y Yovera, José Luis Ausejo Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024639
  • Role of yogic practice influence the psychological factors in the development of women sports

    N. Sundar Raj, James Zachariah, M. Vijay Amirtharaj, M. Prasanna, P. Ranjith (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024888
  • Associative field of the concept “power” in the social consciousness of young Ukrainians

    Olha Pavlushenko, Vita Sahatska, Nataliia Pavlykivska, Liudmyla Prokopchuk , Yuliia Koliadych (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241085
  • Quality of Life in Unemployed teachers of a UGEL in North Lima

    Naara Medina-Altamirano, Darwin Gutierrez-Alamo, Wilver Ticona-Larico, Cynthia López-Gómez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024548
  • Specific features of constructing the memory and identity politics in modern Kyrgyzstan

    Keneshbek Almakuchukov, Nazira Momunbaeva , Nazira Tentigul Kyzy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241086
  • Yunnan Spinning top : Local Wisdom and Knowledge Management

    Wenzhen Tian, Homhuan Buarabha, Laddawan-Indraragumhaeng, Keran Wang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1398
  • Evaluation of the proposal for the teaching of emotional integration in the career of Medicine, for the improvement of professional pedagogical performance

    Libertad Valdés Izquierdo, Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo, Alejandro Antuan Díaz Díaz, Ana Claribel Herrera Wainshtok (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024551
  • A Comparative Study on Dip Coating and Corrosion Behavior of Ti-13Zr-13Nb and Commercially Pure Titanium Alloys Coated with YSZ by Taguchi Design.

    Marwan B. Hussein, Ali M. Mustafa , Makarim H. Abdulkareem (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024847
  • Chemical bonding in the quantum and classical models

    Lahbib Abbas , Lahcen Bih , Abdessamad Mezdar, Khalid Sellam, Ilyas Jalafi , Zahra Ramzi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1399
  • Rotavirus and adenovirus in the canton of Ambato, a retrospective post-pandemic analysis

    Edison Arturo Galárraga Pérez, Lourdes Gioconda Tabares Rosero, Vicente Noriega Puga, Martha Cecilia Ramos Ramírez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024552
  • 4,5 years -old provenance/ progeny test analysis  of juglans  neotropica diels in Tunshi, Ecuador

    Raúl Ramos Veintimilla, Olman Murillo Gamboa, Rosa Castro-Gómez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1426
  • Analysis of Cyber-psychological Protection Programs in the Education System: Role, Limitations and Prospects

    Svitlana Khadzhyradieva , Marianna Todorova, Sergii Staikutsa , Liudmyla Tsybukh, Alla Lukіianchuk (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.648
  • Neurolinguistic channels: an important tool in the teaching-learning process in the Clinical Propedeutics and Medical Semiology course

    Libertad E. Valdés Izquierdo, Ana Claribel Herrera Wainshtok, Lisbel Garzón Cutiño, Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024555
  • E-VTOL Aircraft Assembling and Programming Using the Mission Planner Program

    Zahraa Fadhil Ajaj, Ahmed Hameed Reja, Ahmed Adnan Shandookh (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024846
  • Primary care medical brigades in the Parish of San Mateo in the province of Esmeraldas: a strategy for corporate social responsibility

    Yajaira Marilin Rueda Castillo, Evelin Alexandra Zúñiga Sosa, Elena Johanna Pérez Laborde (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024556
  • Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Whey Protein-Derived Inhibitors for Low Carbon and Dead Mild Steels in1M Hydrochloric Acid

    Hawraa W. Abd Muslim, Ali Mundher Mustafa, Firas Farhan Sayyid (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024849
  • Environmental risks at the Pucusana Artisanal Fishing Landing Site (Desembarcadero Pesquero Artesanal - DPA), 2005-2012 period

    Miguel Oswaldo Delgado García, Diana Lorena Cárdenas Ortíz, Rubén Darío Miranda Hilares, Rubén Darío Miranda Cabrera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024557
  • Electrochemical Sensors based on Conductive Polymers Incorporate of Nano Material for the Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

    Malak Wad, Asra A. Hussein , Mohammed H. Almaamori (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024850
  • Microorganisms in water for daily consumption on Luis Vargas Torres Island in the city of Esmeraldas

    Chila García Karen Carolina, Zúñiga Sosa Evelin Alexandra, Piguave Reyes José Manuel (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024558
  • The Durability of Concrete Mortars with Different Mineral Additives Exposed to Sulfate Attack

    Shereen Jalil Saif Allah (Translator); Muayad Mohammed Kassim, Ghazwan Abdulsamad Salman (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024851
  • Resilience in adolescent schoolchildren in a public school in Lima

    Naara Medina-Altamirano, Monica Quispe-Solano, Wilver Ticona-Larico, Darwin Gutierrez-Alamo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024559
  • ANOVA statistical analysis for determining the optimum contain of waste powders in concrete

    Sheelan Mahmoud Hama, Husam K. K. Al-Ani, Ibrahim H Alfahdawi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024852
  • Hygienic-sanitary practices: contaminating factors of water reservoirs in the "Pianguapi" sector, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

    Karen Carolina Chila García, Yajaira Marilin Rueda Castillo, Evelin Alexandra Zúñiga Sosa, José Manuel Piguave Reyes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024560
  • Evaluating and Analyzing The Transposition Factor In Al- Musayyib Technical College to Setting The Optimal Tilt Angle for Fixed And Seasonal Orientation

    Bushra Majed Hameed Jaseem, Muhammed Salah Sadiq Al-Kafaji, Ahmed T Abdulsadda (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024853
  • Stress Level in Education professionals from an educational institution in North Lima

    Darwin Gutierrez-Alamo, Wilver Ticona-Larico, Naara Medina-Altamirano, Cynthia López-Gómez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024561
  • Review of Behavior Flexural Strengthened RC Beams Using Ultra-High Performance Concrete

    Hasan M. Abbas, Majid M.A. Kadhim (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024854
  • Simulation and Experimental Approach for Metal Forming with a Multi-Point Die

    Alyaa Al-Ghuraibawi, Aseel Hamad Abed, Khalida Kadhim Mansor (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024855
  • Professional Management Competence of Chinese Hospital Executives: An Analysis

    Yang Xia, Zheng Ying, Mudiarasan Kuppusamy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024592
  • The Use of Feature Technology in Selecting Cutting Tools and Generating Tool Paths

    Weam A. Al-khaleeli, Mohanned M. H. AL-Khafaji, Mazin Al-wswasi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024856
  • Pressure and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance

    Yang Xia, Zheng Ying, Mudiarasan Kuppusamy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024596
  • Sustainable use of recycled glass powder-based geopolymer of organic soil stabilization

    Khalaf Y. Khalaf, Khalid R . Mahmood (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024857
  • Psychological novel in children’s literature

    Vesel Islami (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241089
  • Artificial and Deceitful Faces Detection Using Machine Learning

    Balusamy Nachiappan, N Rajkumar, C Viji, A Mohanraj (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024611
  • Americanisation: The deterioration of British English

    Przemyslaw Kanecki (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241090
  • Analysis of poverty as a factor in the dropout rate of university students in Mexico City from 2000 to 2022

    Francisco Candelario Navarrete, Rita Ávila Romero, Bernardo Gerardo Juárez Olascoaga (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024738
  • Flow Patterns Modeling over Spillway: Review Study

    Humam Khalid Ibrahim, Ammar Hatem Kamel (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024858
  • The Business Paradox: Exploring the interaction between the Business Clock and the Sustainable Development Goals through an ethical, sustainable and well-being prism

    Víctor Mercader, Mary Luz Ordoñez Santos, José Luis Mercader (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024739
  • Automatic Machining Setup via Deep Learning and Image Processing

    Weam A. Al-khaleeli, Mohanned M. H. AL-Khafaji, Mazin Al-wswasi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024859
  • Transformación de frases y sus destrucciones

    Sarvınoz Sayfullaevna Kasımova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024740
  • A Novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to Provide Green Energy for Coastal Area

    B. Sriman , Annie Silviya S H , Nithya Sampath , A. Beneta Mary , R. Vanitha Mani , P Jayalakshmi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024615
  • Multi Responses Optimization of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) Parameters of Tool Steel Using Grey Relation Analysis

    Huda Anwar, Dr.Saad K. Shather, Dr. Waqass S. Khudhir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024861
  • Enhancing Public Safety: A Real-time Social Distance Monitoring with Computer Vision and Deep Learning

    Sivakumar Karuppan, Krishnaprasath V T, Pradeep V, Sruthi S Madhavan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024616
  • Impact of Increasing Albedo on Choosing the Optimal Tilt Angle to Optimize PV Systems : Case Study

    Mohsin Ali Diwan, Muhammed Salah Sadiq Al-Kafaji, Ahmed H. Duhis (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024863
  • Smart Commodities Public Distribution System using IoT

    N. Murali, S. Palani Murugan , K. Sivakumar, Manojkumar Vivekanandan , Mishmala Sushith, S.Manikandan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024624
  • The phenomenon of film production: Literary and artistic projects of the XX-XXI centuries

    Inna Kocharian , Olena Onishchenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241091
  • Dynamics of identity as a component favoring the generational replacement of vegetable fiber craftswomen in the district of Végueta

    Patricia Elena Ramos La Rosa, Ana Juliani Rodriguez-Cadillo, José Luis Ausejo-Sánchez, Santiago Ernesto Ramos y Yovera, Flor de María Lioo-Jordan, Félix Gil Caro-Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024744
  • Developing a Novel Cold Bitumen Emulsion Mixes by Adding Geopolymer

    Ahmed Mahdi Ibrahim, Taher M. Ahmed, Thamir Y. Ahmed (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024864
  • The innovative technology of triboelectric nanogenerators for intelligent sports

    P. Ramesh (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024889
  • Genre and style models of contemporary Ukrainian vocal and choral music

    Zoryana Lastovetska Solanska, Iryna Bermes, Myroslava Zhyshkovych , Maryana Ferendovych, Solomiya Pryymak (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241092
  • An umbrella view on food habits in the context of health and sustainability for sports persons

    D. Gunaseelan, G. Rajesh Kumar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024890
  • A Comprehensive Investigation of Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) Motors: Current State, Advanced Control Strategies, and Utilization Systems

    Suhair Akram, Mohanned Aljanabi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024865
  • Open innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: subject mapping by bibliographic coupling

    Laura Alejandra Almanza Ríos, Rubén Oliver Espinoza, Hortensia Gómez Viquez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024630
  • Research On Cultivating the Employment Concept of College Students with The Great Spirit of Building the Party - Based on A Data-Driven Approach

    Hong Xiang, Zhengrong Deng, Xiaoju Dai , Anrong Wang , Wenxi Tan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241093
  • Assessment of digital competencies in basic education teachers: A descriptive study

    Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz , Guido Raúl Larico-Uchamaco , Franklin Jara-Rodríguez , Ronald Pachacutec-Quispicho (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024632
  • Dielectric Properties of Three Perovskite Oxides Included in Three Types of Polymer Composites

    Lamees S. Faeq, Saad B. H. Farid, Fadhil A. Hashim (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024866
  • Literature review on prevention to reduce obstetric and perinatal challenges in adolescent pregnancies

    Deysi Viviana Bonilla Ledesma, Cintya Alejandra Pomasqui Pomasqui, Álvaro Javier Abril Saltos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024745
  • Design and Analysis of a Microstrip Antenna for Superior 5G Communication Performance

    Sahar K. Hassan , Zaid M. Khudair (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024867
  • Employee’s personal characteristics and their perception on employee engagement: A study on hotel employees

    D. Gunaseelan, George Thomas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024891
  • Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Coefficient of Friction on the Formability Behaviour of Aluminium AA1060 in the Stretch-Forming Process

    Ali Hussein Habeeb, Aseel Hamad Abed, Abdullah Hamad Singal (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024868
  • Implication of industrial exposure training (IET) in career outlook of hotel management students

    D. Gunaseelan , Seby P Mathews , G. Nandhika (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024892
  • Eliminating Inrush Current in Transformers using a Residual Flux Control Algorithm

    Hussein A. Taha, Ruaa aboalhawa, Muhammad Al Badri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024869
  • Sustainable Concrete Pavement Incorporating RAP and Fly Ash with Self-Sensing Properties

    Mohammed Refat, Ali M. Al-Dahawi, Husam Hikmat Baqir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024870
  • Investigating the influence of internal corporate social responsibility (ICSR) on work commitment and performance of employees of automobile companies in Chennai

    K.P. Indhuja, M. Chandran (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024893
  • Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Trend Prediction of The Digital Currency Market

    Suxia Sun, Yiyang Qin (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241094
  • Internationalization of the curriculum: Connectivism approach supported by relational leadership. A case study

    María Cruz Cuevas Álvarez, Marcos Pérez Mendoza, Perla del Rocío Rojas León, Carlos David Zetina Pérez, Hilda Ofelia Eslava Gómez, Jeniffer Yajabibe Maldonado Guillén (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024634
  • Situational teaching of emergency language curriculum constructs

    An Zhu , Peng-Fei Chen (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241095
  • Evaluating the quality of website design aspects and its effect on functional perspectives using Smart-PLS in Web-based apparel shopping environment

    P. Krithika, S. Vasantha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024894
  • An analysis on the factors of teachers' influence on the musical creativity of college students in Zhejiang University Music Association

    Hu Yingmin, Jiang Man (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241096
  • Mexican social vulnerability as a sociological fact

    Miguel Ángel Vite Pérez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024635
  • Influence of Tilt Angle on PV Output for Solar Energy Optimization in Iraq

    Zahraa Ibrahim, Mohanned Aljanabi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024871
  • Reimaging maritime education and training using latest technologies

    N. Kumar, G. Rajini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024895
  • Work-life enrichment among college educators

    Sasikumar G M , Sujatha S (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241127
  • Is artificial intelligence really influencing the marketing strategies and consumer behaviour?

    R.S. Latha, M. Chandran (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024896
  • Learning tree to guarantee access to and use of interactive education, training and integral formation programs in Amazonian, rural and insular areas of Ecuador

    Oscar José Alejo Machado , Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241139
  • Regional Educational Policies and Critical Interculturality in Rural Areas of the Province of Abancay - Apurímac, 2023

    Ernestina Choccata-Cruz, Rosa Villanueva-Figueroa, Veronica Galvez-Aurazo, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz, Elder Miranda-Aburto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024637
  • The utilization of chlorophyll and micro-lead in bio-silicon as a foundation for shielding against X-ray radiation in the medical field

    Ahmed Ehsan Jassem, Mohamed Hamzah Al-Maamori, Ahmed Fadhil Hamzah (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024872
  • Fostering employee engagement and knowledge sharing through artificial intelligence

    S. Anisha Estherita, S. Vasantha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024897
  • Cultural Experience and Employee Indifference: Burnout as a Mediator among IT Professionals

    Merlin B Joseph, F J Peter Kumar, G T Thiru Arooran, A G Sudha, Neethu Jose (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241148
  • Cytoprotection of Cecropia obtusifolia Bertol (Cecropiaceae) extract on the normal adherent cell line of human fibroblasts Hs68

    Edelia Claudina Villarreal-Ibarra, Catalina Rivas-Morales, Catalina Leos-Rivas, Benigno Rivera Hernández, Damianys Almenares López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024754
  • Synthesis of PVA Nanofibers to Enhance the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of PMMA Matrix for Denture Base Applications

    Elaf J. Mohamed , Hanaa J. Kadhim, Masar N . Obaid (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024873
  • Utilizing Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Predicting Crypto-currency Trends

    Ahmed El Youssefi, Abdelaaziz Hessane, Imad Zeroual, Yousef Farhaoui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024638
  • Location based Access Privileges and Controlling the Clustering in Sustainable 5G Challenges

    R. Manivannan, S. Manikandan, R. Vadivel, S. Sophana Jennifer (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024402
  • The Effect of Using River Water Magnetization on Corn Yield and the Properties of Irrigation Water and Soil

    Alaa Imad Hameed, Dr. Nadira Abbas Mohammad (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024874
  • Stack sort: a new approach with sorting network and a buffer

    S. Muthusundari, V. Devi , S. Sharath Kumar , D. Sudhish Reddy , Kannedari Uday Kiran , Pulimi Hanith Sai Kumar Reddy , Gosani Bhanu Sai Priya , Katragunta Yagna Priya (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024898
  • Exploring the influence of sensory brand recognition on brand loyalty within the quick service restaurant industry: an analysis of branded food retailers in Kerala

    Rajmohan Kadavil, M. Usha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024899
  • Exploring Strategies for Revitalizing the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Morocco’s Three Most Significant Regions

    Imad El Ghmari , Omar El Ghmari , Oukassi Mustapha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241017
  • Examining burnout and stress among healthcare professionals during and post COVID-19 lockdown: A comparative analysis

    Priya Sethuraman , Arasuraja Ganesan , Satish Radhakrishnan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024900
  • Investigation of Flow Hydraulic Gradient Through Self-Spillway Dams

    Abdullah Ahmed Shekho, Dheyaa Ghanim Abdulrazzaq, Mohammad Akram Saadi AL-DABBAGH (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024875
  • Pedagogical Management: The Key to Enhancing Academic Performance and Educational Quality

    Rebeca Pablo-Huamani, Wilder García-Vázquez, Ruth Karina Alejandro-Bustamante, Cecilia Patricia Sánchez-Llontop, Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024640
  • Wireless Digital Smart Energy Meter Based on GSM/SMS Technology

    Thaer J. Al-khafaji, Muhammed Salah Sadiq Al-kafaji, Bashar J Hamza, Ahmed H. Duhis (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024876
  • Silent sufferers: long-term impact on physical and mental health of child sexual abuse survivors

    P. Padmapriya, M. Alagesan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024901
  • Influence of yoga practices on balance and co-ordination among pubertal tribal students

    K. Sobha, P. Nandhini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024877
  • Operational excellence (OpEx) through entrepreneur’s strategic business decision making and emotional contagion in the service industry

    Marirajan Murugan, Marirajan Murugan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024902
  • Pressure and its impact on job satisfaction and organizational performance

    Yang Xia, Zheng Ying, Mudiarasan Kuppusamy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024878
  • Neuromarketing and consumer behavior of the company Alimentos Procesados Agrícolas S.A.C., in Los Olivos 2022

    Adrian Padilla-Cancho, Gibson Quispe-Minaya, Brian Meneses-Claudio , Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024642
  • The managerial skills in the game of roll ball: an indigenous game of India

    Dr. Senthil K Nathan, Dr.A. Sumathi, Tharun S Raaghav (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024879
  • Influence of Innovation on the Business Competitiveness of SMEs in Urbanization Panamericana Norte, Los Olivos 2022

    Paul Ríos-Jimenes , Brenda Solis-Briceño, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024643
  • Effect of Therapeutic Exercise on Symptomatic Cervical Spondylosis: A Case Study

    Maibam Nodiyachand, Khadangbam Mukta (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024880
  • Review of the VIII institutional conference of the Bachelor of Nursing degree at the University of Buenos Aires: History and innovation

    Irene Amelia Simeoni, Adriana Noelia Cari, Ruth Noemí Torres, Alejandra Beatriz Senrra, José Nolberto Luna, María Gromatovich, María Celeste Albarracín, Stella Marís Burzoni, Natalia Torres, Mónica Pettenazza, Ana Verónica Guerra Cebria, Mariana Florencia Holovatuck, Guillermo David López, Rossana Fabio Armoa, Mónica Liliana Rodríguez, Maria de los Ángeles Santini, Teresa Gómez, Carlos Oscar Lepez, Noelia Noemí Palacios, Rubén Alberto Gómez Turchiaro, María Adriana Betancourt, Laura Mabel Bruno, Mónica Alicia De Nazzari, Martha Beatriz Barboza, Irma Martínez, Héctor Hildebrant, Iris Fabiola Firpo, María Cristina Hamed, Anabel Lértora Conti, Norma Leiva, Reneé Ismael Salas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024755
  • Navigating career satisfaction and employee well-being: a study of indian railway employees in the south central railway division

    Ashok Kumar Katta, A. Jayanthiladevi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024881
  • From a wealth management career to employee career success satisfaction: exploring the mediating role of job competency

    Benil Dani Alexander, S. Vasantha, M. Thaiyalnayaki (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024903
  • The Impact of Brand Awareness on Higher Education Institution Revenues: A Case Study of Vietnamese Universities

    Duc Phan Minh, Chinh Vu Mai (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241037
  • Financial distress analysis for the prediction of corporate bankruptcy – a case study of a public sector company in India

    A.V. Rejimon, Dr.M. Usha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024904
  • Prioritized sectors in the initial government response to face COVID-19. A systematic review.

    Luis Enrique Aguilar-Janto, Roxana Janet Quiroz-Valenzuela, Lizbeth Carolina Mendoza-Barrientos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1144
  • Effect of kettle bells and battle rope training on grip strength and body composition among university volleyball players

    A.H. Radhika, T. Shanmugavalli (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024905
  • Crop recommendation system and pest classification using weighted support vector machine on climate data

    S. Kiruthika1, Dr.D.Karthika (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024757
  • Transversal integration methodology for the development of productive didacticprojects in technical education

    Marjorie Juvitza Noteno Coquinche, Paul Fernando Once Viri, Eugenio Vicente Ordoñez Chalan, Beatriz Lourdes Alvarado León, Ramón Guzmán Hernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1153
  • Professional management competence of chinese hospital executives: an analysis

    Yang Xia, Zheng Ying, Mudiarasan Kuppusamy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024906
  • Problems of Children with Working Mothers in Wasit Governorate and How to Reduce Them

    Souad Abdullah Dawod, Noor Faisal Adnan, Ghaniya Hassan Tarad (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1149
  • Customer satisfaction in retail services: a study with reference to Kottayam district in Kerala

    Seethu John , M. Thaiyalnayaki (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024907
  • A Pragmatic Analysis of Wish Strategies Used by Iraqi EFL Learners

    Abdullah Najim Abd Aliwie (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1151
  • Effectiveness of hybrid workplace and its sustainable impact of determinants of organizational commitment among it companies

    B. Vidya Sri, S. Vasantha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024908
  • Effect of Friction Stir Processing Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AA6061-T6: Experimental and Statistical Study

    Khaldoon K. Jlood, Muna K. Abbass, Mahdi M. Hanoon (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024862
  • eHyPRETo: Enhanced Hybrid Pre-Trained and Transfer Learning-based Contextual Relation Classification Model

    Jeyakodi G, Sarojini B, Shanthi Bala P (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024758
  • Investigating the role of knowledge management on the relationship between integration management, risk factors, and performance management of construction projects: a case of UAE

    Rawan Abudaqqa, Hasnida Ab-Samat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1160
  • Influence of reference groups of brand connectivity of consumers

    N. Vimaladhevi , M. Thaiyalnayaki (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024909
  • Trends and Outcomes of Traditional Medicine Treatments for Arterial Hypertension and Rheumatic Diseases in Mongolia (2021-2023)

    Li Li, Chimedragchaa. Ch, Tsend-Ayush .D, Dorjibat.S, Nansalmaa M, Terigen (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.985
  • An Efficient Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Student Academic Performance

    M. Viveka, Dr. N.Shanmuga Priya (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024759
  • Ensemble classification based hybrid dual-channel convolution neural network (dccnn) with enhanced manta ray foraging optimization (emrfo) algorithm for cyber security malware threats detection

    P.Vijayalakshmi, Dr. D. Karthika (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024760
  • Motivation Toward Volunteerism in Flood Disaster Relief

    Nur Hafizah Md Akhir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1040
  • Entropy pelican optimization algorithm (epoa) based feature selection and deep autoencoder (dae) of heart failure status prediction

    Ms. T. Sangeetha, Dr. K. Manikandan, Dr. D. Victor Arokia Doss (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024761
  • Optimized design and research of direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous motor for hydra pulper

    Fengmei Shen, Celso Bation Co, Rowell M. Hernandez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1019
  • A trustable real estate transaction based on public blockchain: a smart contract-driven framework

    R.Akila, Brindha Merin, Subhashini, Niyati Behera, Febin Varghese, Jeswanth.V (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024763
  • Pedagogic Competence of Lecturers with Non-Educational Backgrounds in the Challenges of 21st Century Learning

    Viviana Mayasari, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti, Daryono (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.996
  • Assessing the effectiveness of social marketing strategies in regulating exploitative buying behaviour in bangalore's urban sector

    A. Suriya Kumari, S. Mani, A. Arumugam (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024910
  • Overcoming challenges: the solidarity economy as a response to women's unpaid work in Ecuador

    Gabriela Cecilia Quirola Quizhpi, Fernando Ricardo Márquez Sañay, Katherine Elizabeth Sandoval Escobar, Roberto Isaac Costales Montenegro (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241080
  • Gothic imagination: mapping the cultural memory and remembrance of the epidemic plague

    Ramya B, Dr Poonam (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024911
  • Enhancing competitive advantage through digital innovation and organisational culture in the logistics sector

    Viktoriia Karp, Iaroslav Burko, Iryna Murenets, Volodymyr Polynyak, Ihor Krysovatyy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1165
  • Analyzing the impact of brand resonance on consumer purchase intentions for fast moving consumer goods: an empirical study

    R. Chakkaravarthy Kumaresan, Dr.S. Chandramohan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024912
  • Exploration of Digital Transformation Paths of Different Enterprises Based on Federal Learning from the Perspective of Business Model

    Yalin Gong (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1150
  • A Systematic review of the association between emotional intelligence and suicidal ideation in the english and chinese literature

    Xiaochang Zhou, Aqeel Khan, Ibnatul Jalilah Yusof (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024913
  • Managing tourism development: deploying successful strategies and techniques

    Oleksii Albeshchenko, Olha Pryhara, Inha Krupenna, Iryna Budnikevich, Olena Shevchenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1135
  • Investigation The Effect of Tellurium Addition on Corrosion Resistance of Ti6Al4V alloy

    Dr. Haydar H.J. Jamal Al-Deen, Basmal H. Abdul Amir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024914
  • Utilising artificial intelligence in education: current trends, challenges, and future directions

    Nataliia Tymoshenko, Galyna Gordiichuk, Zhanna Davydova, Pavlo Sirenko, Yevhen Dorozhko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1134
  • Taekwondo competition marketization development strategy based on SWOT-AHP model

    Heming Liu , Fugao Jiang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024917
  • The Protective Effect of on The Reproductive System and Some Visceral Organs (Liver, Spleen) Tissues of Female Rats Exposed to High Dose of Zinc Sulphate in Drinking Water

    Zainab Qassim Mohammed Hilo, Wafia Shaker Abdul Hussein, Dalal Abdel-Hussein Kadhim AL–Essawi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1133
  • A survey on the ecological niche characteristics of mosquitoes in mountainous populated areas in Southwest China: a case study of the Lancang River Basin in Western Yunnan Province

    Hanyang Xue (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024918
  • The effects of professional identity on retention intention of international Chinese language teachers in Guizhou colleges and universities: The chain mediating role of job satisfaction and career commitmen

    Zudan Wu, Jianping Fu (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024989
  • Research on the influence of consumer Perceived Value on the purchase of new energy vehicles

    Xiaofang Hu, Raja Nerina Raja Yusof, Zuraina Dato Mansor (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024921
  • Experiences of Senior High School Mathematics Teachers in Out-of-field Teaching

    Henry Alwayne Rebato Mercado, Lydia Moraleta Morante (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241125
  • Strategic decisions in research: A web-based project management system

    Johnny Alexander Guilcaso Cuchipe , Wilper David Zapata Caiza , Johnny Xavier Bajaña Zajia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024922
  • Regulation of e-commerce in a globalising world: challenges and opportunities

    Vitalii Volynets, Georgii Zhelef, Viktoriia Adamyk, Оleksander Yurchenko, Maiia Kramchaninova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241140
  • Digital transformation in public administration: Evaluating the adoption and impact of technological innovations in government operations

    Tamara Ivanova, Alla Kozhyna, Anzhela Lelechenko, Tetiana Derun, Oleksandr Slobozhan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241142
  • University Management Information Systems: a Cross-cultural Study

    Linnan Zhu, Mohd Shahizan Bin Othman, Lizawati Binti Mi Yusuf, Xuying Sun (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241167
  • Role of business and education in the development of the national economy: world experience and ways of improvement in Ukraine

    Sergii Khrapatyi , Elvira Sydorova , Oleksii Zhamoida , Liudmyla Herman , Mykola Negrych (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024644
  • Analysis of the management quality efficiency in a perfumery company

    Abdulmuneem Mohammed Alawi , Francisco David Ramírez Betancourt , Mailé Salgado Cruz, Sonia González Silva , Yasniel Sánchez Suárez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241170
  • Service quality and customer loyalty in a movie theater chain in North Lima, 2022

    Oscar Yabar-Velarde, Yeny Irigoin-Silva, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024645
  • The evolution of accounting and auditing in the era of digital technologies: the role of cloud services and process automation

    Svitlana Matchuk, Valentyna Havrylenko, Iryna Lukanovska, Tetiana Kharkhalis, Yana Ostapenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1138
  • Proposal for the implementation of the DMAIC methodology as a tool to improve productivity in the manufacturing area of an organic chocolate company – 2022

    Elizabeth Camposano-Castillo, Roberto Mañuico-Yupanqui, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024646
  • Examining a knowledgeable experience and learning orientation about environmental sustainability among the engineering students of the UAE

    Mohammed Abudaqa, Hasnida Ab-Samat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1161
  • A Novel Autoencoder based Federated Deep Transfer Learning and Weighted k-Subspace Network clustering for Intelligent Intrusion Detection for the Internet of Things

    V. S. Lavanya, R. Anushiya (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024648
  • The Importance of Neuroeducation in the Teaching-Learning of Mathematics in Preschoolers

    Mélida Lucía López Cabrera, Carmen Elena López Maldonado, Teófilo Mesías Morocho Calle, Alba Verónica Vargas Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1029
  • An efficient fake news classification model based on ensemble deep learning techniques

    R. Uma Maheswari, N. Sudha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024649
  • Interlinkage between Integration Management, Risk Factors, and Project Management Performance in the Construction Industry of UAE

    Rawan Abudaqqa, Hasnida Ab-Samat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241162
  • An Energy-Efficient Cluster Head Selection and Secure Data Transmission in WSN using Spider Monkey Optimized Algorithm and Hybrid Cryptographic with Security

    M. Yuvaraja, S. Sureshkumar, S. Joseph James, S. Thillaikkarasi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024650
  • Economic policy adjustments amidst military conflict: strategies for sustaining economic and financial stability

    Kseniia Chichulina, Nataliia Klievtsievych, Oleksii Kharchenko, Olga Zadorozhna, Gennadii Sanchenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1137
  • Classifying alzheimer's disease from SMRI data using a hybrid deep learning approaches

    Mathews Emmanuel, J. Jabez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024651
  • A psychological approach - teaching microprocessors and microcontorllers: an innovative pedagogical approach for engineering undergraduate students

    Muthusundari Subramanian (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1027
  • Deep Learning Enabled Whale Optimization Algorithm for Accurate Prediction of RA Disease

    K. Prabavathy, M. Nalini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024652
  • Media space and the formation of civil society: the role of information technologies

    Mykola Rusyniuk, Hanna Milchevska , Yurii Perynskyi, Oleksii Panasenko, Liliia Zmii (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1141
  • Collaborative Work as a Tool for Strengthening Communication Skills in a Public School in Puerto Maldonado

    Korintia León-Quispe, Carlos Alberto Villafuerte-Alvarez, Lidia Alonzo-Yaranga, Yessenia Bernales-Guzman, Jakeline Mora-Teves, Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024777
  • Measuring Financial Well-Being in Generation Z in Indonesia

    Sandra Rosalie Siregar, Zulpahmi, Meita Larasati, Renalyn C. Enciso, Sumardi , Edi Setiawan, Arif Widodo Nugroho (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.995
  • Design of a Classifier model for Heart Disease Prediction using normalized graph model

    B. Karthiga, Sathya Selvaraj Sinnasamy, V.C. Bharathi, K. Azarudeen, Sherubha. P (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024653
  • Community resilience: the case of Asunción Ixtaltepec Oaxaca

    José Antonio Hernández Salinas , Ramsés Daniel Martínez García, Mijael Altamirano Santiago (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024654
  • Issues and Challenges Encountered By Air Traffic Controllers in the Philippines

    Zenia Uy Paciones, Jonathan E. Lobaton (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1131
  • Leadership Intervention: Strategies and Outcomes in Public Education of Tambopata

    Lidia Alonzo-Yaranga, Carlos Alberto Villafuerte-Alvarez, Jakeline Mora-Teves, Korintia León-Quispe, Yessenia Bernales-Guzman, Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024778
  • Current labor market in the EU and Ukraine: trends, problems, forecasting and solutions

    Oleg M. Yaroshenko, Hanna V. Anisimova, Andrey M. Sliusar, Ivan P. Zhygalkin, Liubov V. Kotova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1130
  • Evaluation and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy from the Perspective of People with Diabetes

    K. Babu, M.S. Roobini, S. Prabhakaran, S. Sadagopan, N. Kanimozhi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024655
  • The role of state and non-state institutions in the formation of regulatory paradigms in the international business environment

    Volodymyr Morozov , Yuriі Shulzhyk , Vitalii Svichkar , Nataliia Fastovets, Grygoriy Shamborovskyi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1126
  • Enhancing online learning quality through digital сompetencies of students

    Inna Tymchuk, Svitlana Pohorila, Vasyl Kaplinskyi, Oleksandr Popov, Natalia Derstuganova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1128
  • Active didactics in the learning processes of high school students

    Enith Granda Sánchez, Rosario Marlene Jiménez Cueva, Eldi Noemi Martínez Gaona, Amarilis Campoverde Moscol (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024780
  • Comparing Some Negative Binomial Regression with Simulation

    Zahraa AbdulAmeer Ali AL-Mosawy, Nadia Abed Habeeb (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1127
  • Examining IoT in the Angle of Security with Counter measures – A Study

    R. Parameswari, D. Raj Balaji (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1117
  • Design strategies for aging adaptation design of public spaces under the community elderly care model

    Meng Sun (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024785
  • Improved Cuckoo Search Optimization And Transductive Support Vector Machine Algorithm For E-Learning Recommendation System

    D.Poornima, D. Karthika (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1118
  • Exploring attitude toward scientific research among Peruvian university students: A cross-sectional study

    Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz , Néstor Antonio Gallegos-Ramos , Yolanda Paredes-Valverde , Rosel Quispe-Herrera , Freddy Abel Rivera-Mamani (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024657
  • Radar Based Secure Contactless Fall Detection Using Hybrid Optimizer with Convolution Neural Network

    Nester Jeyakumar M, Jasmine Samraj, Bennet Rajesh M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1119
  • Early post-mastectomy upper limb kinesiotherapy plan

    María Alexandra Vaca Sánchez, Mayra Daniela Jurado Mogollón, Belén Isabel Ramos Robalino, Raúl Alejandro torres Moreno, Marcela Alejandra Urquizo paredes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024786
  • Adolescence and Nursing, Together for the Promotion of Healthy Nutritional Habits

    Olga Mireya Alonzo Pico, Emerson Javier Muepaz Chamba, Nazate Chuga Zuly Rivel (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1116
  • Gamification and Computational Thinking in Education: A systematic literature review

    Serafeim A. Triantafyllou , Theodosios Sapounidis , Yousef Farhaoui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024659
  • Revolutionizing Kerala's Tourist Landscape: A Technological Odyssey

    Arun Prem, Velumurugan V. P (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1120
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Applied to Dairy Factory Workers with Low Back Pain

    Cemira Michelle Pérez Castro, María Alexandra Vaca Sánchez, Silvia del Carmen García Yance, Diana Estefanía Barrionuevo Yugsi, Ronnie Fernando Uvidia Miranda (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024787
  • Innovate To Elevate: The Role Of E-Hrm Onemployee Effectiveness In It Sector

    Anu P John, Velmurugan V.P (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1121
  • Design and Validation of Payload: Weight for a Bioinspired Inch Worm Wall Climbing Robot (IWWCR) Using Coppeliasim

    Rakesh Rajendran, Joshuva Arockia Dhanraj, Shivakumar.N, Rajanandhini.C, Saravana Kumar Uthirapathy, Hamsadhwani Vivekanandan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024660
  • The Self-Exploration Of Chetna In K.R Meera’s Hangwoman:  A Feminist Perspective

    A S Meera, R Jinu (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1122
  • Complications of Type 2 Mellitus Diabetes in the Ecuadorian Population: A Bibliographic Review

    Elizabeth Quiroga, Cristina Arteaga, Fernanda Marizande, Alberto Bustillos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024788
  • Navigating The Digital Frontier: The Transformative Influence Of Information Technologies On Kerala's Tourism Sector

    Arun Prem, Velmurugan V. P (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1123
  • Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in the canton of Arajuno, province of Pastaza, Ecuador

    Lina Neri Espinosa, Abdel Bermúdez-Del Sol, Dayana Valeria Cuyachamín Freire (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024663
  • Unlocking Language Learning Potential: Nlp Learning Styles For Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing Undergraduates

    Sherin Rahman, Jinu R (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1124
  • Systematic review MedTech, and Artificial Intelligence

    Alicia Marifernanda Zavala Calahorrano, Gustavo Del Pozo Sánchez, Karol Nicole Chaves Corral (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024789
  • Double Loop Antenna Design For Smart Door Lock System Using Iot Applications

    Satyanarayana Raju K, Raju G S N, Murali M, Satyanarayana M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1125
  • The role of education in sustainable development: training for effective public administration and development of environmental and food security

    Iryna Kapelista, Iryna Shymkova, Oksana Marushchak, Vitalii Hlukhaniuk, Iryna Krasylnykova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024665
  • Neural Plasticity after Traumatic Brain Injuries. Importance of neurological rehabilitation

    Acurio Padilla Piedad Elizabeth, Latorre Barragán Fernanda, Olivia Elizabeth Altamirano Guerrero, Barragán Martínez Cristina Elizabeth (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.771
  • Exploring the Effectiveness of the 'WADI' Model for Tribal Development: A Comprehensive Analysis in the Goalpara District Special reference to -Dudhbai Block

    Nasir Uddin Sheikh, Raja Narayanan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024669
  • Heart transplant as a treatment for heart failure in some patients

    Torres Yanez John Alex, Viteri Rodriguez Paula Nicole, Regalado Montesdeoca Mateo Sebastian (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.772
  • Managing Cyber Security Costs for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

    Sahar Yass AL-Asady, Inaam Mohsin Almusawi, Karrar Abdulellah Azeez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024670
  • Evaluation of the quality of postgraduate studies in Ecuador, indicator of relevance and effectiveness

    Proaño Reyes Gladis , Molina Mayorga Edison, Espinosa Huanca Dayana, Proaño Toapanta Claudia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.773
  • Third molars and development of recurrent headaches and neck pain

    Thalía Mercedes Vásconez Astudillo, María Alexandra Vaca Sánchez, David Alexander Navarrete Telenchana, Kleber Gabriel Santos Huertas, Jessica Silvana Jami Chango (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024790
  • Prospects for the development of rural tourism in China in the context of the One Belt, One Road initiative

    Yingying Dou , Zhyldyz Dzhylkychieva , Lili Wang , Qi Yang , Zongzheng Liang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.761
  • Contents and methods of developing creative abilities of college students in educational activities

    Yuan Shuang Ma , Gulmira Karabalaeva , Gulzira Baygajanova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.762
  • Effect of focus group opinions on final film making product: Sociological and marketing aspects

    Mirela Oktrova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.763
  • Risk of musculoskeletal disorders due to forced postures in a metalworking company

    María Alejandra Álvarez Chacón, María Alexandra Vaca Sánchez, Kleber Gabriel Santos Huertas, Jessica Silvana Jami Chango, Silvia del Carmen García Yance (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024791
  • Developing a system for assessing the activities of public administration bodies in public relations

    Tetyana I. Pakhomova , Ella V. Mamontova , Mariia H. Tsedik , Larysa V. Kurnosenko , Karina Ya. Kucheriava (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.764
  • Towards a Culturally Adapted JVQ: Rasch Model Validation among Adolescents in India

    Syed Faraz Ali, Aqeel Khan, Adibah Binti Abdul Latif, Abdul Wahab Pathath, Shabnam, Sriyanto, Arieff Salleh Rosman (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024675
  • Assessment and comparison of defense sufficiency levels of some countries of the world

    Oleh Semenenko , Polina Tolok , Serhii Ostrovskyi , Volodymyr Tkachenko , Artem Remez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.765
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation in Older Adults with Arterial Hypertension

    Sofía Silvana Lascano Sánchez, María Alexandra Vaca Sánchez, Ronnie Fernando Uvidia Miranda, Carla Alexandra Latorre Haro, Diana Estefanía Barrionuevo Yugsi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024792
  • Conscious, unconscious, and subconscious: The relationship between the three levels of human mental activity and their impact on life

    Liana Spytska (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.766
  • Use of the Zebrafish Model as a tool to evaluate the anti- inflammatory and antioxidant activity of molecules. Literature Review

    Cristina Arteaga, Luis Felipe Contreras, Ruth Borja, Carolina Campoverde, Alberto Bustillos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024793
  • Principles of public administration in the modern social sphere of Ukraine

    Ihor Zvarych , Olena Zvarych (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.767
  • Analyzing the Influence of Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs on Sports Performance among College Student Athletes

    Haidong Liu, Mohamad Ibrani Shahrimin Bin Adam Assim, Azhar Bin Yaacob , Tengku Fadilah Tengku Kamalden (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024926
  • Ethical and clinical aspects of tooth whitening in adolescents

    José Arturo Molina Ramón, Paola Andrea Mena Silva, Johanna Elizabeth Fiallos Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.774
  • Management of information systems projects in virtual environments and distributed teams

    Carolina Torres-Sipión, Felix Caro-Soto, Víctor Linares-Cabrera, Paul Mallqui-Rivera, Camila Morales-Susanibar, Julio Evangelista-Azañero, Moises Solis-Pozo, Néstor Felix-Brisolesse, Franz Brito-Trujillo, Damaris Medina-Palma (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024676
  • Strategy for the development of Ukrainian communities in the post-war period

    Nataliia Shveda, Mariia Ziailyk , Liliana Dzhydzhora , Bohdana Oksentyuk , Lyubov Hats (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.768
  • Human improvement of the basic healt team in the care of cancer patients with the use of self-expanding esophageal prostheses

    Yanet Ortega Dugrot, Julieth Suárez Oceguera, Osmany Alonso Ayala, Susana Solís Solís, Lilian Valdivia García, Evelin Noriega Campos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024927
  • Ukrainian journalism and media security in conditions of full-scale Russian aggression

    Yuriy Bidzilya , Zoriana Haladzhun , Yevhen Solomin , Viktoriia Georgiievska , Nataliia Sydorenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.769
  • Project management in the information technology sector

    Carlos Nieto-Peña, Patricia Ramos-La Rosa, Víctor Linares-Cabrera, Frank Lopez-Gonzales, Manuel García-Chuman, Luis Silvestre-Quispe, Cristian Pérez-Ticona, Yoel Palomino-Narcizo, Tommy Obregón-Veramendi, Felix Caro-Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024677
  • The theoretical path of constructive journalism and practical experience in China

    Lin Jiang , Aina T. Duyshekeeva (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.770
  • Analysis of the causes of Domestic Violence against men in Ecuador

    Hurtado Serrano Karla Indira, Gordon Llerena Carlos Eduardo, Torres Romero Leslie Domenica, Dayana Mercedes Tenorio Lagla (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.775
  • Project management based on ISO 21500, to improve productivity in the industry

    Miguel Wilfredo Bernabé Custodio, Gina Ruby Gonzales Salazar , Ángel Hugo Campos Díaz , Flor de María Lioo Jordán , Viviana Inés Vellón Flores , Flor de María Garivay Torres de Salinas, Timoteo Solano Armas , Félix Gil Caro Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024928
  • Optimization of dental restorations through immediate dentin sealing based on multi-criteria decision methods

    Adriana María García Novillo, Diana Carolina Freire Villena, Janeth Alexandra del Rocío Salvador Arroba, Kinverly Marilyn León Veintimilla (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1111
  • Intervention strategies to reduce the incidence of omphalitis and septic arthritis in neonates

    Victoria Pamela Villarroel Castillo, Hipatia Marisol Quevedo Andino, Erick Alejandro Durán Moya, Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1112
  • Implementation of a teaching self-evaluation module in the substantive function of research at the Technical University of Cotopaxi La Maná Extension

    Angie Amarilis Anchundia Calero, Neider Alejandro Choez Valencia , Alba Marisol Córdova Vaca , Johnny Xavier Bajaña Zajia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024930
  • Comprehensive Nursing Care Strategies in the Postoperative Craniotomy: A Multidisciplinary Approach

    Adisnay Rodríguez Plasencia, Evelyn Fernanda Luzuriaga Carrillo, Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña, Elisabeth Germania Vilema Vizuete (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1113
  • Analysis of Policy Options Based on Data-Driven Economic Cycles and Industrial Structure Upgrading

    Zhe Sun (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024796
  • Analysis of occupational risks in dental technicians

    José Arturo Molina Ramón, Paola Andrea Mena Silva, Johanna Elizabeth Fiallos Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1114
  • Exploring pro-environmental behavior in Peruvian basic education students: A cross-sectional study

    Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz, Yesenia Veronica Manrique-Jaramillo , Víctor Hugo Díaz-Pereira , Jenny Marleny Rucoba-Frisancho , Néstor Antonio Gallegos-Ramos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024678
  • Acute and long-term treatments for neuromyelitis optica

    Piedad Elizabeth Acurio Padilla , Danny Stuart Bohórquez Rivera , Fernanda Latorre Barragán , Olivia Elizabeth Altamirano Guerrero (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1115
  • Adaptive firefly algorithm for resource allocation and modified advanced encryption standard algorithm for hypervisor attack detection on cloud computing

    Banu Priya MR , Maheswari D (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024933
  • Contemporary panorama of suicide prevention in adolescence

    Elizabeth Cristina Mayorga Aldaz, Set Isaí Salas Granda, Nicole Anahí Pacheco Mayorga, Nadia Paulette Nevárez Yugcha (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.776
  • Cerebral cryptococcosis regarding two clinical cases and bibliographic review

    Elizabeth Gutierrez Garcia, Rommer Alex Ortega Martinez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024679
  • Modeling risk factors in preeclampsia for late pregnancies using fuzzy cognitive maps

    Nazate Chuga Zuly Rivel , Jesly Vanessa Chamorro Nazate, Paola Estefania Guerrero Morán (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.777
  • Enhancing Industrial Security with IoT-based Passive Intrusion Detection and Segmentation

    Arunkumar S, Gowtham M.S , Revathi N, Krishnaprasath V.T (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024934
  • Influence of combined treatments on the regeneration of periodontal tissues

    Ángel Fabricio Villacís Tapia , Karen Daniela Cevallos Lascano, Joselyn Dayana Amaguaña Palate (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.778
  • Factors affecting oral health in children and adolescents in Ecuador

    Carmen Salinas Goodier (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.889
  • CEO characteristics and R&D expenditure of IPOs in China

    Haoshu Zhang , Astri Yulia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024798
  • Nurses and patients, a key interaction for efficient care from a human perspective

    Leonel Gerardo Ruano Yarpaz, Erika Marcela León Revelo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.890
  • Data oversampling and feature selection for class imbalanced datasets

    Krishnakumar V , Sangeetha V (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024935
  • Essential strategies for the initial assessment and resuscitation of critically injured polytrauma patients

    Nairovys Gómez Martínez , Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña, Elisabeth Germania Vilema Vizuete, Stephanie Daniela Tierra Ramos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1000
  • Interpretation through a literature review of the benefits of post-extraction dental implants

    Brian Steven López Nacimba, Darnely Geordana Quilligana Salazar, Carla Monserrath Estrada Vizuete, Joselyn Mishell Chimbolema Tierra (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024681
  • Evaluation of internal and external factors for clinical applications of biogenic metallic nanoparticles in dentistry

    Ponce Reyes Nathalie Steffy, Grijalva Palacios Miryan Margarita, Grijalva Bueno Antonella (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1001
  • Badminton Service Foul System based on machine vision

    Zhenyang Chen, Felicito Caluyo, Anton Louise De Ocampo, Rowell Hernandez , Jeffrey Sarmiento (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.760
  • Advancements in Image Enhancement and Attention based efficientdet Optimization Classifier for Precise Osteosarcoma Lung Nodule Detection

    Nandhini. A, Sengaliappan. M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024936
  • Choosing a securities brokerage on the stock market: the risk governance perspective

    Duy Thuan Dao, Luu Nguyen Phu, Cao Minh Tien (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1175
  • High Response Speed and Accuracy Real-Time Mask-Detection System for Chinese Campuses

    Baitong Zhong, Johan Bin Mohamad Sharif, Sah Salam, Chengke Ran, Zhuoxi Chen (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024937
  • Enhancing Work-Life Balance of Teachers in Self-Financing Schools

    I. Antonyinico , F. R. Alexander Pravin Durai (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1166
  • Analysis on the Artistic Style of Chinese Printmaking (1980 - 2000)

    Nan Liu, Mohammad Khizal Bin Mohamed Saat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024800
  • Inspecting the Relationship Teacher-Student Communication with Academic Adjustment and the Academic Progress in the Art Course of Secondary School Students in Basrah

    Zainab Zaidan Hashim Jabur (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1163
  • Effects of Entrepreneurial orientation, Market orientation, and Learning orientation on Cooperative Performance

    Mohamad Haswardi Morshidi, Yusmani Mohd Yusoff (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1189
  • Regional Economic Growth Forecast Based on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Model

    Yong Yin, Dongyu Zhang, Yueran Xu, Xiaomeng Zhang, Yonghong Wang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024684
  • Factors affecting financial capacity

    Dong Thi Van Hong (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1194
  • The innovative teaching strategies of educational soft skills cultivation affect students' performance and sense of efficiency

    Dan Liu, Tan Wee Hoe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.759
  • Mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the relationship of entrepreneurial education and personality traits on entrepreneurial intention of universities students

    Majd Alhiassah , Muhammad Abdul Halim, Khatijah Omar, Rawiyah binti Abd Hamid (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1179
  • The Relationship Between Addiction and Emotional Intelligence in the Ukrainian Socio-Cultural Context: Challenges of Emigration

    Mykhailo Zhylin, Viktoriia Mendelo, Uliana Varnava, Artem Savinok, Kateryna Bazylenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.756
  • An Energy-Efficient improved Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm-Based Cluster Head and Shamir Secrets Sharing-Based WSNs with Secure Data Transfer

    Yuvaraja M, Sureshkumar S, Joseph James S, Teresa V V (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024946
  • Borderland Mystery and Tibetan Writing: On Ma Yuan's Non-linear Spatial Narrative Strategy in Tibetan Novels

    Long Yingsu, Lim Chsing Chsing (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024947
  • The ethical aspect of public administration under special regime and sustainable development

    Yuliia Danylenko-Nehara, Inna Semenets-Orlova, Svitlana Kapitanets, Mykola Kyrychenko, Oleksandr Bykov (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.755
  • How negative life events affect mobile phone addiction among college students

    Feng Han, Nor Mazlina Binti Ghazali (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024949
  • Assessing the Influence of Sustainable Practices on Guest Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: An Empirical Investigation

    M. Srividya Iyengar, R. Venkatesh (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024954
  • Investigating the role of energy consumption, ecological innovations, institutional quality and economic growth on ecological sustainability: a study from UAE

    Mohammed Abudaqa , Hasnida Ab-Samat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.754
  • Enhancing Deep Learning for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection with Dual-Encoder GAN-based Augmentation of Electroencephalogram Data

    K Lalli, Senbagavalli.M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024958
  • Emotion Recognition with a Hybrid VGG-ResNet Deep Learning Model: A Novel Approach for Robust Emotion Classification

    N Karthikeyan, K Madheswari, Hrithik Umesh, Rajkumar N, Viji C (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024960
  • The effect of the formal organizer strategy on the achievement and visual thinking skills of first-year intermediate female students in social studies subject

    Mohammed Tuama Kadhim, Afrah Nasir Chilab (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024962
  • An Upgraded Blended Model for Human Protein Classification Using Fast Spec CNN with Multi-Head Attention and GAN Augmentation

    Savitha S, Kalai Vani Y , Umme Najma, Komala K V, Deepa V P, Jyothi N M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024804
  • Advanced Dual-Optimized Neural Network Model with Integrated CSO and OBD for Precise Classification and Prediction of North Indian Light Classical Music Genres

    Pavani G, Satishkumar Patnala, Sangita Chakraborty, Divvela Surendra, Katakam Ranga Narayana, Jyothi N M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024805
  • The Role of Social Security Schemes in Reducing Poverty and Inequality: A Comparative Study in Southeast Region

    Nistha Pattar, Prof. (Dr.) Parveen Kumar Mehta (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.718
  • Effectiveness of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in patients over 50 years of age in a private ophthalmology clinic in the city of Rosario, year 2022

    Elías Daniel Chiappero, Marcela Trapé, Eliana Scarcella (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024720
  • Analysis of injuries caused by sharp objects in the staff of the Segurilab health center and control proposal

    Jorge Isaac García Moreira, Cristina E. Almeida Naranjo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024808
  • Evaluation of refractive surgery with posterior chamber intraocular lenses in patients with high myopia treated in an Ophthalmologic Center of the city of Rosario, years 2019-2022

    Pablo Ribeiro Dionísio, Gabriel Bercovich (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024721
  • Digital Transformation and Resilience in Higher Education: Impact on Strategic Management and Human Talent in Ecuador

    Liliana Elizabeth González Garcés, Edwin Javier Santamaría Freire , Edwin César Santamaría Díaz , Sonia de los Ángeles López Pérez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024811
  • The methodology of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines in agricultural higher education institutions

    Viktor Korolenko, Karine Horbunova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1215
  • The effects of various distributed generating types on the smart grid have been demonstrated using transient stability study and steady state voltage analysis

    Ruaa Aboalhawa, Hussein A. Taha, Muhammad Al-Badri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024812
  • Multidimensional Framework for Territorial Attractiveness: Crafting Synthetic Indicators for Small Towns in Morocco

    Khaoula Rihab Khalid, Abdeslam Boudhar, Sohaib Khalid, Ahmed Elaissaoui, Abderrahman Yassine (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.715
  • Leadership and Organizational Commitment in Public Universities of Tungurahua Province - Republic of Ecuador

    Byron Omar Bejarano Lizano, María Dolores Guamán Guevara, Adriana Monserrath Monge Moreno, Martha Cecilia Ramos-Ramírez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024685
  • ERP and the Metamorphosis of Management Control: An Innovative Bibliometric Exploration

    Mounia Amer, Yassine HILMI (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.714
  • Consequences of COVID-19 on aviation industry: a menace to global airlines

    M. Srividya Iyengar, R. Venkatesh (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024687
  • Platelet lysate in the treatment of burn patients, evaluation of its antimicrobial effect

    Emma Karin Salluca Vasquez, Odette Karina Montalvo Benitez, Candy Salluca Vasquez, Erika Salluca Vasquez, Jhon Michael Andy Salluca Vasquez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.699
  • On the Post-Heat Behavior of Cement Mortar Containing Mechanically Modified Ground Coal Bottom Ash

    Mohammad I. Al Biajaw, Rahimah Embong , Khairunisa Muthusamy , Haneen Abdel Jabar , Nahla Hilal , and Fadzli Mohamed Nazri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024813
  • Subjective well-being of older adults and its relationship with depression, educational level and economic dependence

    Candy Salluca Vasquez, Emma Karin Salluca Vasquez, Erika Salluca Vasquez, Jhon Michael Andy Salluca Vasquez, Carlos Munive Viscarra (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.713
  • Math anxiety in Peruvian students of regular basic education: A Descriptive Study

    Jhemy Quispe Aquise, Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz, Sara Agripina Ttito-Vilca, Amelia Yolanda Huamani-Mallgui, Jose Florencio Baez Quispe, Libertad Velasquez-Giersch (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024688
  • Approaches to inclusive foreign language instruction in higher education

    Marianna Paustovska , Svitlana Lytovchenko , Dmytro Marieiev , Nataliia Bazyliak , Alla Malii (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.711
  • The Influence of Calcined Alumina Additives on the Mechanical Properties and Chloride-Induced Corrosion of Blended Concrete

    Nora AL-Anssari, Abbas AL-Ameeri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024814
  • Research methods in cultural studies

    Liudmyla Polishchuk , Olena Hubernator , Volodymyr Pylypiv, Iryna Shvets , Oleksandr Kabanets (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.712
  • Psycholinguistic matrix of image formation: case study of educational network discourse

    Hanna Truba, Iryna Klymkova, Alina Proskurnia, Yuliia M. Krasilova, Violetta V. Ulishchenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024690
  • The introduction of the impact of motivation cultivation on english autonomous learning among university students-a mediating role of learning strategy

    Zhou Li , Hui Suan Wei (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1196
  • Studying self-concept in a sample of Peruvian secondary education students: A cross-sectional study

    Jhemy Quispe-Aquise , Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz , Franklin Jara-Rodríguez , Vicente Anastación Gavilán-Borda , Pamela Barrionuevo-Alosilla (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024691
  • Innovative teaching methods for developing basic skills in higher education students through real professional contexts

