Impact of Periodontal Health on the Risk of Cardiac Conditions: Common Factors and Preventive Strategies
oral infections, periodontal disease, heart disease, risk factors, oral healthAbstract
The study investigated the relationship between oral diseases, particularly periodontal diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. A literature review was conducted using the PRISMA method, analyzing 15 articles published between 2018 and 2023 in databases such as PubMed, Scielo, and Scopus. The results highlighted a significant correlation between chronic periodontal disease and an increase in cardiovascular risk factors, such as systemic inflammation. Additionally, six fundamental causes of oral diseases were identified and evaluated using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, which established causal relationships between these causes and cardiovascular complications. The study concluded that effective management and treatment of oral health could reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, emphasizing the importance of prevention in high-risk patients. It was recommended to implement a preventive and early intervention plan to improve oral health and thus mitigate associated cardiovascular complications
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Copyright (c) 2025 Yanza Freire Jonathan Armando, Peñarreta Quezada Santiago Xavier, Criollo Proañoe María Gracia, Paredes Cabezas Deysi Paulina (Author)
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