Innovate To Elevate: The Role Of E-Hrm Onemployee Effectiveness In It Sector




e-HRM, IT sector, Employee satisfaction, Organization, Technology, Cronbach’s alpha, ANOVA


Introduction: The efficacy of e-HRM techniques is demonstrated by the results, which show that these components have a significant explanatory power in predicting satisfaction. 
Methods: The overall impact of e-HRM practices in influencing employee satisfaction within the IT sector is indicated by the ANOVA results. 
Results: The study emphasizes how e-HRM is frequently used in the IT industry and how important it is to day-to-day operations. 
Conclusion: The results also highlight the necessity of ongoing research and development in e-HRM practices in order to solve current issues and guarantee optimal use in the constantly changing IT environment


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How to Cite

John AP, Velmurugan V. Innovate To Elevate: The Role Of E-Hrm Onemployee Effectiveness In It Sector. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];3:.1121. Available from: