Perception of Dentistry Students Regarding Virtual Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic




Pandemic, perception, education, dentistry, students


The COVID-19 pandemic implied changes and challenges in university education around the world. In the area of ​​dental education, the virtual approach or virtual teaching was a challenge for both students and teachers. Although digital platforms, conferences and virtual courses have already been used in Dentistry as a complementary resource, the pandemic meant a completely virtual modality. However, teaching in virtuality is complex since the didactic and pedagogical processes are related to areas or specialties linked to the clinical part of this profession, where the virtual approach related to the restorative, rehabilitation or even surgical area, It is insufficient for the dental student to adequately develop procedural skills. The objective of this study is to know the perception of Dentistry students regarding virtual classes during the pandemic in order to know their opinion about this issue, in addition to managing the improvement of teaching methods on virtual platforms, training teachers and students in the management of information and communication technology in virtual environments. Likewise, the use of haptic simulators can be integrated with virtual reality systems, technology that is already being used in Russian universities. In addition to contributing to the development of students' learning in times of pandemic, would also allow them to acquire and develop clinical skills that are required before having contact with the patient.


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How to Cite

Yáñez Acosta MF, Romo Rodríguez MG, Barba González EL, Alcalá Barbosa K, Rolón Díaz JC. Perception of Dentistry Students Regarding Virtual Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];3:.703. Available from: