Influence of Innovation on the Business Competitiveness of SMEs in Urbanization Panamericana Norte, Los Olivos 2022




Innovation, Competitiveness, Continuous Improvement


Companies currently need certain skills to adapt to the changes imposed by the environment with a continuous improvement in processes. For this reason, innovation is considered fundamental to be competitive in the organization. Therefore, the research being developed aims to explain how innovation influences the competitiveness of SMEs in the Panamericana Norte urbanization, year 2022. The method used for this research was quantitative, non-experimental, this is so, since it will be carried out without deliberately modifying the variables, looking at them as they were presented in their own context. Causal descriptive. The present study will be developed in the Urbanización Panamericana Norte, Los Olivos, to the different SMEs that are located in this area dedicated to the commercialization of varied products. These surveys will focus on the customers who visit these SMEs. Therefore, the surveys will be conducted with the customers, since they can provide information about the product purchased. Likewise, the population determined for the current research work will be made up of the 930 customers of the SMEs in Urbanización Panamericana Norte, Los Olivos. In addition, a probabilistic sampling with a simple random sample of 93 clients of the SMEs in Urbanización Panamericana Norte, Los Olivos will be carried out. In addition, SPSS was used to analyze and obtain information from the study. With respect to the results of the variables, it was found that there is a direct relationship between them, since the analysis obtained a Spearman's Rho of ,837. It is concluded from the research work that there is a directly proportional relationship between the variables Innovation and Competitiveness


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How to Cite

Ríos-Jimenes P, Solis-Briceño B, Meneses-Claudio B, Zarate-Ruiz G. Influence of Innovation on the Business Competitiveness of SMEs in Urbanization Panamericana Norte, Los Olivos 2022. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];3:643. Available from: