Foreign investment and its contribution to the development of sustainable tourism entrepreneurship in the Matal-Jama community
Foreign Investment, Tourism Development, Community and StrategiesAbstract
Present research is related to Foreign Investment and its contribution to the tourist development of the El Matal community, in the Jama canton, Manabí - Ecuador. The research focused on the advantages or opportunities generated by this foreign investment in this town and how it influences the improvement of tourism and the quality of life of its inhabitants. It is developed with the objective of diagnosing the situational scope of foreign investors and their influence on the tourist growth of the El Matal community, analyzing the strategic management that they employ and their contribution to community development, proposing the development of a strategic prospective plan in benefit of the town and the Jama canton. The SPSS statistical software was used for the tabulation of results, obtaining a reliability of 8,871 and, a validity of 0,812, which shows the efficiency of the research instrument used. As a result, it is considered that foreign investment contributes to the socio-economic and tourist development of the city. El Matal community with the generation of employment and local labor, stimulates the economy of entrepreneurs and local businesses, attracting more visitors and tourists, turning it into a development pole of the Jama canton. The lack of strategies that guarantee continuity in foreign investment in the El Matal community and that does not allow adequate economic, tourist, social development to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Despite being an area that has several natural and cultural aspects that make it a local development zone.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jorge Gonzalo Pérez Plaza, Mayra Yasmina Espinoza Arauz, William Renán Meneses Pantoja, Ana Cecilia Vélez Falcones (Author)
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