Post-qualitative research in education. A political-relational ontology of the sensible and the corporeal




Educational Research, Post-qualitative, Corporative, Teacher Training


For some years now, educational research has been carried out that overflow and transfigure disciplinary boundaries in their epistemological aspects, but fundamentally in the methodological dimension. In the context of the current doctoral research we have been carrying out, from a narrative, autobiographical and post-qualitative research proposal with a decolonial perspective, we wish to share in this conference some conceptual indications that we have managed to sketch for the methodological development of the final thesis of the Doctorate in Education (UNR). In this sense, we are interested in proposing a constellation of notions that make up the background of a political-relational ontology with which we have diagrammed certain conceptual research devices. These notions include modes of existence, new materialisms, processual agencements and becomings, transindividual coexistences and desiring practices. With this open set of ideas-force we have been able to co-create some operative lines for the elaboration of the initial fabric with which we plot the concrete actions of the research, which has been developed at the level of non-university Higher Education, more specifically at the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 84 and at the Instituto del Profesorado de Arte "Adolfo Ábalos" in the city of Mar del Plata. In short, our primary desire is to share these ideas in order to open the debate and the conversation in these conferences.


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How to Cite

Diaz S. Post-qualitative research in education. A political-relational ontology of the sensible and the corporeal. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 4];2:68. Available from: