ERP and the Metamorphosis of Management Control: An Innovative Bibliometric Exploration


  • Mounia Amer National School of Business and Management-El Jadida, Laboratory for Economic and Management Studies and Research (LERSEM). El Jadida, Morocco Author
  • Yassine HILMI National School of Business and Management-El Jadida, Laboratory for Economic and Management Studies and Research (LERSEM). El Jadida, Morocco Author



ERP, Metamorphosis of Management Control, Bibliometric


Introduction: The aim of this article was to analyse the scientific production exploring the transformation of management control by ERP. This bibliometric review, based on Scopus data, used VOSviewer software for bibliometric analysis. By mapping the existing literature, it identified research trends, the main themes addressed, and potential gaps in the field.
Methods: The methodology adopted included a bibliometric study of scientific publications on legitimacy and management control using Scopus and VOSviewer. A database was created by searching for specific keywords on Scopus, selecting the combination "management control" and "ERP".
Results: The results of this bibliometric study reveal the evolution of research into ERP and management control, highlighting the importance of technological integration for better organisational performance. They also provide valuable indications for researchers and practitioners wishing to deepen their knowledge and improve the implementation of ERP in various organisational contexts.
Conclusion: This synthesis of bibliometric results reveals the complex dynamics of ERP and management control research, highlighting an interconnected network of researchers and institutions with diverse and evolving themes. The results provide valuable insights, identifying influential work, emerging themes and opportunities for future collaboration, while helping to develop more effective research strategies and advance knowledge in the field.


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How to Cite

Amer M, Hilmi Y. ERP and the Metamorphosis of Management Control: An Innovative Bibliometric Exploration. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];3:.714. Available from: