Critical theory as a transdisciplinary model
Transdisciplinarity, Specialization of Knowledge, Critical Theory, Frankfurt School, Cultural Studies, Birmingham SchoolAbstract
Starting from a critical look on Nicolescu's proposals about the transdisciplinary, the presentation is proposed to review the epistemological limits of those from a materialistic conception of science. It is common place that, under the aegis of modern thought, the current development of science is characterized by the fragmentation and compartmentalization of knowledge. The diagnosis of this situation is presented, however, the diagnosis of this situation. If the most recent proposals place the origin of such fragmentation in mental or ideal aspects, it is raised on our part that it is due to the historical mutations of the capitalist mode of production, which is based from the manufacturing stage in the division of the division of the social work. This trend, late in the Academy, corresponds to the process of specialization of knowledge to the detriment of a universal approach such as the one known by the rationalist philosophies until the 18th century and early nineteenth century. The thesis is defended according to which the disciplinary segmentation of knowledge is atomized in particularist approaches whose correspondence- transactive- is recognized with singular coherence in the current stage of late capitalism, rather than in the historical and typical development of each field. It is also proposed, as a category of alternative analysis, that of the "paradigm" or "school" as forms of transdisciplinary epistemology, and whose models are critical theory, born a hundred years ago, and cultural studies. We locate the transdisciplinary in an earlier, and not later stage, at the time of disciplinary specialization.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Valeria Gigliotti, Martín González Samartin (Author)
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