Factors Affecting Quality Milk Productivity in Dairy Farming


  • Jayendira P Sankar Programme Head – International Business, College of Administrative and Financial Sciences. University of Technology Bahrain. Kingdom of Bahrain. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8435-2123




Quality Milk Productivity, Cattle Feed, Cattle Health, Climatic Condition


This study examines the current state of dairy farming in India. It investigates the impact of four factors (cattle feed, cattle health, climatic conditions, and milk handling) on milk productivity from the perspective of dairy farmers. A cross-sectional study using inferential statistics was conducted with dairy farmers, using a questionnaire to gather information on milk productivity. The study employed SmartPLS to analyze the measurement and structural models to support the positive hypothesis. The study employed a combinative PLS method, which aligns with the characteristics of a structural equation model. A focused group analysis was also performed to gather respondents' opinions and provide recommendations. The findings indicate a positive relationship between the four independent variables and milk productivity quality. Furthermore, adopting an organic and natural approach to cattle feed can reduce feed costs. Access to government veterinary hospitals, along with continuous medical support and potential private veterinary hospitals, as well as the use of proper concrete, sheds with effective heat management and measures to address rainy season challenges, and maintaining hygiene during milk transportation, will be beneficial for dairy farmers and lead to increased milk productivity.


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How to Cite

Sankar JP. Factors Affecting Quality Milk Productivity in Dairy Farming. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];2:579. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/481