Exploring the influence of sensory brand recognition on brand loyalty within the quick service restaurant industry: an analysis of branded food retailers in Kerala





Sensory Brand Recognition, Visual Information Possesses, Fast Food Businesses


In today's competitive business landscape, organized retail establishments are facing formidable challenges from online counterparts, while fast-food retailers are also facing the pressure. The rise in popularity of online food delivery apps has compelled organized restaurant businesses to swiftly adapt and innovate to thrive in this new business environment. When customers order food through online, the differentiating factor primarily is the taste of the food. However, when customers physically visit a restaurant, their experience is influenced by four additional sensory elements present in the retail outlet: sight, smell, sound, and touch. These sensory elements are intentionally employed by companies to position and distinguish their brand from competitors. This study intends to investigate how these sensory components affect consumers' perceptions of quality, which in turn affect purchase intentions. The study focuses on a selection of internationally recognized retail food outlets, with a significant presence across the globe, that have established locations in three major cities in Kerala: Kochi, Trivandrum, and Kozhikode


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How to Cite

Kadavil R, Usha M. Exploring the influence of sensory brand recognition on brand loyalty within the quick service restaurant industry: an analysis of branded food retailers in Kerala. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];3:899. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/871