Goldenhar syndrome, case report


  • Dennise Cristina Cordero Alvarez 1. Estudiante de pregrado de Medicina, Universidad Católica de Cuenca Author



Preauricular Appendage, Branchial Arches, Goldenhar Syndrome, Facial Paralysis, Ocular Dermoid Cyst


Goldenhar syndrome is a birth disorder characterized by congenital anomalies affecting the eye, ears, one or both sides of the face, and the spine. Additionally, it may influence other areas of the body, including jaw development. This research aimed to present a detailed case report of Goldenhar syndrome to provide clinical information and contribute to understanding this syndrome. Descriptive research was conducted based on the compilation of bibliographic data and the analysis of a case study, where detailed patient information provided by the mother was collected. An 11-year-old female pediatric patient presented with clinical manifestations such as preauricular appendage, ocular dermoid cyst, and facial asymmetry predominantly on the left side. Psychological tests revealed that the patient had difficulty concentrating, anxiety, rumination about the past, regression, insecurity, and a need for immediate gratification. It is concluded that managing patients with Goldenhar syndrome often requires the collaboration of various medical specialists, such as geneticists, otolaryngologists, pediatricians, and therapists. This case demonstrates the need for a multidisciplinary approach in healthcare and emphasizes the importance of communication and coordination among professionals from several specialties.


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How to Cite

Cordero Alvarez DC. Goldenhar syndrome, case report. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 6];3:807. Available from: