Why should we form a research seedbed in the area of nursing in Mexico?





Nursing, Research, Research Groups


Creating a research seedbed is not an easy task, however, when it is formed it constitutes a space where the activities inherent to research are promoted, being a really important proposal because it will allow consolidating the candidates with better qualities and studies, in order to motivate the members with new proposals or to adhere to the proposed lines of research, this is vital because this will result in replacement cadres, which is a win - win, product of the work of a consolidated team. It is worth mentioning that it has already been detected as a serious problem in some universities, because when reaching the doctorate degree in many educational institutions great teachers are lost, that is why the research seedbeds are a great opportunity, first to identify young talents and second to disseminate all that knowledge either through scientific forums or publications in scientific journals, never forgetting that it should always be taken care of as key aspects to give recognition to those who contribute to these research groups or research groups, in order not to lose motivation and constantly innovate with new dynamics or alternatives that allow professional growth and interaction with other health professionals, either locally, nationally and internationally. Sharing knowledge and linking with other research groups allows us to work on a larger scale, sharing information and allowing our guild to professionalize through knowledge


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How to Cite

Alba-Leonel A, Papaqui-Alba S, Papaqui-Hernández J, Ramírez–Sánchez SC. Why should we form a research seedbed in the area of nursing in Mexico?. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 May 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];3:610. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/1091