Effect of perceived value on customer satisfaction on audit services of financial statements: Case study of auditing companies in Hanoi
Perceived value, audit of financial statements, customer satisfaction, VietnamAbstract
This study investigates the impact of perceived value on customer satisfaction on the financial statement audit services of independent auditing firms in Hanoi.The study used quantitative research design, interpretation, and use of a survey questionnaire with a Likert-type scale to measure perceived value (including quality value, value based on price, human value, emotional value, and social value) and customer satisfaction. The survey was distributed to a random sample of 302 respondents, including CFOs; Accounting Managers; Business Owners; Audit Committee Members; and Internal Auditors of 168 selected client companies of different industries and sizes. Regression results with a standardized beta coefficient show that all five dimensions of perceived value have a positive impact on customer satisfaction, with Quality Value and Emotional Value having the strongest impact. Based on the research results, some recommendations are made for auditing companies such as prioritizing quality, improving emotional value, optimizing prices, building strong relationships with customers and leveraging social value to increase customer satisfaction. customer satisfaction on financial reporting audit services, so that auditing companies can improve competitive advantage and build long-term relationships with customers
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