Impact of perceived behavioural control and personality traits on entrepreneurial intention of universities students – mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy


  • Majd Alhiassah Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Faculty of Business and Economics and Social Development. Terengganu, Malaysia Author
  • Muhammad Abdul Halim Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Faculty of Business and Economics and Social Development. Terengganu, Malaysia Author
  • Khatijah Omar Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Faculty of Business and Economics and Social Development. Terengganu, Malaysia Author



Perceived Behavioural Control, Personality Traits, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Intention


Introduction: Entrepreneurial intentions among students have garnered significant scholarly attention due to its role as a precursor to actual entrepreneurial activity and its potential for economic development. Factors that may affect individuals’ decision to become entrepreneur must be fostered.
Objective: The primary objective of this paper is to examine the effect of perceived behavioural control and personality traits on students’ entrepreneurial intentions among final year student in the Jordanian public universities. Besides, the mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy is examined as well. 
Methods: This research follows quantitative research design. A sample of 389 graduating student from public universities in Jordan was selected by using stratified random sampling technique. SPSS and Smart-PLS SEM are used for the data analysis.
Results: The results supported the hypotheses, in which perceived behavioural control has a direct effect of 0.363, indirect effect of 0.225, and total effect of 0.588; besides, personality traits have a direct effect of 0.180, indirect effect of 0.148, and total effect of 0.328. the two variables are important to improve the students’ entrepreneurial intention in Jordan. 
Conclusion: This paper offers valuable recommendations to stakeholders in the education sectors in Jordanian universities. It will also add to the body of empirical literature on this subject by offering some valuable insight to the policy makers, practitioners as well as researchers to explore the effects of perceived behavioural control, personality traits and the entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the entrepreneurial intent of universities’ students


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How to Cite

Majd A, Muhammad AH, Khatijah O. Impact of perceived behavioural control and personality traits on entrepreneurial intention of universities students – mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3:.709. Available from: