Assessing the Influence of Sustainable Practices on Guest Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: An Empirical Investigation


  • M. Srividya Iyengar Research Scholar, VIT Business school, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India Author
  • R. Venkatesh Professor – Higher Academic Grade, VIT Business school, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India Author



Service Marketing, Hospitality Industry, Hotel Industry, Customer Experience


This study explores the complex realm of service marketing in the lodging sector, specifically examining the dynamic and competing environment of the hotel industry. This is a trending and novel concept that the hotel industry is adapting to attract more customers. Service marketing in this context refers to the deliberate promotion and administration of intangible donations, such as guest circumstances, customer interactions, and the level of services supplied by hotels. This study investigates the distinct obstacles and advantages that hotel enterprises encounter when promoting their services, considering the intangible and qualitative characteristics of their products. An in-depth analysis is conducted on the numerous factors that influence client decisions such as pricing, location, brand public image, and internet reviews. Moreover, the research explores the importance of customer happiness and loyalty in the hotel sector, along with the impact of loyalty programs on visitor decision-making. The discussion will focus on hotel marketing tactics, which will be informed by the examination of real-world data and economic trends. In conclusion, success in the hotel industry within the hospitality sector hinges on delivering exceptional experiences, building robust customer relationships, and adapting to changing market dynamics and consumer expectations. This study enlightens the readers and the industry people on how to attain desired objectives of welcoming utmost population


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How to Cite

Srividya Iyengar M, Venkatesh R. Assessing the Influence of Sustainable Practices on Guest Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: An Empirical Investigation. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 8];3:954. Available from: