Managing Human Capital for Better Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Customer Satisfaction




Customer Satisfaction, Emotional Intelligence, Human Capital, Management


Organizations  should foster participatory decision-making environments that encourage emotional intelligence to stimulate idea generation and improve organizational performance. This study aims to answer the practice of human resource contribution to creating customer satisfaction. This study uses a Likert scale in a questionnaire to obtain primary data. 180 lecturers and education staff surveyed and 168 respondents gave answers. The research results show that; 1) Individual ability, work professionalism, organizational commitment, and knowledge sharing do not contribute significantly to emotional intelligence directly. But work discipline contributes significantly to emotional intelligence directly; 2) Individual ability, work discipline, and organization commitment do not contribute significantly to consumer satisfaction directly. But work professionalism, and knowledge sharing contribute significantly to consumer satisfaction directly; 3) Emotional intelligence contributes significantly to customer satisfaction directly; and 4) Human resources (individual abilities, work professionalism, work discipline, organizational commitment, and knowledge sharing) indirectly contribute to creating consumer satisfaction. This study highlights the complex interplay between Human Resource  factors, emotional intelligence, and customer satisfaction in educational organizations, revealing that work discipline, professionalism, and knowledge sharing have significant direct or indirect impacts. The findings emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence as a mediator, suggesting that organizations should focus on developing this competency alongside traditional HR metrics to enhance customer satisfaction


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How to Cite

Franky F, Marwan J, Watriningsih W, Damayanti N. Managing Human Capital for Better Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Customer Satisfaction. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 19 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];3:.1222. Available from: