Government Management of Information Technology in the Latin American Context
Information Technology, E-Government, Cybersecurity, Digital Divide, Latin AmericaAbstract
Introduction: this article examines Information Technology (IT) management by governments in Latin America, focusing on how these initiatives are transforming public services, closing digital divides and strengthening cybersecurity and data protection.
Objective: to explore how governments in the region are implementing the digital landscape to transform public services, close the digital divide and protect data and infrastructure in an environment susceptible to cyber threats.
Methods: through a qualitative approach, based on a documentary review methodology, research reports, scientific articles, books and relevant studies are analyzed to identify the strategies, challenges and innovative solutions adopted in the region. The article follows a methodological framework structured in phases of search, classification, and systematic analysis, allowing the creation of a critical perspective on the adoption of e-Government, the development of IT infrastructure and the importance of cybersecurity.
Results: through this analysis, the need for a comprehensive strategy that incorporates investment in infrastructure, education in digital skills, and effective regulations for data protection is highlighted. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex dynamics between technology and governance in Latin America, offering valuable insights for academics, IT professionals and policy makers.
Conclusions: the adoption of e-Government and digital services not only improves the efficiency, accessibility and transparency of government services, but also fosters greater citizen participation and trust in institutions
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