Analysis of the management quality efficiency in a perfumery company




Quality, Management Quality, Management Efficiency, Perfumery Company, Process Management


Currently, companies are facing a globalized world, where competition for the market is intensifying for all organizations. In this scenario, it is important to point out that the costs associated with poor management quality are the guide for the improvement program and allow the budget allocated for this purpose to be recouped. The objective of the research is to analyze the efficiency of management quality in a perfumery company. The research paradigm is quantitative, a case study was studied in a perfumery where a procedure structured in three stages and 11 steps was proposed, where different theoretical and empirical methods were used. This resulted in a total cost of 1 456 871,01 USD, where the resources invested in avoiding poor quality management amounted to 241,233.64 USD, while the resources wasted due to poor quality due to internal failures amounted to 1 215 637,37 USD, representing 83,44 %. With a quantitative evaluation of the efficiency in the quality of management of very bad where the failure with the highest incidence was for " a large number of perfume bottles were ordered and only some of them were used, the rest are in storage". The remaining failures were prioritized by the Pareto diagram where it was found that they originated from the following causes: poor coordination between departments, decision making without prior analysis, lack of control and wrong forecasts


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How to Cite

Mohammed Alawi A, Ramírez Betancourt FD, Salgado Cruz M, González Silva S, Sánchez Suárez Y. Analysis of the management quality efficiency in a perfumery company. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 2];3:1170. Available from: