From a wealth management career to employee career success satisfaction: exploring the mediating role of job competency




Wealth Management, Competency, Job Competency, Career Success Satisfaction, Superior Work Performance, Intention to Stay, Performance Management


In this current study, our main goal is to explore the connections between wealth career management, job competency, and satisfaction with career success. Moreover, it seeks to explore the intermediary mechanisms through which wealth career management affects employees' level of contentment with their professional trajectories. Employing the analytical tool of structural equation modelling (SEM), the study has yielded noteworthy insights. SEM analysis findings underscore the pivotal role of job competency as a mediator. In essence, job competency serves as an explanatory link, shedding light on how different facets of wealth career management - namely, career development, superior work performance, intention to stay and performance management- influence an individual's career success satisfaction. This suggests that the way in which employees perceive their own competence within their careers significantly influences how the different aspects of wealth career management affect their satisfaction with career success


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How to Cite

Benil DA, Vasantha S, Thaiyalnayaki M. From a wealth management career to employee career success satisfaction: exploring the mediating role of job competency. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];3:903. Available from: