Vol. 2 (2023): Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias

					View Vol. 2 (2023): Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias
Published: 2023-01-01


  • Adherence to treatment in hypertensive patients at the Medical Clinic 6

    Osiris Oscar Terrado Almarales, Yanara González Baños, Doraiky Díaz Hernández, Lloy Valdés Pin, Mirelis Alfaro Urquiola (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023497
  • Benefit of the microalbuminuria in the investigation of the renal damage early on patient older adults

    Jorge Félix Rodríguez Ramos, Guillermo Luís Herrera Miranda, Julio Cesar Rodríguez Boffill (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023498
  • Determination of non-IgE antibodies and expression of cytokine and FoxP3 genes in asthma

    Odalys Orraca-Castillo, Tatiana Margarita Blanco Valdés, Ana Beatriz Pérez Díaz, Beatriz Sierra Vázquez, Carlos Alfredo Miló-Valdés (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023500
  • Quality of life in older adults with diabetes mellitus

    Leyllan Izquierdo Martínez, Gicela Díaz Pita, Iván Bustinzuriaga Marto, Aileen Leal Flores (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023501
  • Value of the leukogram in guiding the etiologic diagnosis and clinical course of children hospitalized for pneumonia

    Rayza Labrador-Bernal, Doraimys Valido-Valdes, Mirta Caridad Campo Díaz, Adalberto Fortún Prieto, Eddy Ordaz-Peña (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023502
  • Clinical epidemiological characterization of Enuresis in Pinar del Río

    Gleddys Gallardo Pons, Osvaldo Cabrera Torres, Juana Rivera Alonso, Belkis Menoya Martínez, Marcos Alejandro Cabrera Gallardo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023503
  • Infections of the central nervous system in pediatric patients clinical epidemiological aspects

    Yuselys de la Caridad Cordero-Cabrera, Sarah Álvarez Reinoso, Mailideleidys Serrano Pérez , Daymi Henriquez Trujillo, Karelia Pérez Madrazo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023504
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the professional improvement in Contactology of the graduate in Optometry and Optics of Pinar del Río

    Anileidys Muñoz Lazo, Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo, Medardo Rodríguez López, Sahely Sixto Fuentes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023505
  • Scientific-technological perspective of the improvement of internal medicine specialists on community acquired pneumonia

    Nitza Hernández Suárez, Belkis Ferro Gonzalez, Julio A. León Prieto, Ileana María Hernández Rodrìguez, Norma Cabrera Domínguez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023506
  • Ministernotomy for aortic valve replacement. Results in the diabetic patient

    Frank Denys Padrón Martínez, Suselys Boffill Carbó, Maryanelis Pereda Pileta, Juan José Godoy Suárez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023507
  • Minirehabilitation room for grandparents

    Damarys Cabrera Mejico, Yamaris Mercedes Mena Cabrera, Maria Isabel Acosta Martínez, Yoleini de la Caridad Lescalle Ortiz, Ana Margarita Valdés del Pino (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023509
  • Chromosomal aberrations in patients with suspected Prader Willi syndrome

    Damarys García Gómez, Alina García García, Araceli Lantigua Cruz, Estela Morales Peralta, Arlay Castelví López, Odalis Molina Gamboa, Enny Morales Rodríguez, Anduriña Barrios Martínez, Teresa Collazo Mesa, Lainet Santos Merencio, Michel Soriano Torres, Luis Alberto Méndez Rosado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023250
  • Factors associated with blood pressure control in hypertensive patients

    Lázaro Pablo Linares Cánovas, Yoelys Pereda Rodríguez, Guillermo Luís Herrera Miranda (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023510
  • Sociodemographic Factors, Work Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, Quality of Work Life, and Their Association with Work Performance in Peruvian Health Workers

    Boris Alomia-Padilla, Cesar Alvarez-Guzman, Angely Alvarez-Guzman, Mardel Morales-García, Liset Z. Sairitupa-Sanchez, Sandra B. Morales-García, Víctor Álvarez-Manrique, Maribel Paredes-Saavedra, Wilter C. Morales-García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023565
  • Bibliometric review on technology management in universities: trends, challenges, and opportunities

    Matilde Bolaño-García, Sarakarina Solano Galindo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023512
  • Perceptions and Beliefs of Romantic Love in Pedagogy Students: A Qualitative Analysis on Relationship Dynamics and Gender Stereotypes

    Verónica Prieto Cordero, Matilde Bolaño-García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023513
  • Business Conditions in OECD Countries (2010-2019): A Longitudinal Analysis Applying Machine Learning

    Carolina Henao, Jenny Paola Lis Gutiérrez, Cristian Daniel Castillo-Barbosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023515
  • Health-related quality of life and self-care practices in nursing students

    Carlos Jesús Canova-Barrios, Gladys Patricia Robledo, Agostina Brenda Segovia, Karen María Manzur (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023516
  • Educational inclusion through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for students with diverse educational needs in Santa Marta, Colombia

    Matilde Bolaño-García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023517
  • Evolution of educational technology a bibliometric study of training development

    Matilde Bolaño-García, Keguin José González Castro (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023518
  • Improving the quality of in-work education for students from the comprehensive general medicine residency

    Yasmina López Borges, Lizandra Betancourt Fuentes, Yoasmy Creagh Almiñan, Leyanis Nápoles Reyna, Wilser Granada Rodríguez, Midiala Vega Fiol (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023520
  • The diagnosis of socioemotional skills. A look from the aesthetic dimension in early childhood

    Nancy Aleida Marzo Forbes, Modesta López Mejías, Wanda Marina Román Santana (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023521
  • Historical trends of the professional improvement of the doctor in primary health care for the early diagnosis of alterations in oral comunication

    Leydelys Castillo Valdés, Sahely Sixto Fuentes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023523
  • Professional orientation in the training of teachers in pedagogical schools

    Yisel Ramírez Echavarría, Graciela Santos Martínez, Susan Fabiola Dejo Aguinaga (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023524
  • Conceptualizing the Iterative method of Newton-Raphson for systems with two equations

    Serafeim A. Triantafyllou (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023525
  • Unlocking Security: Pioneering a Novel Elliptic Curve-Based Hashing Scheme

    Mbarek LAHDOUD, Ahmed ASIMI (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023526
  • Preparation of teachers for the direction of the professional orientation of the average technician in Electricity

    Yasmany Díaz del Castillo, Lázaro Policarpio Padrón Pereira, Yesenia Centeno de López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023527
  • Quality of service and customer satisfaction in Peruvian food markets

    Virginia Asencio García, Gabriela Ortiz Pinchi, Rosa Isabel Aguilar Grandez, María Guadalupe Luquiños-Sedeno, Marilí Ruth Mamani-Laura, Antony Paul Espiritu-Martinez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023528
  • The use of methods in teaching History: a mixed exploratory study at the Ciego de Ávila University, Cuba

    Tahimi Arroix Jiménez, Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Ana Lucía Colala Troya, Alfredo Javier Pérez Gamboa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023529
  • Seismic vulnerability for masonry housing and its registration in risk scenarios in the city of Moquegua

    Fabrizio Del Carpio Delgado, Bertha Silvana Vera Barrios, Arquimedes Vargas-Luque, Carlos Eduardo Joo García, William Franko Peña Renteria, Gerson Jonatan Donayre Loayza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023530
  • Effective Leadership Strategies: Bridging Gaps in the Latin American Educational System

    Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza, Karina Raquel Bartra-Rivero, Rebeca Pablo-Huamani, Elizabeth Sandoval-Lara, Carmen Gisela Ramos-Ventura (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023531
  • Effective leadership and communication strategies in disadvantaged contexts in the digital age

    Daniel Roman-Acosta, Norma Caira-Tovar, Esteban Rodríguez-Torres, Alfredo Javier Pérez Gamboa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023532
  • Control of the heat of hydration for concrete f'c 210 kg/cm2 with superplasticizer additive in urban buildings

    Luisvar Erlin Barco Cordova, Jefferson Francisco López Guzmán, Fabrizio del Carpio Delgado, Mario Pedro Rodriguez Vásquez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023534
  • Behavior of self-compacting concrete with technological advances in the application of new materials and their influence on the behavior of its physical-mechanical properties: A Review

    Colunche Idrogo Adamari Nayeli, Leydi Mildred Mayta Tanta, Elvia Del Carpio Alarcon, Bertha Silvana Vera Barrios, Alberto Cristobal Flores Quispe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023535
  • Formative assessment for attention to diversity in teachers of public educational institutions

    Jakeline Mora-Teves, Carlos Alberto Villafuerte-Alvare, Yessenia Bernales-Guzmán, Korintia León-Quispe, Lidia Alonzo-Yaranga (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023536
  • Discrepancy analysis in university curriculum evaluation

    Elias Mejia-Mejia, Francis Díaz-Flores (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023541
  • Special deductions and the hiring of people with disabilities, the effect of ignorance in private companies in Ecuador

    María Teresa Espinosa-Jaramillo, Elita Luisa Ricón-Castillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023543
  • Generation of professional competencies based on the profile of the graduate in education

    Elias Mejia-Mejia, Francis Díaz-Flores (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023544
  • Evolution of the Impact of the Tax Reform from 2019 to 2023 on the Deduction of Personal Expenses for Individual Taxpayers in Ecuador

    María Teresa Espinosa-Jaramillo, Elita Luisa Ricón-Castillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023545
  • Economic impact of the transition from RISE to RIMPE on microenterprises in the province of Cotopaxi

    María Teresa Espinosa-Jaramillo, Elita Luisa Ricón-Castillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023546
  • Inverted virtual classroom in the learning paradigm

    Elias Mejia-Mejia, Francis Díaz-Flores (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023547
  • Teaching prewriting in early childhood education: a Scopus bibliometric study

    Norma Luz Velásquez-Dacosta, Mercedez Cury-Britto, Maritza Dávila-Panduro, Dalia Aching-Torres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023564
  • Examining marketing approaches and overcoming challenges in the cashew nut processing sector of tamil nadu: a comprehensive review

    T. Malathi, R. Valli (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023566
  • Level of Tax Knowledge and its Impact on Tax Culture in Students from 4th to 5th Grade of Secondary Level of the IEP "Colegio Nacional Imperial", Imperial District of Cañete

    Yrene Uribe-Hernández, Christian Hilario-Quispe, Alex Pacheco-Pumaleque, David Navarro-Bonifacio, Roberto Manrique-Chipana, Hussein Palomino-Quispe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023567
  • Avocado Price Data Analysis Using Decision Tree

    Johanes Fernandes Andry, Hendy Tannady, Glisina Dwinoor Rembulan, Aurellia Edinata (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023568
  • Challenges encountered by cashew nut processing industry

    T. Malathi, R. Valli (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023569
  • Environmental awareness and consumption habits among university students

    Margoth Luliana Berrío-Quispe, Dina Emeteria Chávez-Bellido, Karim Aguilar-Mori (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023570
  • Positive Psychology in Organizational Change: A descriptive cross-sectional study applied to institutions of higher education

    Byron Omar Bejarano Lizano, Narciza Ibeli López Lozada, Mario Santiago Ramírez Proaño, Lizbeth Fernanda Jaén Bunces (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023573
  • Quality courses for quality virtual higher education

    Edgar Javier Carmona Suárez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023575
  • Feedback and assessment on academic achievement in elementary school students: a Scopus bibliometric study

    Bernarda Salazar del Aguila, Miluska Odely Rodríguez-Saavedra, Ana Sofia Villanueva-Salas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023578
  • Factors Affecting Quality Milk Productivity in Dairy Farming

    Jayendira P Sankar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023579
  • Clinical case of viability in root canal treatment in an elderly patient with dental attrition

    German Díaz Espinoza, María Belén Ibarra Ramírez, Gladys Viviana Urrego Cueva, Libia Karina Reyes Espinoza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023717
  • Interpretation using PRISMA 2020 methodology of antibiotic use in dentistry

    Jonathan Armando Yanza Freire, Santiago Xavier Peñarreta Quezada, María Gracia Criollo Proaño, Deysi Paulina Paredes Cabezas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023721
  • Contextualizations on peace in selected educational institutions in the department of La Guajira

    Emerita Muñoz Estrada, Miriam Muñoz Estrada, Delio Mora Pintiluis (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023580
  • Application of the classroom pedagogical project "Gestores de Convivencia y Paz" as a strategy for the formation of a culture of peace in children in the department of La Guajira

    Delio Jacobo Mora Pontiluis, Emerita Sofia Muñoz Estrada, Edibeth Mora Atencio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023581
  • Articulations of innovative teaching proposals between the area of distance education on education network, subjectivities and technology, and postgraduate articulations of the National University of San Juan

    Emilse Carmona, Mario Gutierrez, Rosa María Pósito, Luciana Buteler, Analía Videla, Patricia Mercado, Sonia Guzman (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023583
  • Systemic Vision of the Technological Educational Context in Latin America

    Iris Jimenez-Pitre, Geomar Molina-Bolivar, Rodrigo Gámez Pitre (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023584
  • Policies to reduce credit risk in Savings and Credit Cooperatives in the tourist and cultural district of Riohacha

    Jose Gregorio Morales Bustamante, Luis Angel Puche Pinto, Alex Jhon Zuñiga (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023585
  • Innovation in higher education careers

    Liliana Beatriz Martínez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023586
  • Evaluating the immunogenic potential of BAX protein isoforms as therapeutic targets in oncology: brief report

    Luis Fabián Salazar-Garcés, Diana Catalina Velastegui-Hernandez, Lizette Elena Leiva Suero (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023587
  • VUCA environment innovation and leadership capabilities of tourism service companies in the Department of La Guajira

    Horacio Bienvenido Suarez Barros, Judeira Josefina Batista De Abreu (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023588
  • Factors associated with Acute Confusion Syndrome in elderly people hospitalized in the Geriatrics service. 2020

    Yunaisys Mosqueda-Lobaina, Mayver Ramírez Durán, Eduardo Enrique Chibas-Muñoz, Amalia Matos-Rodríguez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023590
  • Enhanced cryptography algorithm and improved butterfly algorithm for secured data transmission in wireless sensor network

    A. Prakash, M. Prakash (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023593
  • Sports and language integration skill development

    Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi, Prasanna Balaji D (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023598
  • A sociolinguistic discourse analysis of assimilated English words: a usage-based model of language acquisition

    J. Karthikeyan, R. Vasanthan, Khriereizhunuo Dzuvichu (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023600
  • Pedagogical conception of the professional skills training process in the specialty of Ophthalmology

    Sahely Sixto Fuentes, Juan Lázaro Márquez Marrero, Leydelys Castillo Valdés (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023619
  • Program for the development of digital competencies in teachers of the Stomatology career. Isla de la Juventud

    Ennis Ivonnet-Gutiérrez, Aliana Peña-Méndez, Felicia Silva-Vázquez, Leonides Zaldívar-Carmenate, Luisa Sucel Vargas-Labrada (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023620
  • Strategic planning and organizational performance of the Mypes of the manufacturing sector in the province of Cañete

    María Del Carmen Emilia Ancaya-Martínez, Roxana Beatriz Gonzales-Huaytahuilca, Isabel Carire Soras, Freddy Antonio Ochoa-Tataje (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023621
  • Toxoplasmosis in jungle dog (speothos venaticus): case study

    Darwin Rafael Villamarín Barragán, Raúl González Salas, Mildre Mercedes Vidal del Río, Jaine Labrada Ching (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023737
  • Mental Health Status of the patients of a Medical Office of the Policlínico Universitario Luis Augusto Turcios Lima

    Osiris Oscar Terrado Almarales, Yanara González Baños, Gleddys Gallardo Pons, Marcos Alejandro Cabrera Gallardo, Eduardo Enrique Cecilia Paredes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023623
  • Characterization of patients treated with conventional dermatological surgery at hospital level

    Aimet Hernández López, Junior Vega Jiménez, Daniel Naranjo del Pino, Humberto Alexis López González, Lisneybi Gonzalez Gonzalez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023626
  • Prevalence of parasitosis and its influence on the intestinal microbiota of school children from rural communities in the province of Chimborazo, Ecuador

    Sandra Noemí Escobar Arrieta, Verónica Mercedes Cando Brit, Hugo Javier Sánchez-Moreno, Yolanda Verónica Buenaño Suárez, Jhoana Lamiña Cali, Breidy Lamiña Cali, Andrea Nataly Donoso Barba (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023636
  • Evaluation of the rational use of antibiotics in an Ecuador hospital

    Verónica Mercedes Cando Brito, Sandra Noemí Escobar Arrieta, Hugo Sanchez-Moreno, Dalila Ortega Baño, Nelly Ivonne Guananga Díaz, Angélica Salomé Herrera Molina (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023672
  • Application of the ARAS Method in Risk Assessment and Mitigation in IVF Procedures

    Alexander Javier Ramos Velastegui, Diego Eduardo Guato Canchinia, Edisson Vladimir Maldonado Mariño (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023693
  • Comparison between carpal and vertebral radiography to know the level of skeletal maturation

    Johanna Fiallos Sánchez, Samantha Sánchez Mayorga, José Arturo Molina, Carlos Luis Villalva (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023719
  • Current management and new horizons in the treatment of oral candidiasis

    Washington Paúl Culqui Molina, Mónica Viviana Moscoso Silva, Andrea Mishel Yupangui Avilés, Lamyshet Belén Vaca Aimacaña (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023765
  • Health communication strategy based on the factors that influence the prevention of chinkungunya, dengue and Zika in Latin America

    Denisse Isabel Suaste Pazmiño, Arianna Jael González Vargas, Karina Michelle Tricerri Moya (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023766
  • Long-term benefits for children of including dental health in education

    Oliver Pabel Hidalgo Pilco, Anthony Ismael Bravo Colcha, David Alejandro Paredes Aguilar, Ana Graciela Guédez de Rivero (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023771
  • Demonstration of the effectiveness of the Bionator as a functional appliance used for the treatment of class II malocclusion

    Gladys Viviana Urrego Cueva, Juan Francisco Ruiz Quiroz, María Belén Basantes Otavalo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023772
  • Older adults affected by high blood pressure in the city of Tulcán

    Olga Mireya Alonzo Pico, María Verónica Aveiga Hidalgo, Clara Elisa Pozo Hernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023773
  • Incomplete vaccination in children under 2 years of age at the Tulcán Sur Health Center

    Sara Ximena Guerrón Enríquez, Melba Esperanza Narváez Jaramillo, Julio César Sigcha Báez, Julio Rodrigo Morillo Cano (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023774
  • Arterial hypertension: a global public health challenge and the need for comprehensive strategies

    Mayra Jeaneth Jiménez Jiménez, María Verónica Aveiga Hidalgo, Mónica Alexandra Bustos Villarreal (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023775
  • Analysis of analgesic use in elderly adults attending the GAD parroquial Tufiño, Ecuador

    Mónica Alexandra Bustos Villarrea (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023801
  • Interpretation through literature review of the properties of the neem tree (azadirachta indica) applicable in veterinary medicine

    Mildre Mercedes Vidal Del Río, Jolena Verónica Vinueza Lara, Matías Gabriel Jaramillo López, Marco Paul Medina Valencia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023810
  • Comparison of tensile strength in resin-retained cores with pins and adhesives

    Carlos Luis Villalva León, Jessica Nicole Velastegui Villalva (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023916
  • Prevalence in the prevention of premature loss of temporary teeth in children

    Leslie Scarleth Yépez Chango, Francisco David Báez López, Paúl Andrés Montenegro Vilca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023919
  • Prevalence of caffeine-dependent students in the electromechanical engineering program at Universidad Technical Equinoctial

    Manuel Conrado Ezcurdia Barzaga, Ronny Steeven Diaz Cruz, Estefanny Sulay Suarez Jaramillo, Alexis Saul Villacis Defaz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023920
  • Factors associated with malnutrition in children under 5 years of age in the El Baboso community

    Mónica Alexandra Bustos Villarreal (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023925
  • Strategic management and student satisfaction at San Carlos Private University. Puno Peru 2019

    Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023334
  • Evaluation of knowledge on biosafety culture in waste management among Uniandes staff

    Blanca Cristina Estrella López, Roberto Javier Aguilar Berrezueta, Ginno Paul Maza Abad, Silvio Amable Machuca Vivar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023932
  • Comparative Analysis of Acrylic Methods in Orthodontics to Improve Treatment Quality

    Johanna Elizabeth Fiallos Sánchez, José Arturo Molina, Jonathan Steven Moreta Ocaña (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023938
  • Evaluation of the curvature of the mesio-vestibular canals of the mesial roots of lower molars

    Daniel Gustavo Cortés Naranjo, Haro Amores, Camila Holguín Amores (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023953
  • Competency-Based Learning Strategy for Laboratory Quality Management

    Auri Jacqueline Medina Astudillo, Diana Nancy Martínez-García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023364
  • Analysis of the application and impact on fundamental rights of the principle of full reparation in Ecuador

    Guido Javier Silva Andrade, Beatriz Del Carmen Viteri Naranjo, Stalin Daniel Cuji León, Erick Daniel Maji Gusqui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231044
  • Impact of decree 707 on citizen security in Ecuador: a legal and constitutional analysis on gun ownership and carrying

    Mesias Elías Machado Maliza, Torres Uquillas Nicole Alejandra, Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231045
  • Level of dependence to electronic cigarettes in medical students at the University of the Pacific in the year 2023

    Telmo Raul Aveiro-Róbalo, Mayra Ayelen Llanes Leiva (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023372
  • Summary procedure and presumption of innocence: implications in the Ecuadorian judicial system through a SWOT analysis

    Miguel Angel Guambo Llerena, Dolores Berthila Gavilanes Capelo, Gabriela Michel Guambo Gavilanes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231046
  • Elements of digital marketing and the positioning of the company INNOVA BIOTECH AGRO SAC

    Yervi Valenzuela-Hurtado, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023373
  • Vision of disruptive technologies and administration of justice: their impact and future in contemporary law of Ecuador

    Guido Javier Silva Andrade, Paúl Orlando Piray Rodríguez, Valeria Estefania Vicuña Pozo, Daniela Alejandra Silva Andrade (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231047
  • Indigenous justice and its relationship with constitutional principles in ecuador: a theoretical and critical study

    Luis Fernando Piñas, Beatriz Del Carmen Viteri Naranjo, Francisco Freire Sanchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231048
  • Interactivity and intelligent learning of institutional subjects: leadership and national reality of students at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

    Verónica Elisabeth Montenegro Valdiviezo, Carmita Marcela Carrillo Vargas, Narcisa de Jesús Mena Garzón, Diego Rafael Muñoz Atiaga (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023375
  • PESTEL analysis with cross-impact matrix for studying youth civic participation in ecuadorian public administration

    Paúl Orlando Piray Rodríguez, David Sebastián Rosero Parra, Gisella Carolina Narváez Inca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231049
  • Microfinance and its impact on the commercial sector in the city of Latacunga: a case study of the El Salto shopping center and the closed market in the city of Latacunga

    Yilena Montero Reyes, Joanna Maricela Gallardo Solís, Gina Maricruz Cerda Solís, Jessica Alejandra Tiglla Iglecias (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023376
  • Factors and effects of the increase in sicariato in Santo Domingo canton: a socio-legal and political analysis

    Yolanda Guissell Calva Vega, Deivid Anderson Zapata Valencia, Fredy Pablo Cañizares Galarza, Salomón Alejandro Montece Giler (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231050
  • The social field of music in Medellín

    Nelson León Osorno Zapata, Gloria Clemencia Valencia González, Luz Elena Malagón Castro (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023377
  • Access to justice and infrastructure challenges in courts and courts for disabled people in Riobamba

    Paúl Orlando Piray Rodríguez, Gisella Carolina Narváez Inca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231051
  • Environmental impact of the páramo in Colombia: an approach from the FPEIR model

    Melissa Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny Paola Lis-Gutiérrez, Jonathan Jiménez-Parra, Carolina Henao-Rodríguez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023378
  • Effectiveness of Habeas Corpus in cases of non-consensual detentions in addiction rehabilitation centers in Ecuador

    German Fabricio Acurio Hidalgo , José Luis Acurio Hidalgo , Esteven Antonio Poso Velez, Genesis Ariana Loayza Zambrano (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231052
  • Procurement of less than 8 UIT and procurement management at a national television station

    Ana Yesenia Barrientos Ricra, Hubert Antony Amaya Antón, Henry Valentin Arapa-Apaza, Antony Paul Espiritu-Martinez, Edith Diana Ramirez Charca, Rafael Romero-Carazas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023379
  • Emerging technologies in the possession and carrying of weapons for civil use in Ecuador

    German Fabricio Acurio Hidalgo, José Luis Acurio Hidalgo, Esteven Antonio Poso Velez, Genesis Ariana Loayza Zambrano (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231053
  • Knowledge and attitudes about essential newborn care in women experiencing motherhood for the first time

    Katherine Milagros Gonzales López, David Hugo Bernedo-Moreira, Jaime Natanael Gonzales López, Yesenia Tania Loayza-Apaza, Héctor Fredy Pacompía Quispe, Jorge Nicolás Alejandro Papanicolau Denegri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023380
  • Evaluation of the knowledge on the special tax to the consumption in mototaxi's operators of the canton St. Domingo, Ecuador

    Yolanda Guissell Calva Vega, Milton Germán Erazo Yépez, Fredy Pablo Cañizares Galarza, Salomón Alejandro Montece Giler (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231054
  • Generational diversity and labor productivity, a pressing problem in Peruvian public institutions

    David Hugo Bernedo-Moreira, Jorge Nicolás Alejandro Papanicolau Denegri, Yesenia Tania Loayza-Apaza, Héctor Fredy Pacompía Quispe, Jaime Natanael Gonzales López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023381
  • Comprehensive solutions for the ecuadorian penitentiary system crisis

    Yolanda Guissell Calva Vega, Milton Germán Erazo Yépez, Fredy Pablo Cañizares Galarza, Salomón Alejandro Montece Giler (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231055
  • Agro-sciences for innovation in teaching management at the "AIDA GALLEGOS" educational unit

    Milton Orlando Cangui Basantes, Tibisay Milene Lamus de Rodríguez, Jessica Alejandra Tiglla Iglecias, Gina Maricruz Cerda Solís, Jaime Danilo Casco Hinojosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023382
  • Restorative justice and its impact on juvenile offenders

    Valeria Estefanía Vicuña Pozo, Dayana Elizabeth Quintero Cepeda, Israel Alejandro Borja Chiriboga (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231056
  • Incidence of work stress on the work environment in the company DICOLAIC S.A. de Latacunga, year 2023

    Alex Javier Velásquez Beltrán, Lisseth Paulina Cajilema Tobar, Luis Patricio González Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023383
  • Violation of constitutional rights: evaluation of the free development of personality in ecuadorian studentsSalomón

    Alejandro Montece Giler, Bryan Omar Amán Villegas, María Elena Infante Miranda, Luis Alfredo Montecé Giler (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231057
  • Subjective Quality of Life in Latin American

    Carolina Henao, Jenny Paola Lis-Gutiérrez, Manuel Ignacio Balaguera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023384
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on privacy and discrimination: legal perspectives in Ecuador

    Salomón Alejandro Montece Giler , María Elena Infante, Brayan Geovanny Haro Erazo, Luis Alfredo Montecé Giler (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231058
  • Impact of the economic, political and social environment on per capita scientific production: a comparison of Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean

    Carolina Henao, Jenny Paola Lis Gutiérrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023385
  • Capacity building to preserve the rights of ecuadorian indigenous peoples and afro-descendants

    Marco Patricio Villa Zura, José Ignacio Cruz Arboleda, Josué Ramón Limaico Mina (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231059
  • Emotional intelligence and self-esteem in regular elementary school adolescents, a post-pandemic research

    David Hugo Bernedo-Moreira, Jorge Nicolás Alejandro Papanicolau Denegri, Yesenia Tania Loayza-Apaza, Héctor Fredy Pacompía Quispe, Jaime Natanael Gonzales López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023386
  • Socioeconomic factors and tax liability in the Villa el Salvador Industrial Park, 2022

    Rafael Romero-Carazas, Alfonso Del Carpio-Delgado, Antony Paul Espiritu-Martinez, María Guadalupe Luquiños-Sedeno4, Marilí Ruth Mamani-Laura, Henry Valentin Arapa-Apaza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023387
  • Child malnutrition in Ecuador and Chile: analysis of the policies implemented through the management of scientific information

    María José Calderón Velásquez, Kevin Alexander Samaniego Macas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231062
  • Interactivity in science museums and the development of logical thinking in students: a bibliometric study

    Rafael Romero-Carazas, Amarelys Román-Mireles, Yesenia Tania Loayza-Apaza, David Hugo Bernedo-Moreira (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023388
  • Evaluation of teens's conduct that they take in alcohol and narcotics at the Holy Canton Sunday, Ecuador

    Javier Dario Bosquez Remache, Gema Thalía Resabala Delgado, Salomón Alejandro Montecé Giler, Lady Nathaly Chica López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231063
  • Influence of the use of social networks on exports of Peruvian textile companies, 2023

    Jesus Huamani Santo, Mary Lisbeth Cala Fuentes, Antony Paul Espiritu-Martinez, María Guadalupe Luquiños-Sedeno, Marilí Ruth Mamani Laura, Henry Valentin Arapa Apaza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023389
  • Knowledge and contribution against tax fraudation on the local economy in Guayaquil

    Vanessa Josefa Hernández Alvarado, Nicole Becerra Campi, Alexander Bajaña Jiménez , María Barragán Gáleas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231064
  • Remote sensing as a tool for natural disaster risk analysis: a bibliometric review

    Amarelys Román-Mireles (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023390
  • Analysis of public policies aimed at protecting the rights of migrant children and adolescents

    Andy Brayan Pozo Fuentes, Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231065
  • Digital marketing and business management of a textile company in the victoria district during the Covid-19 pandemic, 2022

    Irene Huaman-Bazan, Lucero Juarez-Torres, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023391
  • Total Family Risk of Families of school adolescents from a Vulnerable Area of North Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023392
  • Influence of international investment arbitration as a dispute settlement system in Ecuador

    Jerson Alexis Ordóñez Sarch, Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita, Jessica Johanna Santander Moreno, Pablo David Portilla Obando (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231067
  • Corporate social responsibility and competitiveness in supermarkets in North Lima 2018-2021

    Gonzalo Araujo-Asencios, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023393
  • Challenges in the legal protection of urban fauna in modern environments

    Melany Sabrina Enríquez Valenzuela, Kelly Vanessa Fuentes Ayala, Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita, Danny Mauricio Sandoval Malquin (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231068
  • The impact on the implementation of E-commerce in the strategic management of a Mype in Los Olivos 2022

    Edita Jimenez-Paredes, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Segundo Rios-Rios (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023394
  • Performance of 28 mega pascal self-compacting concrete using sustainable raw materials and their influence on mechanical behavior

    Adamari Nayeli Colunche Idrogo, Leydi Mildred Mayta Tanta, Alberto Cristobal Flores Quispe, Fabrizio Del Carpio Delgado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023395
  • Analysis of the forms of food provision according to the Code of Childhood and Adolescence in Ecuador

    Ingrid Joselyne Diaz Basurto, José Fabían Molina Mora, Miguel Stevens Diaz Basurto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231070
  • Hydraulic design proposal to store and treat graywater for reuse in green areas of a sustainable housing - 2022

    Alexandra Thalía Castillo Rojas, Oscar Eduardo Rojas Benavides, Elki Saldaña Chunqui, Alberto Cristobal Flores Quispe, Alfredo Romero Kana, Elvia Sugey Del Carpio Alarcon (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023396
  • Job insecurity in the ecuadorian public sector: analysis of the violation of the right to work through occasional contracts

    Loren Francisco Bustamante Moran (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231071
  • Conservation of flexible pavement using the PCI method

    Alberto Cristobal Flores Quispe, Alfredo Romero Kana, Jhoselin Tatiana Rojas Llanos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023397
  • Internet: perspectives from the legal standpoint as a citizen's right in Ecuador

    Iván Fernando Andrade Arrieta, German Mancheno Salazar, Isabel Rodríguez Benavides (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231072
  • COVID-19: Attitudes towards death and beliefs about the terminal patient in intensive care and medical clinic nursing professionals

    Karen Manzur (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023398
  • Effectiveness of advanced testimony in the protection of vulnerable victims in Ecuador

    Diego Francisco Granja Zurita, Israel Emiliano Montenegro Bósquez, María Cristina Espín Meléndez, Sandra Vanessa Chiluiza Atiaja (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231073
  • Lifestyles of Nursing Students

    Carlos Jesús Canova-Barrios, Yamila Noelia Vizgarra, Delia Graciela Abarza, Carina Beatriz Cano, Patricia Graciela Méndez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023399
  • Challenges and needs of children removed from child labor: implications for support and reintegration policies

    Cinthya Paulina Cisneros Zúñiga , Roberto Carlos Jiménez Martínez , Manuel Ricardo Velázquez , Erick Manuel Vásquez Llerena (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231074
  • Validation of a methodology to evaluate the argumentative quality of judicial decisions in Ecuador

    Diego Francisco Granja Zurita , Francisco David Villacis Mogrovejo , María Cristina Espín Meléndez , Sandra Vanessa Chiluiza Atiaja (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231075
  • Organizational climate and work performance of workers the educational institution "Jose Carlos Mariátegui" of the district of Villa María del Triunfo, Lima – 2020

    Naara Medina-Altamirano, Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan, Monica Quispe-Solano, Aydeé Lopez-Curasma, Cynthia López-Gómez, Jose Rojas-Diaz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023401
  • Current situation of human rights in Ecuador in the context of citizen security

    Óscar Gonzálo Jácome Merino, Natalia Alejandra Maldonado Mejía (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231076
  • Location based Access Privileges and Controlling the Clustering in Sustainable 5G Challenges

    R. Manivannan, S. Manikandan, R. Vadivel, S. Sophana Jennifer (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023402
  • Study of the position of amicus curiae y third parties. Case yasuní post-referéndum

    Nayelis Alejandra Villarreal Prado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231077
  • Nursing Care on Quality of Life in Regular basic education teachers treated at a Hospital in North Lima

    Juan Saberbein-Muñoz, Christian Hilario-Quispe, Maria Salinas-Cruz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023403
  • Analysis of tax legislation, practices, perceptions, economic impact, and control strategies

    Claudio Antonio Terán Vaca, Sheila Esparza Pijal, Luis Crespo Berti (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231078
  • Quality of Life in Hypertensive Teachers of regular basic education who go to an Establishment during the health Emergency due to COVID-19 in North Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023404
  • Analysis for improvement in the management of gender violence in Riobamba

    Oscar Gonzalo Jácome Merino, Natalia Alejandra Maldonado Mejía, Erick Martín Huilca García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231109
  • Risk analysis of miscarriage among workers at the “sandflowers” floriculture in Pichincha province

    Johana Valentina Acosta Rosero (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023602
  • Studies on diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

    Johanna Leticia Ortiz González, Dafne Nayeli Almendariz Ormaza, Gerardo Francisco Freire Rengel, Gerardo Antonio Granja Carrión (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231110
  • Determination of perceived quality in nursing care at a care home in Tulcán

    Erika Marcela León Revelo, Julio Rodrigo Morillo Cano, Leonel Gerardo Ruano Yarpaz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023606
  • Family functionality and resilience in adolescents in the first year of high school in a public educational institution in Carabayllo, Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023405
  • Evaluation of the impact of access consciousness sessions on emotional and physical well-being

    Mayra Paola Cortez Ocaña, Andrea Gabriela Suárez López, Lila Galicia Chávez Fonseca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231112
  • Emotional intelligence in final year students of an education program at a private university in Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023406
  • Analysis of the diagnosis and management of cervical ectopic pregnancies in Ecuador, through the study of cases described in the bibliography

    Christian Xavier Mata Chango, Nancy Urbina Romo, María Ilusión Solís Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023607
  • Recommendation of public policies to improve the lifestyles of nursing students at the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes

    Shirley Katherine Barrera Loayza, Melanie Jasmín Altamirano Mena, Gloria Rebeca Medina Naranjo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231114
  • Anxiety level in nursing students of a private university during the COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Lima

    Christian Hilario-Quispe, Juan Saberbein-Muñoz, Maria Salinas-Cruz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023407
  • Strategies of public health to mitigate the maternal death rate at the region during the period understood between 2015 and 2021

    Santiago Xavier Peñarreta Quezada, Camila Alejandra Ochoa Yanez, Stefany Yamileth Mejía Ayala (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231115
  • Resilience and self-image in adolescents starting school activities in a Lima area

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023408
  • Hand Accident Recovery with pedicled graft

    Enrique Ramón Rodríguez Reyes , Alberto Sánchez Garrido, Labrada González Elsy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231116
  • Total family risk in families of vulnerable school students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Metropolitan Lima

    Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023409
  • Risk Factors and Complications in Postpartum Women with Episiotomy: An Analysis Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

    Valeria Kasandra Guevara Guaman, Gloria Rebeca Medina Naranjo, Roberto Enrique Alvarado Chacón (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231117
  • Relationship between procrastination, academic performance, and mental health in university students at Uniandes in Ecuador

    Karla Gabriela Nieto Villegas, Vicente Daniel Robalino Masabanda, Jhoana Pamela Moncayo Redroban, Mayra Paola Cortez Ocaña (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023608
  • Strategies and projects in the management of autoimmune dermatosis

    Edwin Marcelo Miranda Solis, Yesenia Esthefania Arellano Oleas, Jessica Lisbeth Vallejo Bayas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231118
  • Satisfaction of university teachers attended at a private health care facility in northern Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023410
  • Monitoring and control of infectious diseases in Ecuador.

    Francisco Xavier Poveda Paredes, Giuliana Nicole Lara Flores, Melany Mishell Velasco Basantes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231119
  • Nursing Care in the Mental Health of adolescents from an educational population in San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima-Peru

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023411
  • Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Myeloid Leukemia in Patients with Down Syndrome: Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications

    Olivia Elizabeth Altamirano Guerrero, Piedad Elizabeth Acurio Padilla, Juan Sebastián Lima Icaza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231122
  • Nursing care in the mental health of school adolescents residing in a vulnerable area of North Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi, Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza, Livia Piñas-Rivera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023412
  • Strategy to prevent depressive states in nursing specialty students

    Sara Ximena Guerrón Enríquez, Jaquelin Maricela Cruz Arteaga, Elisabeth Germania Vilema Vizuete, Clara Elisa Pozo Hernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231123
  • Frequency of anxiety, depression and stress in nutrition students at the Universidad del Pacífico

    Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo, Leila Greco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023413
  • Community intervention program. Domestic violence against women

    Iris Quiñones García, Doraimys Valido Valdes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023601
  • Nutritional, anthropometric characteristics and the probability of suffering disorders of eating behavior in classical dancers in four academies of the central department

    Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo, Amanda Talia Cabrera Marecos, Liz Diana González Barreto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023414
  • Interpretation through a literature review of the benefits of post-extraction dental implants

    Brian Steven López Nacimba, Darnely Geordana Quilligana Salazar, Carla Monserrath Estrada Vizuete, Joselyn Mishell Chimbolema Tierra (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023681
  • Probability of suffering Eating Disorders (ED) in health professionals

    Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo, Johana Garay, Mirian Morán (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023415
  • Chronic diarrhea in a pediatric patient with HIV

    Leticia Marín-Mundo, Celia Martinez-de Cuellar, Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023416
  • Preventing intestinal infections in vulnerable communities

    San Lucas Coque Segundo Moisés, Israel Daniel Oñate Paredes, Dayanara Wendy Jarrín Vargas, Carlos Juan Coronel Melendres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231120
  • Influence of lifestyle habits on the evolution of arterial hypertension in adults

    Zuly Rivel Nazate Chuga , Clara Elisa Pozo Hernández , Santiago Cristopher Meneses Ponce (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023613
  • Current Protocols for Bone Grafting in the Comprehensive Treatment of Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate

    Javier Alonso Villegas Fonseca, Mishell Stephany Núñez Hernández, Javier Estuardo Sánchez Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231121
  • Study on the perceptions and practices related to the possibility of HIV transmission among higher education students in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

    Manuel Ezcurdia Barzaga, Henry Jeanpierre Castillo Aveiga, Ana Karen Castillo Aveiga, Nixon Ariel Armijos Quezada (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231124
  • Simulation scenario design model for training clinical reasoning in undergraduate medical students

    Soledad Armijo Rivera, Cristian Labarca Solar, Cristian Pérez Villalobos, Claudia Behrens Pérez, Catalina Tamburrino Díaz, Javiera Castro Pérez, Andrés Díaz Guío (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023418
  • Comparison of academic performance of university students in differential and integral calculus in virtual and face-to-face teaching modalities

    Jhonny Javier Albitres Infantes, Lucy Estela Salinas Flores, Héctor Alexis Herrera Vega (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023346
  • Remote simulation: A qualitative study on clinical reasoning and cognitive errors from the students' perspective

    Verónica Mir-Bezanilla, Antonia González-Bernstein, María Ignacia Lüer-Sepúlveda, Rosario López-Leiva, Joaquín Díaz-Schmidt, Soledad Armijo-Rivera, Cristhian Pérez-Villalobos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023419
  • Innovations in the postoperative management of the third molar and use of biomaterials. A look at different studies

    Mónica Alexandra Acosta Vargas, Ronald Medardo Gómez Coba, Jhoseline Melissa Pérez Villacrés, Mónica Sofía Pallo Sarabia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023627
  • Interpretation of fatty acids and adrenal function in Ald-X patients using PRISMA 2020 methodology

    Olivia Elizabeth Altamirano Guerrero, Piedad Elizabeth Acurio Padilla, Mauricio Fernando Enrríquez Grijalva, Melany Yamilex Reascos Chalacán (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023753
  • Nursing Student Satisfaction with Simulation Experiences and Environment

    Olga Gladys Fernández, Gladys Patricia Robledo, Carlos Jesús Canova-Barrios (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023420
  • Educational Transformation: Optimization in the Teaching of Logistics in International Business through the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Institutions

    Ricardo Javier Albarracín Vanoy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023422
  • On totient graph of a set of positive integers

    Arijit Mishra, Pinku Chandra Dey (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023423
  • Anthropometric Assessment and Dietary Lifestyle of the Félix Pérez Cardozo Club's Basketball Youth Category

    Maira Sofia Roa Flores, Roció Magali Gómez López, Alicia Viviana Benítez Desvars, Nadine Fanego Pusineri, Telmo Raul Aveiro-Róbalo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023424
  • Nutritional Status Eating Habits and Cardiovascular Risk in Volunteer Firefighters of Paraguay

    Nayeli Monserrath Ochoa Ferreira, Nathalia Jazmín Cáceres Zaracho, Alicia Viviana Benítez Desvars, María Isabel López Ocampos, Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023425
  • Risk of suffering from eating disorders students in the 1st and 2nd semester of the Medicine degree

    Alisson Anahí Bareiro Recalde, María Paz Imas Sotto, Alicia Viviana Benítez Desvars1, Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023426
  • Comparison of achievement in anamnesis skills in on-site and online formative Objective Structured Clinical Exam

    Mariana Jadue, Pilar Munitiz, Luz-María Torres, Marcelo Blacutt, Soledad Armijo-Rivera, Edison-Pablo Reyes (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023427
  • Developing clinical decision making in stroke through virtual online simulation: automated asynchronous or instructor-led synchronous feedback? A randomized controlled trial

    Valentina Fuentes Lombardo, Javier Palominos Salas, María A. Pettersen Correa, Patricio Caro Guerra, Víctor Navia González, Arnold Hoppe, Soledad Armijo-Rivera, Felipe Machuca-Contreras (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023428
  • Evaluation of a course for simulation instructors at a Peruvian university

    Hector Shibao Miyasato, Soledad Armijo-Rivera, Fresia Casas Bueno, Ana Maria Sandoval Barrantes, Ximena Delgado Guevara, Miguel Gutiérrez Díaz, Stefany Valdivia López, Roberto Villalobos Ulfe, Felipe Machuca-Contreras (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023429
  • Quality of life and financial inclusion in Bogota: A predictive analysis through machine learning

    Herlyn Alejandro Moreno Parada, Carolina Henao-Rodríguez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023430
  • Knowledge, skills, and perceptions of research teaching in Doctor of Public Health students

    Carlos Jesús Canova-Barrios, Mariel Alejandra Mansilla, Silvia Elena Vouillat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023431
  • Application of blockchain technology for information security in the financial sector

    Jefferson Fernandez-Morin, Kevin Torrejon-Mundaca, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023432
  • Sensitization in gender of medical students

    Arleen Abreu Cervantes, Juan Carlos Blanco Lores, Roberto Carlos Ontiveros Cepeda (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023433
  • Benefits of the Special Tax Regime Special Economic and Social Zone versus the Ordinary Income Tax Regime: An empirical study

    Rolando Eslava Zapata, Charol Viviana Morales Zambrano, Leidy Lorena González Acevedo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023435
  • Nursing Specialists Training at Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana

    Lissette Cardenas-de Baños, Rossana Planas Labrada, Vilma Lorenzo Alvarez, María Teresa Dieguez Calderon, Sergio Gonzalez-García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023436
  • Tax benefits for companies in the construction sector: a study of social housing projects

    Julieth Herminia Flórez Márquez, Ambar Stefany Agro Gómez, Rolando Eslava Zapata (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023437
  • Teacher motivation: An empirical study with teachers educating students with identified disabilities in a diverse classroom environment

    Sonia Quiroz Leal, Rolando Eslava Zapata (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023438
  • Generational change in ceramic handicraft activity: Proposals for sustainable local and cultural development

    Marisol Martínez Suárez, María Otilia Pulecio Bazurto, Leidy Carolina Sicachá Marín, Vannesa Alexandra Barragán Rodríguez, Laura Karina Sánchez Bustamante (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023439
  • Estimation of effective rigidity in reinforced concrete structures through modal identification tests and sclerometry

    Elvis Jhordy Mamani Uscamayta, Mario Pedro Rodríguez Vásquez, Yesith Medalith Jarecca Cusacani, Bertha Silvana Vera Barrios, Elvia Sugey Del Carpio Delgado, Alfredo Romero Kana, Yenny Reaño Bayona, Carlos Eduardo Joo García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023442
  • Business science: Overproduction, self-citations and Article processing charge (APC)

    Adilson Luiz Pinto, Saeid Shirshahi, Reza Varmazyar, Carlos Luis González-Valiente (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023444
  • Umbilical reconstruction without flap after abdominoplasty

    Cesar Edwin Martínez Correa, Daniel Rodolfo Noriega Rodríguez, Jonathan Mauricio Quisilema Cadena, Jesua Emmanuel Avilez Alvarado, Lissette Cárdenas de Baños (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023445
  • Analysis of bacteremia risks associated with dental procedures

    Washington Paul Culqui Molina, Segundo Moisés San Lucas Coque, Samira Alejandra Duran Maldonado, Daniela Alexandra Freire Herrera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023767
  • Quality of Life during the Covid-19 pandemic in University Teachers in a Province in Southern Lima

    Lucia Asencios-Trujillo, Lida Asencios-Trujillo, Carlos La Rosa-Longobardi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023448
  • Utilization of the artificial intelligence for the evaluation and improvements in biosecurity protocols for the prevention of infections crossed in odonatological attention for the COVID-19

    Fanny del Rocío Lozada López, Verónica Alejandra Salame Ortiz, Rómulo Guillermo López Torres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023770
  • Characterization of the current state of professional pedagogical performance in the teaching of emotional integration in the subject Clinical Propaedeutics and Medical Semiology

    Libertad Valdés Izquierdo, Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo, Alejandro Antuan Díaz Díaz, Ana Claribel Herrera Wainshtok (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023449
  • Hospital culture and social responsibility: a mixed study of the main lines for its development

    Yasniel Sánchez Suárez, Alfredo Javier Pérez Gamboa, Arialys Hernández Nariño, Lee Yang Díaz-Chieng, Maylín Marqués León, José Armando Pancorbo Sandoval, Esteban Rodríguez Torres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023451
  • Challenges in the epidemiological surveillance of maternal mortality in Bolivia: a retrospective analysis

    Blas Apaza-Huanca, Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santivañez, José José Corini-Mamani, Amira Guisel Lopez-Quispe, Yenifer Zelaya-Espinoza, Olvis Scharbel Valdivia-Tola, María Valeria Canedo Sanchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023452
  • Difficult Airway in Adult patients: Outcome and institutional response

    Ángel Roberto Martínez López, Alejandro Carías, Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santivañez, Gustavo Perez-Aramayo, Laura Pamela Mamani-Manzaneda, Pablo Saul Mayta-Amador, Blas Apaza-Huanca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023453
  • Strategy based on a pedagogical conception aimed at developing the autonomy of the Medicine student

    Duniesky Morales Pérez, Alberto Darío García Gutiérrez, Idalia Zaragoza Serralde (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023454
  • Family guidance to promote the motivation of schoolchildren towards learning

    Elianis Rodríguez Ochoac, Graciela del Carmen Sánchez, Luis Napoleón Quintanilla López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023456
  • Improvement strategy for the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance of teachers in the teaching of emotional integration

    Libertad Valdés Izquierdo, Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo, Alejandro Antuan Díaz Díaz, Ana Claribel Herrera Wainshtok (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023458
  • Logistics management in a handicrafts store in the district of San Martin de Porres, 2023

    Olga Baldeón-Mestanza, Anali De La Cruz-Puga, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023459
  • Management and succession in family businesses: Bibliometric review

    Lindon Vela Meléndez, Juan Diego Dávila Cisneros, Julio C. César Valdés, José Wilder Herrera Vargas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023460
  • Administrative management and innovation capacity of MSMEs in Lima, year 2022

    Erika Barja-Matos, Cristhian Ibañez-Sullca, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Segundo Rios-Rios (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023461
  • Consumer confidence and e-commerce in the San Hilarion Urbanization in the year 2022

    Luis Aguilar-Herrera, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023462
  • Marketing mix and business growth of the Tambo company in San Juan de Lurigancho, 2022

    Vianca Cajahuanca-Hinostroza, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023463
  • Financial analysis of liquidity and its relationship with the profitability of the textile company Creditex

    Rafael Romero-Carazas, Marilyn Villanueva-Batallanos, Felipe Yony Gómez-Cáceres, Roque Juan Espinoza Casco, Julio Samuel Zarate-Suarez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023464
  • Service quality and customer satisfaction at the mype "Creditos Becerra", Lima, 2022

    Widney Cornelio-Ruiz, Jean Becerra-Quiquia, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Segundo Rios-Rios (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023467
  • Evaluation of the physical and chemical properties of cohesive soils for subgrade treatment

    Juan Elvis Hernandez Tocas, Paquita Jerany Mendoza Romero, Mario Pedro Rodríguez Vásquez, Wilfredo Gómez Quispe, Fabrizio Del Carpio Delgado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023468
  • Water balance trends and sustainability risks in municipalities of the Rio Seco watershed, Colombia

    Andres Francisco Olivar Rojas, Edgar Orjuela Montoya, Federico José Jiménez Varón, Magnolia Rivera Cumbe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023469
  • Conceptualizing the Learning Design of lesson plans with LAMS and CADMOS

    Serafeim A. Triantafyllou, Yousef Farhaoui, Najia Khouibiri, Tarik Ahajjam (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023471
  • Deep Learning Applied on Arabic language for punctuation marks prediction

    Abdelkarim Aboutaib, Imad Zeroual, Ahmad EL Allaoui (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023472
  • Machine learning for the improvement of adaptive learning in university education

    Fabrizzio Jara-Abanto, Luis Velasquez-Medina, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023473
  • Arterial hypertension and erectile dysfunction: an experience in the study of their comprehensive care

    Yuniel Abreu Hernández, Yoanka Cañizares Gorrín, Lisset Arnaud-López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023476
  • Preparation of the primary teacher for family orientation in rural and mountains areas

    Jorge Lázaro Duque Robaina, Humberto Clemente Calderón Echevarría, Jennifer Mejía Ríos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023477
  • Human talent management in a commercial Mype company in northern Lima in the year 2023

    Jenny Jara-Valverde, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023478
  • Transformational leadership and its influence on the organizational development of the industrial workshop of the electromechanical company of Ate, 2022

    Ivet Bonifacio-Illanes, Sonia Salazar-Sanchez, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023479
  • Corporate image and loyalty at the primary level of an educational institution in Chilca, 2022

    Martin Camacho-Cuya, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023480
  • Business benchmarking is linked to the sales of companies in the industrial textile sector in northern Lima during the year 2022

    Osmar Herrera-Castro, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Segundo Rios-Rios (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023481
  • Marketing digital y el posicionamiento de la MYPE del sector gastronómico Mifruty, Lima Norte, 2021

    Angie Matos-Paucar, Gabriel Inocente-Laurencio, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023482
  • Marketing mix and customer satisfaction in an industrial sector

    José Fernández-Calderón, Francis Quispe-Berrú, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Gustavo Zarate-Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023483
  • Social networks and brand positioning of the I.E.P. José María Arguedas de Independencia, 2021

    Camila Fuentes-Toribio, Ludwin Silvestres-Flores, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023484
  • Sociodemographic characterization and marital status of older adults victims of violence

    Roberto Plasencia González, Max Ramiro Ochoa Ortega (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023485
  • Early atherosclerotic signs in adolescents aged 11 to 19 years

    Doraimys Valido Valdes, Rayza Labrador Bernal, María Eugenia Amador Mesa, Guillermo Hernández Medina, Emma Gallardo Romero (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023486
  • Trends in the methodological work management process in the medicine career

    Blas Nivaldo Porras Pérez, Guillermo Luis Herrera Miranda, Guillermo Alejandro Herrera Horta, Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023487
  • Adherence to treatment in older adults with Diabetes Mellitus. Medical Office 124

    Yanara González Baños, Osiris Oscar Terrado Almarales, Maikel Santiago Salgado Izquierdo, Eunice Echevarria Cabrera, Yuday Morejón Rosales, Juan Carlos Curbelo Fajardo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023488
  • Preconceptional reproductive risk factors in women of childbearing age

    Yanely Sánchez Rodríguez, Emma Gallardo Romero, Sergio Alberto Díaz Cruz, Iris Quiñones García, Lazara García Breto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023489
  • Blood groups and SARS-CoV-2 infection in Pinar del Río medical students

    Carlos Alfredo Miló-Valdés, Alberto Lugo Hernández, Anthuanet Pino Falcón, Mayelín García García, Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo, Odalys Orraca-Castillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023490
  • Challenges and perspectives of the teaching-learning process of the Pharmacology discipline in the medical career

    Suniel Pérez García, Tania Yakelyn Cala Peguero, Guillermo Luis Herrera Miranda, Marvelia Díaz Calzada (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023491
  • Diagnosis of the states current of the process of teaching-apprenticeship of the design of related software with databases, in the Systems run of Information in Health of the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río

    Mayenny Linares Río, Manuel Quintero García, Dunesky Travieso Ramos, Darianna Cruz Marquez, Javier Joaquín Pérez Cardoso, Yoan Gilberto Del Llano Capote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023492
  • Prevalence of myotonic dystrophy type 1 in Pinar del Río province, Cuba

    Deysi Licourt Otero, Mildays Orraca Castillo, Teddy Osmin Tamargo Barbeito, Laisi Sainz Padrón, Melissa Toledo Licourt (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023493
  • Gastric cancer in patients older than 20 years of age

    Doraimys Valido Valdes, Iris María Hernández Villar, Yosniel Benítez Falero, Barbara Junco Sena, Yanely Sánchez Rodríguez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023494
  • Prevalence of renal damage early on older adults

    Jorge Félix Rodríguez Ramos, Guillermo Luís Herrera Miranda, Julio Cesar Rodríguez Boffill (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023495
  • Rectal ozone therapy in the treatment of pain syndrome due to Lumbar Disc Herniation

    Jesús Cuello Ávila, Sobeida Dreke Freire, Juan Miguel Benites García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023496


  • A review of GPT Chat applications in Marketing

    Angie Natalia Rojas Restrepo (Translator); Jenny Paola Lis-Gutiérrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023514
  • Stimulation of vocational and professional interests by means of educational guidance

    Massiel Belén Muñiz Pujol, Lietty Caridad García Vera, Jenifer de la Caridad Gorrita Álvarez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023519
  • Academic networks from university management for knowledge production mode 3.0

    Yesenia Centeno de López, Claudia Zuriaga Bravo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023537
  • The integration of technology in the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis during the covid-19 pandemic: a literature review

    Matilde Bolaño-García, Keguin José González Castro (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023538
  • Navigating the 21st Century: The Internationalization of the Curriculum and Critical Competencies for the Future

    Ricardo Javier Albarracín Vanoy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023539
  • Neurobioethics and bioethics in the severe oncology patient with neurological complications

    Ariel Sosa Remón, Ana Esperanza Jerez Álvarez, Arian Jesús Cuba Naranjo, Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santivañez, Luis Mariano Tecuatl Gómez, Benito Aguirre Cruz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023542
  • Effect of probiotics on the obese patient. A review study

    Milena Alexandra Montachana Crespata, Carmen Patricia Viteri Robayo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023549
  • Antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of cancer

    Camila Navas, Carmen Viteri (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023550
  • The importance of conscious eating in addressing obesity: A bibliographic review

    Verónica Elizabeth Guanga Lara, Anahí Monserrath Carrera Jácome, María José Soto Urquizo, Katy Estefanía Toapanta Viracocha, Annette Nicole Trávez Jaramillo, William Bayardo Galarza Esparza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023553
  • The Evolution of Treatments for Acute Ischemic Stroke and Correlated Medical Knowledge: A Historical Analysis

    Eduardo Paglioni Salama, Lucas Oliveira Gonçalves Pita, Livia de Souza Oliveira Durante Pita (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023563
  • Learning to think in light of neuroscience and my teaching competence

    Victoriano Rodríguez Otero, Catalina Fonseca (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023571
  • Construction of computational thinking through the incorporation of STEM education in the secondary school curriculum in the department of Quindío (Colombia)

    Jamesón Jimenez, Edgar Javier Carmona (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023572
  • B-learning protocol for the higher alphabetization

    Cristina Laplagne Sarmiento (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023574
  • The Amaranthaceae family in the herbarium reference collection of La Guajira (HG) "Wunü'ülia", La Guajira, Colombia

    Jonathan Pérez-Brito, Mileidys Sierra-Julio, Kerry Díaz Fuenmayor (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023576
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on learning behaviors and psychological well-being of college students

    Diana Catalina Velastegui-Hernandez, Mayra Lucia Rodriguez-Pérez, Luis Fabián Salazar-Garcés (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023582
  • Opportunities for the development of the microfranchise model in family wineries in the Lambayeque Region, during the period 2020 -2023

    Michelle Jannina Ramirez Odar (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023589
  • Use of irrigating substances of natural origin in Endodontics

    Yoneisy Abraham-Millán, Rosa María Montano-Silva, Yaima Pupo-Martínez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023591
  • Advancements in Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques: A Comprehensive Review

    Andrea Patricia Pérez Ayme, Josseline María Caiza Suárez, Martin Mateo Paredes Ortega, Daniel Samuel Gualoto Gualoto, Juan Carlos Santillán Lima, Adriana Elizabeth Rivera Campoverde, Alfredo Augusto Rivera Ticona, Jonathan Steven Coello Vergara, Gerzon David Martínez Serrano (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023622
  • Description of ventilator-associated pneumonia

    Yanara González Baños, Osiris Oscar Terrado Almarales, Heidy Rego Avila (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023625
  • Some links between transdisciplinarity and scientific research

    Elvio Galati (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202389
  • The Future of Healthcare: Evaluating the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Medical Care

    Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña, Nairovys Gómez Martínez, Adisnay Rodríguez Plascencia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023768
  • New perspectives in the treatment of heart failure: The role of SGLT2 inhibitors

    Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña, Nairovys Gómez Martínez, Adisnay Rodríguez Plasencia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023769
  • Interpretation through PRISMA 2020 review of the association between periodontal disease and stress

    Oswaldo Damián Miranda Rosero, Josselyn Eliss Miranda Fernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023951
  • Reflections on Teacher Identity: Epistemological Perspectives on Clinical Simulation

    Diego Andrés Díaz-Guio, Mauricio Rojas, Alejandra Ricardo-Zapata (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023371
  • Analysis of microenterprise lending in Ecuador: a study of determinant factors

    Yilena Montero Reyes, Joanna Maricela Gallardo Solís, María Magdalena Toalombo Capuz, David Estuardo Moscoso Jurado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023374
  • Legal and financial preparation of Ecuadorians based on studies on economic insolvency

    Marco Patricio Villa Zura, Diego Xavier Chamorro Valencia, José Ignacio Cruz Arboleda, Josué Ramón Limaico Mina (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231060
  • Legal hermeneutics in the application of justice

    Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita, Josía Jeseff Isea Argüelles, Rosa Evelyn Chugá Quemac, Teresa de Jesús Molina Gutiérrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231066
  • Analysis of legal policies for the protection of wild animals in urban areas of Cotacachi, Ecuador

    Lilian Fabiola Haro Terán, Luis Andrés Crespo Berti, Sheila Belén Esparza Pijal (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231069
  • The Ethical Crossroads of Personal Data Collection

    David Tamayo Salazar, Myriam Gricelda Tayo Ugsha, Alexis Santiago Corrales Freire, Anthonny Vinicio Pazmiño Herrera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023400
  • Salutogenic approach paradigm of comprehensive and integrated health care

    Idalberto Creagh Bandera, Yanet del Carmen Pérez Ferreiro, Fidel Creagh Bandera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023752
  • Customs transformation: an analysis of the application of artificial intelligence in Bogotá's customs offices

    Ricardo Javier Albarracín Vanoy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023421
  • Rural tourism management from an entrepreneurial approach and its impact on local development

    Dailén Noa Guerra, Kenia González González (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023434
  • Motivational affective training and personal growth of health technologists, role of tutors

    Zaddys Ahimara Ruiz Hunt, Yanetsy García Acevedo, Zuly del Carmen Ontiveros Cepeda (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023440
  • Deforestation and its degrading effect on the environment

    Yeriny del Carmen Conopoima Moreno (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023441
  • Errors and biases in peer review

    Carlos Canova-Barrios (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023443
  • Quality with underlying epistemological criteria

    Romina Caballero, Irene Amelia Simeoni, Carlos Oscar Lepez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023447
  • The social construction of reality

    Juana Dolores Ramirez, Carlos Oscar Lepez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023457
  • Machine Learning for predicting climate change in the environment: Review

    Brescia Fernández-Baldeón, Deyvis Quino-Pulache, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023465
  • Nursing care and its humanization from the ethical and an esthetic

    Anibal Espinosa Aguilar, Michel Oria Saavedra, Gloria Concepción Rojas Ruíz, Carlos Oscar Lepez, Irene Amelia Simeoni, Romina Caballero, Zunilda Elizabeth Duré Benítez, Lucas Daniel Fleitas Sánchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023466
  • The reemergence of whooping cough in the 21st century. Literature review and update

    Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santiváñez, Ruben Omar Colque-Mollo, Roberto Carlos Jiménez-Fernández, Rommer Alex Ortega Martinez, Antonio Viruez-Soto, Joel Gutiérrez-Beltrán (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023475

Conference abstract

  • Good environmental practices for sustainable tourism on the beaches of San Jacinto-Charapotó

    Amparo Adriana Quiroz Cobeña, Mayra Yasmina Espinoza Arauz, William Renán Meneses Pantoja (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023211
  • Competitiveness and value creation (eva), in peruvian mining companies 1999-2021

    Javier Pedro Flores-Arocutipa, José Luis León Untiveros, Herbert Alberto Arroyo Dávila, Jorge Jinchuña Huallpa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023212
  • Foreign investment and its contribution to the development of sustainable tourism entrepreneurship in the Matal-Jama community

    Jorge Gonzalo Pérez Plaza, Mayra Yasmina Espinoza Arauz, William Renán Meneses Pantoja, Ana Cecilia Vélez Falcones (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023213
  • Fluorinated chalcone arrests cell cycle progression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by decreasing the expression of cyclin A, cyclin B1 and Cdc 2 protein

    Eduardo de la Cruz-Cano, José Alfredo Díaz-Gandarilla, José Arnold González-Garrido, Carlos Javier López–Victorio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023214
  • Epistemological approaches in economics and education: transversal axes in science, technology, innovation and development

    Betty Janeth Soledispa-Cañarte, Irma Baldovinos Leyva, Dewis Edwin Álvarez-Pincay, Narda Paola Merchán-Ponce (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023215
  • Analysis of financial education in regular basic education institutions

    Rafael Romero-Carazas, Idana Beroska Rincón Soto, William Joel Marín Rodriguez, Daniel Andrade-Girón (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023216
  • Payment behavior model for students at a private university in Peru

    Henry Villarreal Torres, Julio Ángeles Morales, William Joel Marín Rodriguez, Daniel Andrade Girón, Edgardo Carreño Cisneros (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023217
  • Teacher training, work, profession in the pandemic and post-pandemic context

    Idana Beroska Rincón Soto, William J. Marín-Rodriguez, Luis Alberto Baldeos-Ardían, Flor de María Líoo-Jordán, Dalila Irene Villanueva-Cadenas, Betty Soledispa, Pilar Soledispa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023218
  • Contribution to the exercise of the human right to education proposals: teacher trainers, educational institutions and teachers

    Idana Beroska Rincón Soto, William Joel Marín Rodriguez, Luis Alberto Baldeos-Ardían, Flor de María Líoo-Jordán, Dalila Irene Villanueva-Cadenas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023219
  • Research projects in innovation, technology and scientific dissemination in Latin American universities

    Idana Beroska Rincón Soto, Ángel Hugo Campos Díaz, Gladys Jane Villanueva Cadenas, Félix Gil Caro Soto, Dalila Irene Villanueva Cadenas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023220
  • Transformational leadership program and its impact on organizational culture: the case of the provincial municipality of Huaura – Peru

    Jesús Jacobo Coronado Espinoza, Abrahán Cesar Neri Ayala, Flor de María Lioo Jordan, Luis Alberto Baldeos Ardian, Santiago Ernesto Ramos Y Yovera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023221
  • Design thinking and the entrepreneurship of secondary school students in Peru, case: Guillermo e Billinghurst Educational Institution

    Elizabeth Obregón Espinoza, Abrahan Neri Ayala, Santiago Ramos Y Yovera, Felix Caro Soto, Algemiro Muñoz Vilela (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023222
  • A theoretical forgetfulness: about some possible joints between video game studies and iconology

    Diego Maté (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202399
  • "That other are normal," the trans in the educational system. How gender stereotypes and roles influence

    Liliana Rateni, Maria Sol Pujol, Agustina Sanchez, Forencia Catelani (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023100
  • Ethics of a common good

    Ornella Milan, Juan Bautista Silvestre, Tomas López, Agustina Mercé, Fabiana Viana Sousa Vinhote, Analia Chumpitaz, Claudio Stafolani, Liliana Rateni (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023101
  • The National Genomic Biobanco Reference Program of the Argentine Population (Populate): A criticism of its ethical foundation

    Nahuel Pallitto, Ailín Delvitto, María Alejandra Petino Zappala, Nicolás José Lavagnino, Carolina Ocampo Mallou (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023102
  • Dialogic discourse through scaffolding and student motivation

    Milagros Girart, Jazmín Cevasco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023104
  • Role of representations associated with political ideology in complex decision making

    Giulietta Lucente, Stefan Efraín Vera, Pablo Nicolás Fernández Larrosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023103
  • Conflicts of interest, Ghostwriting, epistemic invasions, precautionary principle and a risky risk analysis of modified MNAs

    Santiago NC Mirande, Claudio Martínez Debat (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023105
  • Coordination between heterogeneous epistemic actors

    Agustin Mauro (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023106
  • Memory and material engagement: an ecological-enactive model

    Nicolás Alessandroni (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023107
  • Movement and activity in perceptual learning

    Fernando Bermejo, Mercedes Ximena Hüg, Ezequiel. A. Di Paolo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023108
  • What do they want from us? Reflections located to make the gaps more bearable between those who make the struggles and those who write them

    Claudia Fernanda Morales Martínez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023109
  • Epistemological and methodological guidelines of transdisciplinary thought

    Griselda Muñoz, Elvio Galati, Claudia Torres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023110
  • The construction of "Group". A dialogue: Cherán

    Liliana Lopez Espinosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023111
  • Philosophies of native peoples in Latin American community radios

    Gonzalo Soria Giner (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023112
  • Critical theory as a transdisciplinary model

    Valeria Gigliotti, Martín González Samartin (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023113
  • Climate change, justice, and sustainability: the importance of indigenous peoples in the fight against deforestation in legal Amazonia of Maranhão

    Tássia Sabrine Távora dos Santos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023114
  • From absence in research to neglecting indigenous health: Hansen's disease among indigenous peoples in Maranhão through a physiotherapeutic approach

    Kemuel Pinto Marinho, Beatriz Noleto Nascimento (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023115
  • Production of educational materials on COVID-19 and Hansen's disease for the Guajajara and Canela indigenous peoples in the Legal Amazon of Maranhão, Brazil

    Síria Emerenciana Nepomuceno Borges (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023116
  • Matriarchal societies such as indigenous cultures of peace: Heide Göettner-Abendroth and Abdullah Öcalan's research and life experiences

    Alejandra Natalia Carranza Gómez-García (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023117
  • Dialogues, transdiscipline and interculturality in processes of teacher and community training in environmental education

    Katherine Guerrero Tamayo, Luciano Iribarren, Silvina Cordero (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023118
  • Cognition and perception of professional public employees on their work in the Executive Power of the Province of Chaco

    Cristian Oscar Marenco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023119
  • The disconnection between research and territorial problems of municipalities of the Buenos Aires South: the case of lobberry

    Camila Landeyro (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023120
  • Mapeo of fumigated schools of the province of Buenos Aires and the role of the educational community as a transformative agent

    Alejandra Valverde, Carla Poth, Leonardo Moreno, Ruth Merlina Albizu Roux (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023121
  • Feminist Clinic in Red-ES

    Romina Bernardini, Malena Robledo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023122
  • Role of false news in discursive coherence and decision making

    Arlene Sofía Cabrera Salazar, Ayelén Caramés, Pablo Nicolas Fernandez Larrosa, Jazmin Cevasco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023123
  • Development of psychoeducational materials on integral sexual education and prevention of gender violence based on evidence

    Karen Acosta Buralli, Joselyn Pispira, Jazmín Cevasco, María Luisa Silva (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023124
  • Occupational health, gender and interdiscipline: the study of the work process in a group of associative entrepreneurs of the popular economy

    Máxima Guglialmelli (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023125
  • Co-production of knowledge: a transdiclinary experience for the construction of alternatives to extractivism

    Luciana Manildo, Carla Poth, Giselle Querejeta (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023126
  • Mathematics and Mathematics: in the media between the arts and sciences

    Enrique Carlos Segura (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023127
  • Investigate in citizen participation methodologies under a territorial approach. From field work theory

    Cristina Romera Tébar, Celeste Molpeceres, Gabriela Calderón, María Laura Zulaica (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023128
  • Indigenous autonomy and participatory science: from epistemological and political analysis to epistemological-political

    Martín Prieto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023129
  • Dungeons (ideological) and dragons (cognitive): behavioral sciences and their role in the conceptualization of the climatic crisis

    Leo Bloise (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023130
  • Construction of environmental knowledge through the development and use of free technologies for participatory environmental survey in wetland areas: a process of dialogic articulation between universities, schools, teacher training institutes and social organizations

    Kevin Poveda Ducón, Luciano Iribarren, Ignacio Boron, Ana Dumrauf (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023131
  • Multidisciplinary experience in integral environmental education for teachers in exercise in the province of La Pampa: a proposal for articulation between social sciences and natural sciences

    Victor Furci, Alejandro Gambina, Josefina Rosales, María Victoria Alves de Castro, Eduardo Dunand (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023132
  • Model of parallel causes: a new way of understanding biological sex, its epistemological problems and its consequences in biomedicine

    Ana Belén Martínez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023133
  • Interdiscipline exercises applied to the study of urban privatization and public space in the northern corridor of the R.M.B.A

    Celia Guevara, Leticia Castro, Yanina Porta (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023134
  • Interdisciplinary research in dialogue with isleñx villagers of the lower Delta of the Paraná Organdxs in defense of its territory and its ways of life

    Jazmín Glustein, Carlos Ignacio Borón, Camila Saveika, Cecilia Carrillo Pinto, María de los Ángeles Falcón, Horacio Sirolli, Sofía Larrandart, Camila Ostertag, Lara Jatar, Julieta Mordiero, Andrey Bazylenko, Margarita Do Campo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023135
  • Towards a decolonial health

    Gladys Do Nascimento Ukaivbera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023136
  • Extractivisms and relational ontologies: actors and interests in dispute

    Malena Castilla (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023137
  • Current modalities of sexual relations in the West. History and characteristics of non -monogamies and their contributions to reflection on the ethics of relationships

    Luciana Volco Roncoroni (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023138
  • Towards a feminist epistemology of Tourism

    Sergio Chenlo, Gisela Vanina Acosta Beiman (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202344
  • Towards a "Local Chagas network": presence of vinchucas in urban houses in San Juan and collaborative work between community, university, health and research teams

    María de la Paz Sánchez Casaccia, Julieta Nattero, Florencia Cano, Leonardo Díaz Nieto, Ana Laura Carbajal de la Fuente (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202345
  • Asbestos as a socio-environmental issue: from integrated material management to promoting public health and the (built) environment in the Colombian context

    Daniel Felipe Marín Vanegas, Daniel Gil Velásquez, Daniel Agudelo Peláez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202346
  • Less is More? The Impact of Discursive Complexity on the Evaluation of Moral Arguments

    Federico Barrera-Lemarchand, Victoria Lescano-Charreau, Julieta Ruiz, Nuria Cáceres, Joaquín Navajas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202347
  • Importance of interdisciplinarity in the technological development of food

    Maria Emilia Latorre, Diego E Velazquez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202348
  • The multi-paradigmatic and transdisciplinary character of Geography

    Francisco Conde Oria (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202349
  • Building dialogues between ethnobiology and chemistry: the process of elaboration of guayacán ink (Caesalpinia paraguariensis) among the Wichís of the Gran Chaco

    Anahí Herrera Cano, Eugenia Tomasini, Marta S. Maier, María Eugenia Suárez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202350
  • The relationship of music education with cognitive skills in girls and boys aged 6 to 8 years: a comparative analysis between musicians and non-musicians

    María Angélica Benítez, Favio Shifres, Nadia Justel (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202351
  • Recampesinization: an audiovisual ethnography of the struggle for land in the municipality of Cario, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

    Alejandro Escobar Hoyos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202352
  • Reflective article on family care, positioning based on Josefa Delgado and Jean Watson

    Iván Ariel Viera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202353
  • How the interaction between human settlements and their sociocultural development favored the introduction and expansion of exotic species: The wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the sierras of Córdoba as a case study

    José Fernando Fissore (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202354
  • Innovation as a sustainable development strategy for education

    Geomar Molina-Bolívar, Iris Jiménez -Pitre (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023577
  • Breaking with university endogamy. Critical extension as an integral and political training device

    Mario Villarreal (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202355
  • Experience of an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional survey of extensive agroecological production in General Pueyrredon (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Celeste Molpeceres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202356
  • Emergence and development of ethno and cross-cultural perspectives on mental health/illness in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina in the second half of the 20th century

    Laurencia Silveti (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202357
  • Conservation biology, ecocentrism and utilitarianism

    Matias Lamberti, Esteban Hernán Rodríguez, Gabriela Klier, Federico di Pasquo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202358
  • Energy transition and “green” extractivism around the lithium industry. New socio-territorial conflict in northern Argentina

    Agustín Barberón (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202359
  • How are the emotional, cognitive and physiological processing of preschool girls and boys integrated?

    Verónica Adriana Ramírez, Eliana Ruetti (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202360
  • Classifications of knowledge: actors, disciplines and global traditions

    Rosa Sierra (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202361
  • Construction, expression and group work. Establishing interdisciplinary links

    Juan Cruz Torres Martin, Verónica Cannarozzo, María Cecilia Aguirre, Daniela Gómez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202362
  • Interdisciplinarity in the design of assessment instruments: the Ecological Battery for the assessment of cognitive and linguistic functions

    María Luisa Silva, María Victoria Gasparini, Germán Stahringer, Leandro Escher, Sofía Iacobuzio, Yamila Rubbo, María Florencia Tenaglia, Melisa Garay Frontini, Camila Ilicic Isely (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202363
  • Academic training in the Bachelor's Degree in Management for Urban and Regional Development, FTU-UNSL. Between Complexity and Transdiscipline

    Mónica Liliana Cresmani, María Inés Ciccarone, Luciana Sol Silvestre, Ana Sofía Resio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202364
  • The landscape catalog as a tool for consensus - Case of Villa de Merlo, San Luis, Argentina

    Mónica Liliana Cresmani, María Inés Ciccarone, Erico Bianchi, Luciana Sol Silvestre, Ana Sofía Resio, Leticia Aguilera Marturano, Eleonora Casaretto, Adriana Gabriela Segura (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202365
  • The construction of the hydroelectric dam on the corda river: an interdisciplinary analysis of indigenous rights and the idea of progress in the 1940s-1950s in maranhão, Brazil

    Síria Emerenciana Nepomuceno Borges, Eduardo Lima Sousa, Emilly Gabrielle de Oliveira Sousa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202366
  • Interdisciplinary approach to socio-environmental problems: an analysis of the micro-dumps in the city of Mar del Plata

    Jazmín López de Armentia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202367
  • Post-qualitative research in education. A political-relational ontology of the sensible and the corporeal

    Santiago Diaz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202368
  • The importance of interdisciplinarity for the study of pre- and post-Hispanic interaction processes in La Cueva gorge, Humahuaca, Jujuy

    Paola Silvia Ramundo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202369
  • The Wyclif case in late medieval England: an example of the interaction between philosophy, politics, social criticism and language

    Carolina Julieta Fernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202370
  • Foresight as an interdisciplinary field: approaches and practices

    Javier Alejandro Vitale Gutierrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202371
  • The peri-urban area north of Mar del Plata: urban and environmental problems from the perspective of its inhabitants

    María Laura Zulaica, Fabiana Ruiz (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202372
  • Building interdisciplinary knowledge from critical-decolonial experiences in education

    Priscila Janet Schunck (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202374
  • The impact of causal explanations and reader emotions on the effectiveness of rebuttal texts for communication and education

    Arlene Sofía Cabrera Salazar, Jazmin Cevasco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202375
  • Science and technology in health: the creation of mRNA vaccines from the social construction of technologies

    Paloma Castiglione (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202376
  • Automation of cognitive processes mediated by social systems

    Tomas Alves Salgueiro, María Ayelén Caramés, Pablo Nicolas Fernandez Larrosa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202377
  • Sharing research results: meanings and feelings in the return to the hospital

    Francisco Gelman Constantin, Anahí Sy, Paula Derossi, Cinthia Sapienza, Brenda Moglia (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202378
  • Contributions of feminist geography to the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)

    Magdalena Moreno (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202379
  • Teaching-learning strategy in the Administration course at the Maranhense Center College - FCMA: focus on emotional intelligence

    Eliana Viterbia Mota de Sousa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202380
  • Education in times of pandemic: Impact and challenges in higher education at Centro Maranhense, Brazil

    Eliana Viterbia Mota de Sousa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202381
  • Resistances and insistences: participation and mobilization in the ethical-political project and social assistance policy

    Lizandra Inês Both (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202382
  • Emotions and movement in the inter(trans)disciplinary study of human behavior from within

    María de los Angeles Bacigalupe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202383
  • Construction of discourse coherence and emotions of the comprehender: emotional regulation strategies and decision-making in stressful situations

    Leila Medina, Pablo Nicolás Fernandez Larrosa, Jazmín Cevasco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202384
  • An analysis of the biosemiotic approach to language: contributions to the study of cognitive specificities of writing

    María Fissore (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202385
  • Transdisciplinarity bonds according to Nicolescu with scientific research

    Elvio Galati (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202386
  • Photographic images of indigenous communities in contemporary Chilean poetry

    Lorena López Torres (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202387
  • Socio-environmental diagnosis of community urban gardens in the General Pueyrredon district

    Jaime Del Rio, Victoria Noelia Cabral, María Victoria Sordini (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202388
  • Ecology as a integral discipline to address socio-environmental conflicts

    Silvia Marelli (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202392
  • Bioinformatic analysis of potential biological effects of common use on human and animal health

    Daiana Ailín Ameghino, Matías Blaustein, Mercedes García Carrillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202394
  • Maternal alcohol consumption and alterations in the perinatal offspring: Approaches from an experimental model for the approach of implications in early fetus-placentary development

    Camila Barril, Gisela Gualdoni, Patricia Jacobo, Liliana Pacheco Rodríguez, Elisa Cebral (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202395
  • Digital agricultures as a dispute space: towards new agronomic imaginations in the global south

    Tomás Javier Carrozza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202396
  • Construction of knowledge in Latin America. Regional Space Ontologies

    Virginia Tosto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202397
  • Quantitative, qualitative and located therapeutic experiences with psilocibious fungal microdosis

    Nicolás Valente, Luis Acosta, Nadia Piazza, Jeremías Da col, Tristan Pauli Alippi, Nicolás José Lavagnino (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf202398
  • Ancestral knowledge and pedagogical projects with students of the Pijao ethnic group, Coyaima Tolima

    Julian Steve Guzmán Rodríguez, Idana Beroska Rincón Soto, Nayibe Soraya Sanchez Leon (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023173
  • Experience the ancestral culture from the values ​​of cultural identity

    Lilia Moncerrate Villacis Zambrano, Valeria Cecilia Bravo Gómez, Luis Daniel Zambrano Molina, Víctor Manuel Román Vélez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023174
  • Classification model for student attrition in a Peru public university

    Henry Villarreal Torres, William Marín Rodriguez, Julio Ángeles Morales, Jenny Cano Mejía, Carmen Mejía Murillo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023175
  • Classification model for student attrition in a peru public university

    Idana Beroska Rincón Soto, Betty Janeth Soledispa-Cañarte, Pilar Asunción Soledispa-Cañarte, Tania Cecibel Cañarte-Rodríguez, Glenda Marcela Sarmiento-Tomalá (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023176
  • People, ethnicity and culture: an approach to the multicultural environment of Ecuador

    Lilia Moncerrate Villacis Zambrano, Frank Lemoine Quitero, Maria Gabriela Montesdeoca Calderón, María Alejandra Barberán Moreira (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023177
  • Self-injury and viral challenges among adolescents

    Manuel Gámez Guadix (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023139
  • Development and territory branding: loyalty of the worldview of cities to create cultural exchange and recognition of identity

    Modesto Eloi Graterol Rivas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023140
  • Characterization of fiscal sacrifice and the importance of incorporating its cost in the public budget process: a phenomenological approach

    Johnny Monasterio-Pérez, Idana Beroska Rincón Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023141
  • Perceptions of rural families and the incidence of an intervention based on routines (IBR). Manabi, Ecuador

    María Patiño López (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023142
  • Simultaneous control for timely decision making in public management, 2022

    Jorge Jinchuña Huallpa, Luís Enrique Fernández Sosa, Javier Pedro Flores Arocutipa (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023143
  • Differences between the entrepreneurial competencies of the millennials and centennials generation in the mayan area called camino real in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

    Raúl Alberto Santos Valencia, Mayanin Asunción Sosa Alcaraz, Gustavo Adolfo Monforte Méndez, Shirley Leslie Couoh Huchin (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023158
  • Circular economy and business sustainability of an agricultural sugar company in Peru

    Rudy Espinoza Gallardo, Flor de María Lioo Jordan, Luis Alberto Baldeos Ardian, Santiago Ramos Y Yovera, José Ausejo Sanchez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023178
  • Environmental management, eco-efficiency and its relationship with the optimization of solid waste

    Daniela M. Anticona-Valderrama, Jose Jeremias Caballero-Cantu, Edith Delia Chavez-Ramirez, Ana Beatriz Rivas-Moreano, Lucila Rojas-Delgado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023193
  • Impairment of performance skills and maturational age in infants due to gestational Zika

    Viviana Karina Hernandez Vergel, María Alexandra Amaya Mancilla, Denny Miley Cárdenas Sierra (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023194
  • Medical expertise, rape of minors and low civil reparation, in the superior court of justice of Peru

    Javier Pedro Flores Arocutipa, Ruth Daysi Cohaila Quispe, Luis Delfín Bermejo Peralta, Carlos Marcelo Ponce Arpasi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023195
  • Quantitative reasoning in high school students in Peru

    Rafael Romero-Carazas, Juan Richar Villacorta Guzmán, Idana Beroska Rincón Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023196
  • Network administration course using ancient techniques and modern means

    Manuel José Linares Alvaro, Jorge Luis López Presmanes, Ligia Vanessa Sánchez Parrales, Marcos Tulio Zambrano Zambrano, Idana Beroska Rincón Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023197
  • Protocol for the detection, prevention and action in alleged cases of gender-based violence and discrimination at the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos

    Yamila Ramos Rangel, Marianela Fonseca Fernández, Laura Magda López Angulo, Anais Marta Valladares González, Arelys Falcón Hernández (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023198
  • Projects and marketing to generate innovative learning and business processes

    German Jazmany Zambrano Verdesoto, Idana Beroska Rincón (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023199
  • Consumer behavior on social networks during the pandemic. Manabí, Ecuador 2021

    César Carbache Mora, Frank Lemoine Quitero, Christopher Chukwugozie Okafor (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023200
  • Culture and organizational structure of businesses in san isidro to boost local tourism

    Lilia Moncerrate Villacis Zambrano, Eura María Zambrano-Vera, Elizabeth Del Carmen Ormaza Esmeraldas, Estrella Gloria Antonia Ferrin Delgado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023201
  • Finite element analysis of a jib crane jib with different types of steels

    José L. Serna-Landivar, Pedro A. Flores, Daniela M. Anticona-Valderrama (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023202
  • Citizen participation in making decisions with critical capacity formative

    Lilia Moncerrate Villacis Zambrano, Víctor Manuel Román Vélez, José Leonardo Centeno Martinez, Vilma Estela Alcívar Vera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023203
  • Decision-making in the tourism sector applying the balanced control panel management tool

    Gema Viviana Carvajal Zambrano, Eduardo Antonio Caicedo Coello, José Víctor Hugo Nevarez Barberán, Marie Lía Velásquez Vera (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023204
  • Tourism, technology as intelligent tools of rural tourism

    Eura María Zambrano Vera, Lilia Moncerrate Villacis- Zambrano, María Carmen Patiño López, José Fernando Vásconez-Macías (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023205
  • Perspective of tourism in the development of communities in the province of Manabí – Ecuador

    Ana Cecilia Vélez Falcones, Jorge Gonzalo Pérez Plaza, Jesús Merino Velásquez, William Renán Meneses Pantoja (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023206
  • The hyflex Model and the teaching-learning process in Peruvian Educational Institutions, Case: INEI 34

    Rosario Caldas Jayo, Abrahan Neri Ayala, Algemiro Muñoz Vilela, Edgar Susanibar Ramirez, Sergio la Cruz Orbe (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023207
  • Procedure for the selection of suppliers as a contribution to quality in the management of restaurants in the city of Manta

    Vladimir Álvarez Ojeda, Yanelis Ramos Alfonso (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023208
  • Social responsibility and tourism supply: the case of San Clemente and San Jacinto, Manabí, Ecuador

    Elizabeth del Carmen Ormaza Esmeraldas, César Arturo Carbache Mora, José Ricardo Macias Barberan, José Víctor Hugo Nevárez Barberan (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023209
  • Environmental training experience at the Tijuana Ecopark Project, Mexico

    Xiomara Marina Delgado Rodríguez, Humberto González Galbán, Tania Evelyn Bermudez Reyes, Idana Beroska Rincón Soto (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023210

Systematic reviews or meta-analyses

  • Virtual reality in communicative learning tools for children with autism spectrum disorders a systematic literature review

    Daniel Guizado-Barrientos, Adrián Távara-Zerpa, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023533
  • Promising Role of Molecular Biomarkers in Cytological Samples for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer: A Systematic review

    Alvaro Paul Moina Veloz, Cumanda Elizabeth Endara Arias (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023594
  • Early assessment of adolescents with suicidal ideation using diagnostic scales

    Iván Guillermo Toapanta Yugcha, Ximena Elizabeth Toapanta Paredes, Wendy Marilyn Defaz Cashabamba, Carolina Elizabeth Cortés Moya (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023595
  • Approach to adolescents with suicidal ideation

    Iván Guillermo Toapanta Yugcha, Ximena Elizabeth Toapanta Paredes, César José Marín Marcano, Sandy Pamela Flores Melo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023597
  • Emergency Delirium Prevention with Dexmedetomidine in Pediatrics

    Gabrielly Araujo Barreto, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023320
  • Current Trends in the Treatment of Heart Failure in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Ejection Fraction: An Analysis of the Relationship between SGLT2 and Heart Failure

    Daniel Felipe Marin Bolívar, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023321
  • Advances in the use of Ruxolitinib in the treatment of vitiligo disease

    Florencia Monteforte, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023324
  • Fecal microbiota and Clostridium transplantation: Strategies for intestinal balance

    Pedro Afonso Santos Luna, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023327
  • Treatment and effectiveness of scabies in first cycle with permethrin 5 % in pediatric population

    César Ullón, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023333
  • The impact of smartphone use on childhood depression: A pediatric perspective

    Pedro Victor Rangel Portal, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023335
  • Exploring the connections between Microbiome and Dementia: systematic review

    Antonio Matheus Teixeira Leite, Javier González-Argote (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023336
  • Effect of sugarcane bagasse ash on the mechanical properties of pervious concrete

    Jhoselin Tatiana Rojas Llanos, Joselito Bazán Hernández, Mario Pedro Rodriguez Vasquez, Alberto Cristobal Flores Quispe, Fabrizio del Carpio Delgado (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023337
  • Human capital and business growth of the Startups: an approach to the state of the art

    Marco Antonio Ariza Dau, Lilia Mendoza Vega, Danilo Torres Pimiento, Michelle Garcia García, Juan Carlos Miranda Passo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023362
  • Needle-free anesthesia system in dentistry: challenges and perspectives

    Verónica Alejandra Salame Ortiz, Katherine Cristina Miranda Coello, Norma Ximena Peñaloza Perez, Victor Hugo Parreño Gallo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231111
  • Using Artificial Intelligence for sign language translation: a systematic literature review

    Carlos Ortiz-Leon, Frank Yupanqui-Allcca, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023446
  • Electronic medical record and its impact on health care and management. A systematic review between the years 2013 – 2023

    José Morales-Camargo, Brian Meneses-Claudio (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023455
  • Relationships between Mental Well-being and Academic Performance in University Students: A Systematic Review

    Norma Narcisa Garces Garces (Translator); Zila Isabel Esteves Fajardo, María Leonor Santander Villao, Digna Rocío Mejía Caguana, Arlette Camila Quito Esteves (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023470
  • Superplasticizing admixtures to control the heat of hydration of conventional concrete in urban buildings

    Luisvar Erlin Barco Cordova, Elvia Del Carpio Alarcon, Arquimedes Vargas-Luque, William Franko Peña Renteria, Gerson Jonatan Donayre Loayza (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023474

Case Report

  • Klebsiella pneumoniae Metallobetalactamase in the neonatology service of the Abel Santamaría Hospital: case report

    Dianelys de la Caridad Gutiérrez Catañeda, Yisel Hechavarría Gutiérrez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023508
  • Necrotizing fasciitis after intramuscular injection in a patient with dengue with warning signs

    Roberto Carlos Jimenez-Fernandez, Tita Fernández de Jimenez, Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santivañez, Nayra Condori-Villca, Williams Reynaldo Siñani Díaz, Ariel Sosa Remón (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023522
  • Cryptogenic Cerebrovascular Accident due to Foramen Ovale: Clinical Case Report

    Alex Fernando Páez Vallejo, Hector Gustavo Del Pozo, Paola Catalina Romero López, Jessica Cecilia Girón Peñaherrera, Jessica Alexandra Salazar Cárdenas (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023599
  • Clinical case of treatment of anterior open bite malocclusion in a pediatric patient using a tongue trap

    Gladys Viviana Urrego Cueva, German Díaz Espinoza, María Belén Ibarra Ramírez (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023961
  • Development of an early detection program for individuals with a family history of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

    Alex Ramón Valencia Herrera, Liliana Katherine Sailema López, Génesis Alexandra Zúñiga Cárdenas, Aldemar Alejandro Monsalve Guamán (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20231113
  • Revision total hip prosthesis with a primary prosthesis without bone graft

    Telmo Raul Aveiro Róbalo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023417
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and not-associated active viral infection

    Lisbel Garzón Cutiño, Maytee Olivera Vega, Sergio González García, Karen García Hernández, Lázaro Torres Campo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2023450