Effective leadership and communication strategies in disadvantaged contexts in the digital age
Educational Communication, Educational Challenges, Pedagogical Leadership, Digital Technologies, Social VulnerabilityAbstract
This article addresses the topic of educational leadership and communication in disadvantaged contexts in the digital age. The study aims to synthesize existing findings to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities in this relatively new research area. To achieve this, a systematic review of scientific literature from the past five years was conducted, using bibliographic sources from Scielo, Wos, and Scopus. The methodology employed was the PRISMA method for the systematic review. The results revealed the main theoretical approaches to educational leadership, the effects of leadership on educational quality, effective communication strategies, and specific challenges faced by educational leaders in disadvantaged spaces in the digital age. The most relevant conclusion of the article is that the development of digital competencies, the promotion of civic education, the use of digital tools, and the integration of information and communication technologies are key aspects for improving educational leadership and communication in the mentioned contexts. These recommendations can be utilized by educational leaders and policymakers to promote educational quality in disadvantaged settings in the digital era.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Roman-Acosta, Norma Caira-Tovar, Esteban Rodríguez-Torres, Alfredo Javier Pérez Gamboa (Author)
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