A Novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to Provide Green Energy for Coastal Area


  • B. Sriman Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chennai, India Author
  • Annie Silviya S H Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chennai, India Author
  • Nithya Sampath Vellore Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science Engineering and Information Systems, Vellore, India Author
  • A. Beneta Mary St Joseph's College of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chennai, India Author
  • R. Vanitha Mani Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Department of Master of Computer Application, Chennai, India Author
  • P Jayalakshmi GRT Institute of Engineering and technology, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Tiruttani, India Author




The goal of this project was to create a wind turbine that could power little street lights. Considering the typical wind speeds in chennai India and ease of construction the design of the wind turbine chosen to be sea hawk/enlil design from vertical axis wind turbine category.The VAWT is coupled to a disc type alternator and mounted on the road dividers of a highway. The wind speed on the median of highway roads will be significantly higher than at the pedestrian walking lane as it is propelled by passing traffic from both sides. The power generated can be stored in a battery bank which is placed under the windmill and utilized at night time for lighting purposes on the highway


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How to Cite

Sriman B, Annie Silviya SH, Sampath N, Beneta Mary A, Vanitha Mani R, Jayalakshmi P. A Novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to Provide Green Energy for Coastal Area. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];3:615. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/1088