    Iryna Tamozhska, Ruslan Chubuk, Vadym Pienov, Nataliia Myroshnychenko, Lyubov Prokofyeva (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1214
  • Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of the patterns and distributions of spinal disc degeneration in patients residing in Lagos State

    Ndianekwute Nkiruka Anne, Joseph C. Eze, Michael Promise Ogolodom (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024692
  • Aspects of effective communication (european experience): digital, informational, and sociolinguistic dimensions

    Liudmyla Mialkovska, Svitlana Cherneta, Iryna Zabiiaka, Oksana Maiboroda, Oksana Silvestrova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1216
  • AI-powered financial operation strategy for cloud computing cost optimization for future

    Mageshkumar Naarayanasamy Varadarajan , N Rajkumar , C Viji , Mohanraj A (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024694
  • Self-management of water: uses of rainwater harvesting. The case of Sierra de Mexico

    Abigail Martínez Mendoza, David López Zamora (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024695
  • A Study on the Impact of Green Consumption Information Dissemination and Green Concern on Consumers' Green Purchase Intention on Social Media

    Ziyu Zhou, Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1180
  • Impact of new type of plastic as aggregate on fresh and hardened, microstructure properties of concrete

    Abeer Muayad Saleh , Sheelan Mahmoud Hama (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024815
  • Construction of a Model for Evaluating the Operating Efficiency and Performance of State-Owned Enterprises Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

    Xiayi Zhang, Mohamed Hisham Dato Haji Yahya, Norhuda Abdul Rahim, Nazrul Hisyam Ab Razak (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1182
  • Agro retailer’s opnionon ‘Bharat’: one nation, one fertilizer scheme

    Koushik R, Shobana R, Uma Maheswari (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024696
  • Relationship between anal condyloma and colorectal cancer

    Mauricio Benavides Perlaza, Esteban Grzona (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.716
  • An Optimized Intelligent Deep Network for Herbal Leaf Classification

    Hema Deepika A, Elango NM (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024697
  • How to Corporate Financialization Impact on Financial Performance, The Moderating/Mediating Role of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Practices

    Mingyao Wang, Normaziah Mohd Nor, Norhuda bt Abdul Rahim (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1183
  • Flame Propagation Dynamics in Open Tubes: Factors Influencing Combustion Conditions and Practical Implementations

    Hussein M. Almyali, Zaid M. H. Al Dulaimi, Mohammed A. Al-Fahham (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024816
  • Reasons for capital increase of securities brokers

    Tran Van Hai, Le Thi Lan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1212
  • Bio Inspired Approach on Automatic License Plate Recognition Technique

    Mahalakshmi S, Dheeba J (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024698
  • Impact of perceived behavioural control and personality traits on entrepreneurial intention of universities students – mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy

    Majd Alhiassah , Muhammad Abdul Halim, Khatijah Omar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.709
  • Biocalcification of Sandy Gypseous Soil by Bacillus Pasteurii

    Hadeel S. Sulaiman, Muayad A. Al-Sharrad , Idham A. Abed (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024818
  • Object detection and state analysis of pigs by deep learning in pig breeding

    Xiaolu Zhang , Jeffrey Sarmiento , Anton Louise De Ocampo , Rowell Hernandez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1211
  • How Ukrainians Perceive Emotions and Colours: An Analysis of Specific Features

    Katerina Milutina, Oleksandra Balashevych, Illia Zarubin (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1224
  • Increasing the Steam Boiler Maintainability Adopted Design Factors

    Ban H. Hameed, Luma Al-kindi, Omar Hashim Hassoon (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024819
  • Influence of online digital communication in the Decision-making Process amongst Engineering Students

    Sinosh P K, Nandhini M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024700
  • Privacy-Preserving Image Storage on Cloud Using An Unified Cryptographic Authentication Scheme

    R. Manivannan, G. Venkateshwaran, D. Menaga, S. Sivakumar, M. Hema Kumar, Minu Susan Jacob (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.609
  • Legal challenges of the post-third wave of democracy: The European Union

    Yuliia Dzhepa , Vitalii Boiko , Svitlana Kaliuzhna , Oleg Kubrak , Oleh Rohovenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1229
  • Sentence level Classification through machine learning with effective feature extraction using deep learning

    Savitha D, Sudha L (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024702
  • Analysis of scientific research on the sacred art of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukrainian territories

    Andrii Demianchuk , Vladyslav Hrymskyy , Myroslava Tsyhanyk , Bohdan Tymkiv , Ihor Pidkova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1234
  • Effects of steel reinforcement ratios on the flange effective width for reinforced concrete T-beams casting with recycled coarse aggregate

    Ali Mohsin Razooq, Eyad Kadhem Sayhood, Ali Sadiq Resheq (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024820
  • Effect of Compaction Pressure on a Stabilized Rammed Earth Behavior

    Ahmed K. Ftaikhan , Muayad A. Al-Sharrad (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024821
  • Effect of perceived value on customer satisfaction on audit services of financial statements: Case study of auditing companies in Hanoi

    Vu Thuy Ha, Pham Huy Hung (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1243
  • Use of active methodologies with ICT in teacher training

    María del Rocío Carranza Alcántar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.702
  • Finite Element Modeling to Predicting Rutting in Flexible Pavements under Overloading

    Zainab M. Aljaleel, Nahla Y. Ahmed, Yahya K. Atemimi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024822
  • Challenge-based learning applied with computer engineering students

    Sergio Franco Casillas, Claudia Islas Torres, Fernando Cornejo Gutiérrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1147
  • Intrinsic motivation according to developmental stages in post-pandemic students

    Cecilia Cristina Donayre Bohabot, Lina Iris Palacios-Serna, Juan Diego Dávila Cisneros (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024706
  • Perception of Dentistry Students Regarding Virtual Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    María Fernanda Yáñez Acosta, Mónica Gabriela Romo Rodríguez, Elida Lizeth Barba González, Katia Alcalá Barbosa, Juan Carlos Rolón Díaz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.703
  • Importance of promoting soft skills in university teaching: an approach from the systemic approach

    Claudia Islas Torres , María del Rocío Carranza Alcántar, Francisco Javier Romero Mena (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.704
  • Free Vibration Analysis of Toroidal Shell Segments Reinforced by Graded Graphene in Elastic Medium

    Ahmed S. Khalaf , Hamad M. Hasan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024823
  • Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Peruvian basic regular education teachers: A correlational study

    Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz , Jhemy Quispe-Aquise , Freddy Abel Rivera-Mamani , Alfonso Romaní-Claros , Lesy Berly León-Hancco , Judith Annie Bautista-Quispe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024709
  • Reduction of the Wetting Collapse of Sandy Gypseous Soil by Using Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation

    Hadeel S. Sulaiman , Muayad A. Al-Sharrad , Idham A. Abed (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024817
  • Discourse analysis on Facebook: Researchers and STEAM

    Claudia Cintya Peña Estrada, Luis Ambrosio Velázquez García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.707
  • Socio-emotional competence and resilience in Peruvian basic education teachers: A case study

    Judith Annie Bautista-Quispe , Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz , Jaffet Sillo-Sosa , Jhemy Quispe-Aquise , Percy Samuel Yabar-Miranda , Yolanda Lujano-Ortega , Gabriela Cornejo-Valdivia , George Jhon Cruz-Visa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024710
  • Active learning strategies in entrepreneurship. Perceptions and experiences of students at a Mexican University

    Gizelle Guadalupe Macías González, Alma Azucena Jiménez Padilla (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.701
  • Exploring the Application of Drone Technology in the Construction Sector

    Balusamy Nachiappan , Najmusher, H , G Nagarajan , Rajkumar N, D Loganathan , Gobinath (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024713
  • Education vs Entertainment on the Mobile screen time spent per day by Students in Higher Education in Tami Nadu

    K. Bhagyasri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024714
  • Sexual dimorphism of the maxillary sinuses through three-dimensional morphometric analysis in a high Andean population of Peru

    Jairo Amilton Flores Méndez, Cesar Enrique Herrera Menéndez, Giovanna Gutiérrez-Gayoso, Annushka M-Caviedes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024715
  • Fabrication and comperization Study the effect of molecular weight for chitosan blended with polyvinyl alcohol for food packaging application

    Haneen H. Salman, Asra Ali Hussein (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024824
  • Subtitling profanity into Malay: Balancing formal and creative taboo expressions

    Mohamad Zakuan Tuan Ibharim (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1244
  • Perfect class? Brief characterization of school literary reading from some voices of Chilean students

    Ricardo Sánchez Lara (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024966
  • Unlocking New Product Performance Through Market Orientation and Firm Capabilities in Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs

    Noor Afzainiza Afendi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1248
  • Spatial Evolution of Sports Tourism Space: a case study of Shandong Province, China

    Jiang Jun, Jiang Fugao (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024967
  • Research on fresh image recognition algorithms based on machine learning

    Rong Zhang , Jeffrey Sarmiento, Anton Louise De Ocampo, Rowell Hernandez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.698
  • Universal design approach to learning: a theoretical-practical model for quality inclusive education, seen from the Postgraduate and Continuing Education Directorate of the State University of Bolívar

    Elsita Margoth Chávez García, Jorge Armando Zula Cujano, Víctor Alejandro Bósquez Barcenes, Silvia Rosa Pacheco Mendoza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024723
  • Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings in Central Plains via Novel Detection Approach

    Wang Yanjun, Ajmera Mohan Singh (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1203
  • Fine-Tuning CNN-BiGRU for Intrusion Detection with SMOTE Optimization Using Optuna

    Asmaa BENCHAMA, Khalid ZEBBARA (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024968
  • The role of ChatGPT on academic research: perspectives from filipino students across diverse educational levels

    Jomar C. Cabuquin , Maria Aleja Sandra Acidre , Mary Ann A. Manabat , Mary Grace H. Aruta , Julinito Sangutan , Romer F. Beltran Yu (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1205
  • Investigate the Effect of Using an Adaptable Orthosis with Airbag Cushion as an Arch Support for Flatfoot Treatment

    Noor A. Ghassan, Wisam K. Hamdan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024825
  • Problems and prospects of developing spelling skills in schoolchildren with visual impairments in Uzbekistan

    Nozima Muratova, Gulsanam Khasanova , Xurshid Toshov, Ozod Kurbanov (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1219
  • Capacity building with access to information for the development of public health research in the framework of the COVID-19 health emergency

    William Marín-Rodriguez, Delvis Morales-Escobar, Marco Guzmán-Espinosa, Edwin Farro-Pacifico, Ernesto Díaz-Ronceros, Gladys Villanueva-Cadenas, Flor Garivay-Torres de Salinas, Roxana Boyer-Chore (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024724
  • Formation of the international legal framework in ensuring economic security: the contribution of international organisations

    Igor Pasternak, Andrii Krap, Lesya Yastrubetska, Dymytrii Grytsyshen, Larysa Sergiienko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1237
  • Factors of interest of general practitioners in scientific research in first-level care centers in Bolivia

    Laura Pamela Mamani Manzaneda, Jhossmar Cristians Auza Santivañez, Blas Apaza Huanca, Nayra Condori Villca, Boris Adolfo Llanos Torrico, Germán José Martín Rico Ramallo, Zuzel Salazar Duany, Roberto Carlos Jiménez Fernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024969
  • Utilising digital education to enhance learning accessibility in isolated areas

    Oleksandra Deichakivska, Maiia Moroz, Andrii Koliada, Liudmyla Hetmanenko, Vita Butenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1238
  • Random unbalance response of rotor with CuO Nano Lubricants

    Marwan Abdulrazzaq Salman, Mahmud Rasheed Ismail, Hala Salman Hasan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024826
  • Leveraging IoT Technology for Transformative Impact in the Maritime Sector

    B. Mary Nathisiya, A. Radhakrishnan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1253
  • Adaptation of digital gamification in professional education amid martial law challenges

    Halyna Kozub, Ivan Bakhov, Svitlana Palamarchuk, Valentyna Burak, Oleksandr Lohvynenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1236
  • Disentangling the Knots of Diasporic Identity through the Prism of Postpositivist Realism in Caryl Phillips’ Crossing the River

    Dilshad Kaur, Rasleena Thakur (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024727
  • Innovation Performance of SMEs: The vital roles of Intellectual Capital, Organizational Agility and Organizational Inertia

    Tayyaba Syed, Professor DR. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Sajjad Hussain (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1228
  • Prevalence of obesity in students aged 5 to 9 years old in for rural schools at Ñuble region

    Francesca Aldea-Medina , Paz Gajardo-Lagos , Miguel Ángel López-Espinoza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024731
  • Blended Learning Strategies for Golden Curriculum Implementation: Case Study on British and American Stories

    Juechun Gao , Panagiota-Penny Karanasiou (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1256
  • Eating habits in children of student mothers of the Adventist University of Chile. A descriptive study

    Catalina Aparicio-Salazar, María Constanza Elgueta-Díaz, Miguel Ángel López-Espinoza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024732
  • Malnutrition due to excess of kindergarten and first grade registered by the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships, 2015–2020

    Camila de la Fuente, Margarita Ferrada, Javiera Muñoz, Javiera Ruiz, Miguel Ángel López-Espinoza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024733
  • Investigating the impact of stressors on stress level among the chinese’s students: the moderating role of chinese painting experience

    He Bingge, Ooi Boon Keat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1242
  • Improvement system for the performance of the development manager tutor at the Latin American School of Medicine

    Zuzel Salazar Duany, Lidisbet Cardoso Camejo, Lourdes Portuondo Hitman, Jhossmar Cristians Auza Santiváñez, Nayra Condori Villca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024970
  • Environmental Design Teaching with the Integration of Traditional and Modern Techniques

    Jie Bai, Ajmera Mohan Singh (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1204
  • Trends and risk factors in musculoskeletal disorders among stomatologists

    Yivelin Fernández Queija, Learsys Ernesto Campello Trujillo, Ana Rodríguez Yane, Adaisbel Zayas Suárez , Riger Ramírez Fritze (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024734
  • Multi-criteria mathematical application using MatLab and C++ for inventories and marketing of acrylic fiber products

    Roberto Isaac Costales Montenegro , Francisco Eduardo Toscano Guerrero, Angelita Genoveva Tapia Bonifaz, Nelly Patricia Perugachi Cahueñas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1162
  • Microstructural Observations on the Durability of Stabilized Rammed Earth

    Soura S. Yahya , Muayad A. Al-Sharrad (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024827
  • Research on factors affecting green financial development in Vietnam

    Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, Vu Thi Hoang Yen (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1259
  • Musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomics in stomatologists in the municipality of Cotorro

    Yivelin Fernández Queija, Learsys Ernesto Campello Trujillo, Marta María Capote Fernández, Ana Rodríguez Yane, Dianelis Ortega Cerse (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024735
  • Mosaic aneuploidy in a patient with periocular basal cell carcinoma.  Report of a case

    Enny Morales Rodríguez, Arlay Castelvi López, Damaris García Gómez, Odenis Fernández González, Doralis Sabó Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.697
  • Modeling of Automobile Assembly Line Performance Using ARENA Simulation Software

    Ali J. Mohammed, Amjad B. Abdulghafour, Abass M.Jabber AL- Enzi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024828
  • A Study on Development of Ethical Dilemmas Scale in Teaching Profession:Validity and Reliability

    Ting Chen, Crendy Tan Yen Teng, Xin Wang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1252
  • Optimum Load of the Non-Uniform Heat Flux on Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) with Plate-Pin Heat Sink

    Huseen S. Yousif , Saad M. JALIL (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024829
  • Development of a Web Application with Meteorological Data for the Malqui-Machay Archaeological Project

    Leidy Silvana Toapanta Ninasunta, Lizbeth Estefania Sucuzhañay Del Pezo, Danny Manuel Diaz Puruncaja, Johnny Xavier Bajaña Zajia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024976
  • A Hybrid Rider Optimization with Deep Learning Driven Intrusion Detection Farmwork in Wireless Sensor Network

    K Sedhuramalingam, N Saravana Kumar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024762
  • Efficiency of Steel Fibers in Improving the Performance of Concrete Beams without Shear Reinforcement

    Huda S. Merdas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024830
  • Managing Human Capital for Better Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Customer Satisfaction

    Franky Franky, Jubery Marwan, Watriningsih Watriningsih, Novita Damayanti (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1222
  • Clinical and epidemiological implications of immune mechanisms in periodontitis

    Adriana Nicole Tobar Peñaherrera, Myriam Ernestina Moya Salazar, Cristian Vicente Morocho Segarra, Luz Amelia Granda Macías (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1008
  • Factors Impacting Work-Life Balance and Quality of Work Life among Teachers

    I. Antonyinico , F. R. Alexander Pravin Durai (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1269
  • Epidemiological and population genetic characterization of fucosidosis in Holguin province, Cuba

    Víctor Jesús Tamayo Chang, Estela Morales Peralta, Elayne Esther Santana Hernández, Paulina Araceli Lantigua Cruz, Teresa Collazo Mesa, Roberto Lardoeyt Ferrer (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024978
  • Social Exclusion and Consumer Preference for Crowded Shopping Environments: The Moderating Role of Time Perspective

    Christu Raja M (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1284
  • Exploring the relationship between metacognition and motivation in Peruvian basic education students

    Luis Iván Yancachajlla-Quispe , Sheyla Shericza Rengifo-Ramírez , Marilú Farfán-Latorre , Edwin Gustavo Estrada-Araoz , Willian Gerardo Lavilla-Condori , Mari Luz Lavilla-Condori (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024658
  • Modeling performance evaluation in badminton sports: a fuzzy logic approach

    Yinghao Li, MN Jawis (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024986
  • Structural behaviors of different corroded RC members strengthened by different types of concrete jackets

    Nada A. Mahmoud1, Yousif A. Mansoor, Mahmoud K. Mohammed (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024831
  • Improving the scientific literacy of primary school students from the perspective of double reduction: practical inspiration

    Wenxi Tan, Chengyi Huang, Hong Xiang (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024987
  • Processing of Hematite Ore by using Magnetizing Reduction Roasting and Magnetic Separation

    Zahraa Khalil Baqer, Mohammed Hliyil Hafiz, Firas Farhan sayyid (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024832
  • Research trends related to road innovation in civil construction of public spaces

    Jimmy Jeffrey García Vinces, Claudio Ulise Ross Lopera, Lucy Elizabeth Solórzano Villegas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241328
  • Redefining Education in the Age of Covid-19: Exploring the Potential for E-learning Products

    Sri Tulasi T , Inayath Ahamed S B (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024990
  • Validation of a scale for the evaluation of research competencies in undergraduate physiotherapy students

    Jesica Yasmin López Villalta, Maryuri García González, Tania Ortiz Cardenas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.680
  • Synergy of social and institutional transformations in higher education in the context of post-war recovery: foreign experience for Ukraine

    Alla Havryliuk, Khrystyna Pletsan, Nataliia Ivanytska, Natalia Potapova, Olena Kuznetsova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241129
  • Impact of Periodontal Health on the Risk of Cardiac Conditions: Common Factors and Preventive Strategies

    Yanza Freire Jonathan Armando, Peñarreta Quezada Santiago Xavier, Criollo Proañoe María Gracia, Paredes Cabezas Deysi Paulina (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.103
  • Internal and external factors driving the evolution of the Bacterial Resistance Landscape

    Mónica Viviana Moscoso Silva, Washington Paúl Culqui Molina, Heidy Elena Chacón Llagla, Steven Luis Landeta Valladares (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.104
  • The role and place of Ukraine in modern international information policy: modern challenges and strategic imperatives of cooperation

    Andrii Liubchenko, Volodymyr Коzakov, Svitlana Petkun, Oleksandr Ignatenko, Roza Vinetska (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241131
  • Impact of architectural obstacles on university inclusión

    Karol Alexa Oñate López , Rómulo Guillermo López Torres , Verónica Alejandra Salame Ortiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.105
  • Orthodontic treatment in patients with different clinical profiles

    Yamily González Cardona, Mayra Alexandra Sánchez Barreno (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.106
  • Realizing smart microgrid electricity solutions for rural communities using a hybrid microgrid system based on renewable energy sources

    Murtadha Hameed Jabbar, Ahmed Kareem Abdullah, Faris Mohammed Ali (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024833
  • Determinants of cariogenic risk in school-aged children: Implications for dental health

    Gabriela Vaca Altamirano, Joselin Mariugxi Yumiceba Cashug, Samantha de los Ángeles Vásquez Barberán, Carmen Salinas Goodier (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.107
  • Utilising mediation for conflict resolution: Insights and future directions

    Olha Melnychuk, Natalia Opolska, Oleksandr Ostapenko, Serhii Lapshyn, Andrii Ishchuk (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241143
  • Impact of genetic mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis: Diagnosis and clinical management

    Carlos Omar Blacio Villa, Andrea Carolina Naranjo Castillo , Christian Vicente Sogso Chano , María Grazia Teneda Espín (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.108
  • Reviewing Study of the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon and Mitigation Strategies Using Available Technology

    Osama Laith Ibrahim , Younis Mahmood Mohammed Saleem (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024834
  • Evolution and monitoring of SARS-COV-2 genetic mutations in Ecuador

    Carlos Chiluisa Guacho , Nairovys Gómez Martínez , Germania Elisabeth Vilema Vizuete (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.109
  • Strategies for developing hard skills in higher education students through innovative pedagogical technologies in realistic professional environments

    Liliia Vieilandie, Olena Soloveichuk, Lada Petryk, Natalia Kosharna, Alina Dzhurylo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241147
  • Affections in white shrimp cultures due to the white spot syndrome virus

    Raúl González Salas, Darwin Rafael Villamarín Barragán, Marcelo Alejandro Jiménez Villa, Matías Gabriel Jaramillo López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.110
  • Performance metrics of item developers for the assessment of learning outcomes

    Carlos Andrés Bravo Erazo, Juan José Vizcaíno Figueroa, Patty Janeth Guarnizo Cumbicus (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241006
  • Knowledge and perception of farmers in La Concepción regarding environmental and biological risks of fungicide use

    Alexandra Patricia Abata Erazo , Sandy Mishel Quispe Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.111
  • Humorous nature of carnival culture

    Myroslava Melnyk , Andrii Kasianenko , Olena Kapustianska , Mykola Krypchuk , Volodymyr Fisher (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241007
  • Risk factors for acute diarrheal diseases in children under five years of age in El Chical parish, Ecuador

    Nazate Chuga Zuly Rivel , Alexandra Patricia Abata Erazo , Alvarado Paguay Joselin Dayana (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.112
  • Sizing Of Photovoltaic Standalone System In Mandali City / Iraq: A Case Study

    Shaima Mahmoud Dhiyab Al-Janabi, Fadhel A. Jumaa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024835
  • Treatment selection to preserve pulp vitality and ensure complete root development in a pediatric patient

    María Belén Ibarra Ramírez , Gladys Viviana Urrego Cueva, German Diaz Espinoza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.113
  • The phenomenon of the outsider as the main character in modern popular culture (on the example of series and films of the 1990s and later)

    Khrystyna Batalina, Alla Medvedieva, Nataliia Tsimokh, Chorna Kristina, Yuliia Shevchuk (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241008
  • Impact of reggaeton and modern music on adolescent sexual behavior: Bibliometric analysis and literature review

    Morillo Cano Julio Rodrigo, Guepud Guapaz Anderson Ramiro , Nathaly Paola Castro Moscoso , Morillo Chamorro María Belén (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.114
  • Study on the Effects on Self-Compacting Concrete Using Waste Marble Powder and High Volume Calcined Kaolin Clay

    Doaa Kadhim Fahad, Haider M. Owaid (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024836
  • Review on smoking and its association with ocular dryness disorder

    Diego Francisco Pérez Villarroel , Dennys Jordan Pruna Ruíz, Natalia Estefanía Chacón Manjarrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.115
  • Semiotic field of directing at the beginning of the XXI century

    Mykola Krypchuk , Roman Nabokov, Viktoriia Rozhkovska , Kateryna Chepura, Hanna Sukhomlyn (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241009
  • Educational Program to Prevent Malnutrition in Early Childhood at a Health Center in Tulcán

    Clara Elisa Pozo Hernández, Jhanely Camila Benitez Cuaces (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.116
  • The Effect of Various Contents of Nano- Lime on The Properties of Self-Compacting Geopolymer Concrete Containing Micro-Steel Fibers

    Eman Hasan Raheem, Haider M.Owaid (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024837
  • Most frequent sexually transmitted infections in adolescence. Educational proposal for its prevention

    Erika Marcela León Revelo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.117
  • Evolution of S. Hordynsky's views on art practice and theory in the late XX century

    Khrystyna Berehovska , Yuliya Babunych, Ivanna Pavelchuk, Tetiana Pavlova , Andrii Korniev (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241010
  • On the improvement of volleyball specialty performance of Chinese Higher Vocational College students through application-based learning methodology

    Xia Yingying, Kuan-Chun Tasi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024948
  • Economic evolution of Durres University: A historical perspective from 1803 to 2030

    Ermir Shahini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241011
  • Efficacy of instrument removal techniques in root canal treatment: a literature review

    Rómulo Guillermo López Torres, Jairo Romario Moreno Ochoa, Verónica Alejandra Salame Ortiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.670
  • Enhance the properties of the stainless steel Solar basin by using new ceramic coatings

    Elham A. Majeed, Hayder K. Rashid, Saja F. Abdul Had (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024838
  • Feasibility of dental autotransplantation in cases of trauma

    Juan Francisco Mayorga Pico , Dennis Paul Auz Valencia , María Belén Sánchez Villacís (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.671
  • Toward a smart street lighting in Morocco: Case study of Ifrane city

    Asbai Mustapha, Ghilane Hind, Alaoui Lalla Latifa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241012
  • Human talent as a driving force in the management of ethics in the sustainable university

    Josía Jeseff Isea Arguelles, María Elena Infante Miranda, Ariel José Romero Fernández, Raúl Comas Rodríguez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.672
  • Factors affecting the decision-making of appropriate sites for WWTPs

    Wesam Mahmood (Author); Wadhah Amer Hatem (Translator)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024839
  • Use of the vegetable beetroot (beta vulgaris) and native products from the ecuadorian coast in tasting sessions

    Tannia Cristina Poveda Morales, Lía Cristina Ortiz Andino, Marjorie Pamela Sailema Moyolema, Marcelo Alexander Campaña Tamayo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.673
  • An Overview of Information Systems in Auditing: Insights from Bibliometric Research

    Sophia Vandapuye, Siham Jabraoui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241013
  • Identification of more effective obstetric psychoprophylaxis techniques for pregnant adolescents

    Mónica Gabriela Chachalo Sandoval , Gilary Mayumi Imbacuán Ayala , Stefany Yamileth Mejía Ayala (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.674
  • Effect of Concrete Slab on Built-up Double Web Castellated Steel Beam under Combined Flexural and Torsion Load

    Farroq A .Abass , Alaa M. Al-Khekany (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024840
  • Evaluation of microorganisms present in complete removable dentures

    Carmen Salinas-Goodier , Edison David Arguello Ramos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.675
  • The digitalization of social influence practices in Morocco and its effect on attitudinal change and purchase behavioral intention

    SETTOU Hind , AOMARI Amina (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241014
  • Evaluation of the degree of residue accumulation from polishing systems on different types of composite resins

    Luis Darío Pérez Villalba , Jhonatan Adrian Cajamarca Toapanta , Bryan Javier Quinga Collaguazo , Fernando Asael Bustos Molina (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.677
  • Revolutionizing Tomorrow: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Accounting Profession

    Sophia Vandapuye, Siham Jabraoui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241015
  • Immediate placement of post-extraction dental implant with soft tissue graft: a case report

    María Nancy Criollo Supe, Gladys Viviana Urrego Cueva, Adriana Katherine Quezada Quiñonez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.678
  • Estimation of The Maximum Bending Moment on Pile Group Under One-Way Cyclic Loading in Sandy Soil

    Saif Samir Abdulhafiz , Jasim M Abbas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024841
  • Antibiotherapy in the treatment of diseases affecting the periodontium. Bibliographic review

    Cristian Vicente Morocho Segarra, Adriana Nicole Tobar Peñaherrera, Myriam Ernestina Moya Salazar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.679
  • Analysis of the Relationship between Financial Behavior and Short- and Long-Term Returns among Moroccan Investors: A Behavioral Finance Approach

    EL GHMARI Omar, EL GHMARI Imad, TRID Sabah, M’HAMDI Mohamed (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241016
  • Surgical techniques for the management of necrotizing pancreatitis

    Lorena Diana Fiallos Jordán , Johan Alexander Maldonado Carrasco Johan Alexander , Ricardo Alexander Carrillo Ruiz , Diana Carolina Chiluiza Tubon (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.681
  • Conditions and barriers to entrepreneurship: a review of the microbusiness ecosystem in Monteria, Cordoba

    Deifan Paola Deifan Paola , Ricardo Antonio Simancas Trujillo, Víctor Hugo Higuera Ojito , Juan Carlos Miranda Passo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241020
  • Professional judgment of the auditor. Skills involved, from the postulates proposed by Peter Facione

    Viviana Pastora Panchi Mayo, Yosman Jose Valderrama Blanco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.657
  • Satisfaction in university students: a study of library services

    Abraham Gerardo Pérez Sandoval, Aransazú Avalos Díaz , , Sandra Juárez Solís , María del Carmen Sandoval Caraveo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241022
  • Experiences of Teaching English to a Deaf University Student

    Fanny Mercedes Abata Checa, Shirley Vanessa Proaño León (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.658
  • Towards Enhancing Place Attachment in Urban Spaces of Vertical Residential Complexes (Bismayah as a Case Study)

    Mustafa M. Anas Al-Mendilawi1, Haider Jasim Essa Al-Saaidy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024842
  • Challenges in developing productive skills in English: learners’ insights

    Vicente Rodrigo Tovar Viera, Erika Lizbeth Medina Jerez, Madeley Lisette Bajaña Pineda (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.659
  • The role of women in rural enterprises and their contributions to sustainable territorial development. Popular market of the city of Latacunga, province of Cotopaxi and the ShunGo Foundation

    Amparo Del Carmen Álvarez Montalvo, Agnese Bosisio, Edilberto Chacon Marcheco, Giovana Paulina Parra Gallardo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.660


  • Innovative Approaches to the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting, Control, and Analytical Processes to Enhance Enterprise Competitiveness

    Hanna Datsenko , Olena Kudyrko , Iryna Krupelnytska, Liudmyla Maister, Iryna Hladii , Inna Kopchykova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.665
  • Sustainability and legal scenarios of higher education in public policy projects in Ecuador

    Yessenia Johana Márquez Bravo , Manolo Julián Castro Solís, Pablo Antonio Flores Avellan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241083
  • Financial Management and Tax Development for knowledge transfer in circular economy projects

    Karen Estefanía Zambrano Roldan, Jenny Esthefanía Basantez Sánchez, John Alexis Franco Menéndez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241084
  • The Impact of Digitalization on the Formation of new Business models in Electronic Commerce: Analysis and Trends

    Ganna Kolomiyets , Volodymyr Rodchenko, Olga Melentsova, Vladyslav Korol, Maryna Moskalenko (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.652
  • Philosophical understanding of Russian-language poetry of Central Asia and the East

    Damira Asanova, Venera Sabirova , Kubanychbek Isakov, Gulsana Abytova, Zanfira Miskichekova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241087
  • Mutations and laboratory diagnosis in acute promyelocytic leukemia

    Elena Johanna Perez Laborde, Rosero Daniela Alexandra Freire, Marilin Castillo Yajaira Rueda, Evelin Alexandra Zúñiga Sosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024554
  • The mediametaphor of contemporary Ukrainian theatre (based on specialised printed publications of the period of Independence)

    Valentyna Galatska , Natalia Dashko , Svitlana Zharko, Kateryna Kornilova , Liubov Tiahlo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241088
  • Nutrition, obesity and their relationship with liver diseases

    Erik Abraham Correa Vásconez, Verónica Elizabeth Guanga Lara (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024562
  • Why should we form a research seedbed in the area of nursing in Mexico?

    Adela Alba-Leonel, Samantha Papaqui-Alba, Joaquín Papaqui-Hernández, Sylvia Claudine Ramírez–Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024610
  • WEDM Process Parameters Analysis and Optimization: A REVIEW

    Huda Anwar, Dr.Saad K. Shather, Waqass S. Khudhir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024860
  • A scientific approach to the evolution of foreign trade

    Rocio del Carmen Castillo Méndez, Rosa del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad , Antonio Aguirre Andrade, Aurora Ramírez Meneses (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20241155

    Senbagavalli Marimuthu, Saswati Debnath, Saravanakumar Ramachandran, Manikandan Parasuraman, Satish Menon (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1107
  • Review of the Use of Antisense Oligonucleotides as Therapy for Huntington's Disease

    Ariel Solis Chiriboga, Alberto Bustillos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024923
  • Ocrelizumab and its role in the treatment of multiple sclerosis: A systematic review of the literature

    María Lucía Campos , Marcelo Adrian Estrin (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024924
  • The Role of Clinical Research in Improving Medical Practice: From Theory to Practice

    Viktoriia Bati, Dmytro Teslenko, Olha Yuryk, Yevhenii Avtomieienko, Liudmyla Bashkirova (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024.1132
  • Competency-based Curriculum: A New Approach to Curricular Change

    Efrén Mesías Palacios Zumba, María Gladys Cóndor Chicaiza, Martha Cecilia Peñaherrera Cueva, Lilia Maritza Bustillos Tapia, Miriam Janeth Toalombo Tipán, Ageda Raquel Simba Pozo, Lena Cleotilde López Orozco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024779
  • Principles and Procedures of Material Development in the Evolving ELT Scenario

    Sumita Grewal, Manoj Manuel, Roy P Veettil (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024656
  • Political marketing versus propaganda: Dilemmas of political persuasión

    Gustavo Adolfo Pérez Rojas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024674
  • Bioactive Peptides Derived from Food Sources: Bibliographic Review

    María José Barreno, Ricardo Recalde, Gabriela Salinas, Fabián Yépez, Orestes Darío López, Alberto Bustillos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024794
  • Use of Antisense Oligonucleotides as Therapy for Huntington's Disease

    Ariel Solis-Chiriboga, Alberto Bustillos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024795
  • Government Management of Information Technology in the Latin American Context

    Pablo Ramon Flores Cedeño , Carlos Ramón López Paz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2024682