Education in times of pandemic: Impact and challenges in higher education at Centro Maranhense, Brazil
Dropout Rates, Pandemic, Higher EducationAbstract
This research seeks to emphasize the Brazilian educational structure in times of crisis, such as a pandemic. The Coronavirus pandemic has brought to light the situation of the Brazilian educational system and its weaknesses in the teaching-learning process. Among the various challenges faced by education, the impact of this state of calamity has resulted in school dropout rates. This has always been a focus of concern for schools at all levels of education, including higher education in Brazil, and is now being emphasized and debated in this scenario. Based on this premise, this research aims to measure dropout rates in higher education at Centro Maranhense, before and during the Coronavirus pandemic, demonstrating the results of this phenomenon in higher education. Colleges and universities have suffered various impacts and challenges in 2020 and 2021 due to various reasons, including economic issues, access to digital media, emotional issues of students and teachers, resulting in dropout rates. This consequence maximizes the fragility of students' access to higher education. Therefore, obtaining data that shows the real situation of Centro Maranhense regarding this dropout, whether due to abandonment or withdrawal from courses, is of fundamental importance to portray the reality of higher education students during and post-pandemic, as well as to demonstrate the measures taken to prevent dropout rates. The analysis of these academic data will be relevant for a period of time at the Faculdade do Centro Maranhense- FCMA, which is maintained by a private legal entity for profit, located in the Centro Maranhense region since 2017. This analysis seeks data from 2017 to 2021, making a comparison for each semester, thus demonstrating, in percentage terms, the progression of dropout rates in face-to-face higher education. The result of the research will demonstrate the effectiveness of decision-making and measures adopted to solve this problem.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Eliana Viterbia Mota de Sousa (Author)
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