Probability of suffering Eating Disorders (ED) in health professionals
Eating Disorder, Healthcare Professionals, Health PersonnelAbstract
Background: Eating disorders are defined as specific and severe alterations in food intake.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional observational study was carried out, health sciences professionals, adults and residents of the Republic of Paraguay were included, poorly completed surveys and students who had not graduated were excluded. Sociodemographic data and the probability of suffering eating disorders were analyzed using two scales, SCOFF and eat-26. A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out, a minimum sample size of 385 participants was calculated using a formula for infinite population. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 3 dimensions was made, where sociodemographic variables, eating behavior disorders were considered through the SCOFF scale and the EAT-26 test. The work respected the bioethical principles of research in human beings and was submitted for methodological and ethical evaluation to the research direction of the Universidad del Pacífico.
Results: Of 124 health professionals surveyed, 100 (80,6 %) were women, 75 (60,5 %) were 31 years of age or older, and 73 (58,9 %) had a single marital status. 96 (77,4 %) graduated from a private university. 45 (36,3 %) were nutrition professionals, followed by nursing 34 (27,4 %) and medicine 26 (21 %). 88 (71 %) felt sick because their stomach felt so full that it was uncomfortable, 68 (54,8 %) said they were worried because they felt they had to control how much they ate, and 12 (9,7 %) has recently lost more than 6 kg in a three-month period. (22,5 %) are rarely very afraid of weighing too much, 31 (25 %) often worry a lot about food, and 48 (38,7 %) never consider the calories in the food they eat. 14 (11,2 %) stated that they sometimes feel very guilty after eating and 15 (12,1 %) feel that food controls their life.
Conclusion: We conclude that professionals are likely to suffer from eating behavior disorders, most had the feeling of being sick because their stomach feels so full that it is uncomfortable, just over half said they were worried because they feel they have to control how much they eat, and 1 in 10 have recently lost more than 6 kg in a three-month period. Approximately 25 % are rarely very afraid of weighing too much, as well as often worry a lot about food. A few stated that they sometimes feel very guilty after eating and feel that food controls their life.
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