Resistances and insistences: participation and mobilization in the ethical-political project and social assistance policy
Participation, Mobilization, Ethical-Political Project, Social AssistanceAbstract
The summary refers to the Social Service Final Paper which aims to analyze the processes of participation and mobilization in the Social Assistance Policy, in order to strengthen the principles of democracy, social participation, and mobilization expressed in the Ethical-Political Project (EPP) of Social Service. To achieve this objective, it is essential to articulate reflections on the historical construction of the Social Assistance Policy and the professional project. The scientific relevance of the theme lies in the possibility of provoking an in-depth dialogue on professional work, allowing the recognition of how the EPP is implemented in everyday professional life, presenting important indicators regarding the commitment of social workers to the socialization of information. The Paper is the result of the entire professional training process, especially from the experience of the Mandatory Internship in Social Service I, II, and III, carried out at the Lomba do Pinheiro Extended CRAS, in Porto Alegre, RS. The methodology is guided by historical-dialectical materialism, with a qualitative approach, including bibliographic, documentary, and empirical research, which was conducted through interviews guided by a semi-structured script. The Paper is organized into three chapters, the first of which deals with Social Service, popular participation, and mobilization processes; the second discusses the Social Assistance Policy from the conquests and resistances operated by workers and users; and the last reflects, in an articulated and dialectical way, on Social Service, social assistance, and democratization processes. This study enables us to affirm that there is a professional commitment to mobilization, participation, and democratization processes that are permanently under construction, which need to be strengthened from the professional commitment to the socialization of information and the political-pedagogical dimension.
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