Impact of architectural obstacles on university inclusión




Architectural obstacles, Functional awareness, Accessible environment, Physical limitations


Introduction: The social inclusion of people with physical disabilities in the university environment has constituted a crucial challenge to guarantee equal opportunities and respect for human rights. At the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, as at other higher education institutions, accessibility and effective inclusion remain areas of concern. Therefore, the present study has focused on evaluating students' knowledge and perception of disability and social inclusion. As well as proposing improvements in infrastructure to promote effective inclusion, in accordance with Ecuadorian regulations.
Method: The study analyzed university infrastructure for the inclusion of people with disabilities by using varied research methods. Through surveys of 92 Dentistry students at UNIANDES, their perception and empathy towards these people was analyzed.
Results: The results indicated that students have basic knowledge about disability, but show deficiencies in the perception of practical inclusion within the university. Although the majority supports the adaptation of the infrastructure, the university has not yet implemented sufficient measures to ensure effective inclusion.
Conclusions: It was concluded that, despite theoretical knowledge, adjustments are necessary in the infrastructure and awareness programs. Therefore, it is proposed to make structural and educational modifications to improve the accessibility and integration of people with physical disabilities, in alignment with Ecuadorian regulations


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How to Cite

Oñate López KA, López Torres RG, Salame Ortiz VA. Impact of architectural obstacles on university inclusión. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3:.105. Available from: