Open innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: subject mapping by bibliographic coupling




Open Innovation, Pharmaceutical Industry, Bibliometrics


This paper aims to identify the thematic structure of the literature on open innovation in the pharmaceutical industry using bibliometric analysis based on bibliographic coupling, based on the publications that comprise the H 26 index for the topic, according to Scopus. The publications coupled using VosViewer software yield nine clusters. Once these were organized, we reviewed their respective publications to discuss the subject matter of each one. Among the most relevant findings, five relevant clusters were identified: on open innovation models, governance aspects, financial performance, intellectual property and pioneering work covering the broad spectrum of innovation and competitiveness in the pharmaceutical industry


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How to Cite

Almanza Ríos LA, Oliver Espinoza R, Gómez Viquez H. Open innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: subject mapping by bibliographic coupling. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3:630. Available from: