Effect of focus group opinions on final film making product: Sociological and marketing aspects





Cinema, Respondents, Film industry, Sample, Interviews, Marketing


Introduction: Focus groups are widely used today for researching film product concepts, testing, advertising, and viewer satisfaction. 
Objective: to reveal the ideas and concepts of focus groups in the film industry to form research hypotheses and understand the perception and attitude of group interview participants to the phenomena and problems of film production. 
Methods: Methodology used in this study was a survey with 354 respondents divided into 52 groups to cover various demographic characteristics (age, social status, ethnicity). 
Results: The analysis of the study showed that group focus interviews can be used to collect additional data after quantitative surveys and help to interpret the results more fully. The analysis described the use of focus groups as a demand tool based on personal experience, paying particular attention to the purpose, stage, and content. The results showed that group discussions often lead to many ideas and inspirations that can be gathered on a topic in a very short time, efficiently and quickly, and respondents can compare and analyse their personal experiences, which is a valuable resource. 
Conclusions: Research relevance is highlighted by the effectiveness of focus group discussions in helping businesses in the film industry understand consumer insights better than general surveys


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How to Cite

Oktrova M. Effect of focus group opinions on final film making product: Sociological and marketing aspects. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];3:.763. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/763