Evaluation of refractive surgery with posterior chamber intraocular lenses in patients with high myopia treated in an Ophthalmologic Center of the city of Rosario, years 2019-2022


  • Pablo Ribeiro Dionísio Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Sede Rosario – Santa Fe, Argentina Author
  • Gabriel Bercovich Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Sede Rosario – Santa Fe, Argentina Author




Ametropia, high myopia, IOLf, LCI, visual acuity


Introduction: Myopia is an ametropia that is highly prevalent and causes loss of visual acuity, characterized by having diopters greater than -
5.00. The implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens represents a treatment option for those patients who cannot undergo the Excimer Laser technique.
Objective: To describe the results achieved with the placement of posterior chamber intraocular lenses in patients with high myopia treated in an ophthalmologic center in the city of Rosario between the years of 2019-2022.
Materials and Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, observational, retrospective, retrospective, cross-sectional, non-probabilistic study by convenience. Conducted at Centro Oftalmología Global, a private center specialized in ocular pathologies, located at Bv. Oroño 1003 in the city of Rosario - Santa Fe. Data were collected by review of medical records. The data obtained were entered into a Microsoft Excel database. The data were tabulated for presentation and analysis. Summary measures of central tendency (arithmetic mean, median and mode) and dispersion (standard deviation) and descriptive statistical techniques (frequency distributions, averages and percentages) were used.
Results: A total of 38 medical records were studied, of which n=23 (60.5%) were female and n=15 (39.5%) were male. The mean age was 31.2 (SD ±2.84 years; min. 24 and max. 35). The age group with the highest frequency was 30 and 35 with 25 patients (65.8%). Of the total, n=21 (55.3%) were patients with high myopia and n=17 (45.7%) with high myopia and astigmatism. Of n=38, 44.7% presented preoperative visual acuity less than 1/10 and 26.3% of 1/10. Refractometry showed results between -3.00 to -20.00 diopters of sphere and -1.00 to -6.00 diopters of cylinder.
Conclusion: It was possible to assess that 86.8% of the patients who underwent refractive surgery were able to achieve an optimal visual quality (10/10) after LCI placement, and of the total number of patients (n=38) studied, only 5 (13.2%) presented complications in the postoperative period


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Dionísio P, Bercovich G. Evaluation of refractive surgery with posterior chamber intraocular lenses in patients with high myopia treated in an Ophthalmologic Center of the city of Rosario, years 2019-2022. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 21 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];3:721. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/721