Pedagogical strategies for the development of research skills in higher education




Research Skills, Curriculum Integration, Project-Based Learning, Mentoring and Tutoring


Research skills are fundamental in higher education for various reasons. They develop critical skills that are essential for academic and professional success. This article presents a literature review that analyzes the main strategies used to promote the development of research skills in higher education. Through this review, three key findings were identified: the integration of research into the curriculum, the approach of Project-Based Learning (PBL), and the importance of mentoring and tutoring. Regarding the integration of research into the curriculum, it was found that this strategy is crucial for enriching students' theoretical learning. By providing them with the opportunity to develop research skills and participate in relevant projects, students are prepared to become competent and independent researchers. Project-Based Learning (PBL) was also highlighted as an effective strategy for the development of research skills. Through this approach, students actively engage in practical and challenging projects that allow them to apply their knowledge in real contexts. Finally, mentoring and tutoring were identified as essential strategies for the development of research skills in higher education. These practices provide individualized support and guidance to students, strengthening their confidence, motivation, and academic development. These strategies contribute to the enhancement of research skills, critical and creative thinking, and the preparation of students to face the challenges of the academic and professional world


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How to Cite

Contreras Zapata DI, González Zambrano RV, Roca Piloso PM. Pedagogical strategies for the development of research skills in higher education. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];3:1003. Available from: