Customs transformation: an analysis of the application of artificial intelligence in Bogotá's customs offices
Logistics 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, CustomsAbstract
The constant evolution of the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in different sectors represents a crucial milestone in the modernization and efficiency of customs processes. This article offers an exhaustive review of the updated literature, providing a detailed view of the advances, applications and challenges surrounding this technological transformation in the specific customs area of the Colombian capital. In the global context of the growing complexity of international trade, the Customs are facing increasing pressure to streamline processes, ensure the security and accuracy of transactions, and provide a more efficient experience for importing and exporting businesses. AI emerges as a key tool to address these challenges, and its application in Bogotá is presented as a relevant case study. The review addresses the theoretical foundations of AI, from machine learning algorithms to neural networks, providing a comprehensive framework to understand how these technologies have been integrated into customs operations. Success stories and challenges found in other regions of the world are highlighted to contextualize the implementation of AI in Bogotá. The analysis of the results focuses on customs operations and decision-making. Efficiency in merchandise classification and verification, identifying patterns for fraud detection, and optimizing processing times are key areas where AI has demonstrated its positive impact. In addition, improvements in the transparency and traceability of operations are explored, contributing to a more reliable customs environment. On the other hand, it also addresses the methodology used in this review, including the selection of relevant studies, the sampling strategy and the inclusion criteria. The target population, which encompasses customs entities, importing and exporting companies, and government actors, underlines the breadth and importance of the sample in representing the different sectors involved.
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