Exploring Strategies for Revitalizing the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Morocco’s Three Most Significant Regions


  • Imad El Ghmari Mohamed V University, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences – Souissi. Rabat, Morocco Author
  • Omar El Ghmari Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences. Fez, Morocco Author
  • Oukassi Mustapha Mohamed V University, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences – Souissi. Rabat, Morocco Author




Informal Sector, Informal Workers, Morocco, Self-Employment, Microcredit


This article discusses the informal sector and its impact on the economy, highlighting the importance of understanding its various dimensions, from its historical origins to its contemporary implications. By examining the theoretical foundations and dynamics of the transition to economic formality, the research makes a significant contribution to the advancement of existing knowledge in economic and social fields. By focusing on the Moroccan context, the thesis enriches the scientific literature by highlighting national specificities linked to the informal sector. The in-depth analyses of the Moroccan situation offer unique perspectives that can serve as a basis for international comparisons and case studies.

The study also explores policies and initiatives aimed at facilitating the transition from the informal sector to economic formality, offering valuable recommendations for policymakers. These recommendations, based on rigorous analysis, can contribute to the design of more effective policies to foster this transition, stimulate economic growth and improve working conditions. With regard to the research methodology, our article sets out the epistemological and methodological choices adopted, providing a reference and inspiration for other researchers in the fields of economics and social sciences. The research focuses on a quantitative approach, aiming to examine the results neutrally and objectively in order to formulate proposals and solutions to address the problems identified. In conclusion, this study provides an in-depth analysis of the informal sector, highlighting its economic and social importance, while offering valuable guidance for public policy and strengthening research methodology in the field


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How to Cite

El Ghmari I, El Ghmari O, Mustapha O. Exploring Strategies for Revitalizing the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Morocco’s Three Most Significant Regions. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];3:1017. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/804