Choosing a securities brokerage on the stock market: the risk governance perspective
Stock market investors, Vietnamese stock market, Vietnamese securities companies, Customers, MarketAbstract
Introduction: The role of a securities company is demonstrated through operations such as brokerage, investment consulting and portfolio management for investors. Therefore, investors' decisions in choosing a securities company affect the profitability and risks of their investment activities.
Aim: The research objective is to clarify the factors that determine investors' choice of stock brokers as securities companies in Vietnam's stock market.
Methods: The data sample was collected by the author in an online survey from 250 individual and institutional stock investors from January 2023 to December 2023. Conducted through multivariate quantitative regression research method on SPSS 20 software.
Results: The article has identified 6 factors that influence the decision to choose a stock broker as a securities company, including: (1) Modern technical facilities, modern core software ( VCCKT); (2) Company size (QMCT); (3) Quality of consulting staff (NVTV); (4) Type of specialized/multi-function securities company (CDDN); (5) Relationship (MQH); (6) Brand marketing (MTMK).
Conclusions: Based on the research results, the authors have recommended solutions for securities companies in expanding market share of securities investors such
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Copyright (c) 2024 Duy Thuan Dao, Luu Nguyen Phu, Cao Minh Tien (Author)
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