Treatment and effectiveness of scabies in first cycle with permethrin 5 % in pediatric population
Scabies, Child, Primary Health Care, Therapeutics, Treatment FailureAbstract
Introduction: the goals of treatment are eradication of the mites from the infected individual, prevention of spread of scabies to other individuals, relief of associated pruritus, and recognition and treatment of complications. Treatment generally includes everyone in the household, even if they have no symptoms: symptoms can take 4-6 weeks to develop after a person is infested. Scabies is most commonly treated with 5 % permethrin dermal cream.
Objectives: to describe the factors associated with response to treatment and effectiveness of a first course of 5 % permethrin in a pediatric population with scabies.
Material and methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective, retrospective study will be carried out through the study of clinical records from a primary health care center in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The study period will include records from January 2020 to September 2022. The study population will be pediatric patients receiving care at the center and diagnosed with scabies.
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