WEDM Process Parameters Analysis and Optimization: A REVIEW
WEDM, Parameters for Enhancing Performance, Various Optimization Techniques, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Abstract
Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) represents a non-conventional machining approach that harnesses thermal electrical energy for the fabrication of intricate structures. WEDM machines excel in achieving precise dimensions and a polished surface finish. It finds frequent application in the machining of robust materials that pose challenges for conventional manufacturing methods due to issues like vibrations. Within this machining method, numerous process parameters and performance indicators come into play, prompting various studies and investigations into its intricacies. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of current research trends in WEDM, particularly focusing on parameters for enhancing performance, such as surface roughness (SR), material removal rate (MRR), and Kerf width (KW). Notably, several process parameters, including pulse-off-time (TOFF), servo voltage (SV), pulse-on-time (TON), peak current (I), and wire tension (WT), contribute to the WEDM process. Additionally, various optimization techniques like the Taguchi method, Grey Relation Analysis (GRA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are employed across diverse materials, encompassing alloys, superalloys, and composites. The findings of this study suggest the importance of considering various process parameters, such as pulse-off-time (TOFF), servo voltage (SV), pulse-on-time (TON), peak current (I), and wire tension (WT), in the WEDM process. Moreover, the application of optimization techniques like the Taguchi method, Grey Relation Analysis (GRA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) is recommended. These recommendations aim to improve the understanding and optimization of WEDM processes, especially when applied to diverse materials, including alloys, superalloys, and composites
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