Cardiac Rehabilitation in Older Adults with Arterial Hypertension




Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Cardiac Rehabilitation


Introduction: high blood pressure is one of the most common pathologies in all adults, especially in older adults, attributed to poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and an inadequate lifestyle. This disease is considered one of the main causes of death in the world, causing deterioration in the heart and brain, as well as restriction of functional abilities, which can lead to disability and death of those who suffer from it.

Objective: determine the effects of a cardiac rehabilitation program based on dance therapy in older adults with hypertension

Methodology: quasi-experimental study, with a longitudinal design and quantitative approach. Sample of 22 older adults’ members of the Adult Club selected under inclusion and exclusion criteria. Demographic data (age, weight and height), and physiological parameters of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and oxygen saturation (SatO2) were recorded; in addition to the results of the Sit to Stand test (31) and Borg scale (32), to know the functionality and perceived effort during exercise, both before and after the cardiac rehabilitation program.

Results: the results show significant changes in the functionality of older adults (p=0,000); while in the physiological parameters and the perception of effort there were no significant differences between measurements.

Conclusion: cardiac rehabilitation under the modality of dance therapy in older adults with hypertension improved functionality and maintained BP, HR and SatO2 values ​​within normal ranges, which suggests an adaptation of the body to exercise possibly due to increased blood pressure. aerobic capacity and improvement of cardiovascular function in general


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How to Cite

Lascano Sánchez SS, Vaca Sánchez MA, Uvidia Miranda RF, Latorre Haro CA, Barrionuevo Yugsi DE. Cardiac Rehabilitation in Older Adults with Arterial Hypertension. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];3:792. Available from: