The Impact of Brand Awareness on Higher Education Institution Revenues: A Case Study of Vietnamese Universities




Brand Awareness, Higher Education Institutions, Revenue Generation, Vietnam, Mixed-Method Approach


This paper examines the impacts of brand awareness on the revenue generation of higher education institutions in Vietnam. It highlights the importance of brand awareness in shaping the reputation and perception of educational institutions and influencing students' decisions. The study focuses on the top 5 universities in Vietnam with the highest revenue and employs a mixed-method approach to analyze financial records and brand awareness implementation activities. The findings reveal that brand awareness significantly influences students' choices regarding admission and attracts high-quality students. The study emphasizes the need for universities to effectively convey valuable information to students and enhance their knowledge and familiarity with the brand. It also highlights the importance of well-organized websites, social media engagement, and admission events in enhancing brand awareness and revenue generation. The research provides insights and recommendations for higher education institutions in Vietnam and globally to enhance their brand awareness efforts and improve financial sustainability.


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How to Cite

Minh DP, Mai CV. The Impact of Brand Awareness on Higher Education Institution Revenues: A Case Study of Vietnamese Universities. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];3:1037. Available from: