The innovative teaching strategies of educational soft skills cultivation affect students' performance and sense of efficiency




Students, Soft Skills, Performance, Strategies, Teaching


Introduction: Organization and time management are critical soft skills in education, as learning is frequently arranged around test and assignment deadlines. Guiding students to use long-term projects with milestones and smaller goals can help them improve their planning abilities. The Lack of self-confidence, fear of making errors, fear of being mocked, and lack of faith in own expertise or talents. This study is intended to identify how the instruction tactics for educational soft skills cultivation affect students' performance. 
Method: A total of 120 students were collected for this study. The data were split into two groups such as Group A and Group B, respectively. Interaction, flipping the classroom, decision-making, cooperation, engagement in professional work, and collaborative learning are all strategies of educational soft skills that are increasingly regarded as critical for success in dynamic work situations. The data were examined with SPSS software. 
Result: The findings indicate while there was no discernible increase in Group B, students in Group A showed a considerable improvement in soft skills, which encompass all strategies. Conclusion: The research reveals a positive association between academic achievement and the improvement of performance-related soft skills. The study emphasizes how crucial it is to include cutting-edge teaching techniques in the curriculum to help students develop critical soft skills.



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How to Cite

Liu D, Wee Hoe T. The innovative teaching strategies of educational soft skills cultivation affect students’ performance and sense of efficiency. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 8];3:.759. Available from: