Capacity building with access to information for the development of public health research in the framework of the COVID-19 health emergency




Bibliographic Search, Research Development, Health Emergency, Capacity Building, Public Health


The Basic Quality Conditions (CBC) required by SUNEDU in the framework of institutional licensing and quality standards for accreditation, requires improving the impact of research products to achieve positive indicators, in that sense it is necessary to provide researchers and thesis students with a set of specialized tools for consultation to contribute to the improvement of scientific production and positioning of the university. The objective of the research was to train in capacities with access to information for the development of public health research within the framework of the COVID-19 health emergency. the methodology used consisted of access to information resources from the third month after the project began, together with the development of workshops, courses and permanent training as support directed to the areas and lines of research in public health, the results obtained were reflected in the increase in the number of manuscripts sent to indexed journals, as well as the improvement in capacities and skills related to the research of students and teachers, not to mention the increase in the visibility of the university as a result of the expansion of published resources with a better management of the institutional repository, it is concluded that the development of skills in the use of ICTs in students, teachers and researchers of the UNJFSC was improved and training in the research process was achieved: bibliographic searches, writing, publication, postulation of a scientific article


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How to Cite

Marín-Rodriguez W, Morales-Escobar D, Guzmán-Espinosa M, Farro-Pacifico E, Díaz-Ronceros E, Villanueva-Cadenas G, et al. Capacity building with access to information for the development of public health research in the framework of the COVID-19 health emergency. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 12];3:724. Available from: