Stack sort: a new approach with sorting network and a buffer




Single Stack, Sorting Network, Buffer, Sort, Complexity


Knuth introduced the problem of stack sorting. Stack sorting was implemented by t stacks in series. In this paper, we propose a new dimension to stack sorting problem by introducing a stack with sorting network and a petty buffer. Instead of using t stacks in series, it helps to improve the performance by avoiding shuffles the stack. The basic idea behind in this paper is to perform a stack sorting with a single stack, and to achieve greater performance. In this novel approach, 2 bit buffer is compared to stack and insert the element into stack in order to avoid multiple stack. The result shows the time complexity of the proposed algorithm is O (n)


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How to Cite

Muthusundari S, Devi V, Sharath Kumar S, Sudhish Reddy D, Uday Kiran K, Kumar Reddy PHS, et al. Stack sort: a new approach with sorting network and a buffer. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 8];3:898. Available from: