Third molars and development of recurrent headaches and neck pain




Denture, ; Headache, Neck Pain, Cervical Disability, Stomatognathic System


Introduction: headaches and neck pain are common symptoms, which are usually managed effectively with conventional treatments. However, in some cases, its resolution is prolonged, leading to chronic problems that affect well-being and autonomy, also decreasing the quality of life of the individuals who suffer from them. Although there is a high recurrence of symptoms without being resolved, in short, the relationship between headache and neck pain with the

stomatognathic system and specifically the presence of third molars has not yet been investigated in depth.

Objective: determine the relationship between the presence of third molars and the development of recurrent headaches and neck pain.

Methods: the headache perception questionnaire and the cervical disability index were applied to 30 dental patients with the presence of third molars, both symptomatic and asymptomatic.

Results: it was found that 30 % of the patients had erupted third molars, 20 % retained and 50 % extracted. Most of the participants were between 18 and 25 years old. Jaw pain associated with headache was identified, triggered mainly by chewing, with a sensation of pressure, intermittent and of moderate intensity. As for neck pain, it did not significantly affect daily activities and manifested with moderate intensity. Correlation analyzes showed a p value of 0,551 for headaches and 0,009 for neck pain.

Conclusions: the condition of the third molars does not influence the appearance of headaches, but it does influence the appearance of recurrent neck pain.


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How to Cite

Vásconez Astudillo TM, Vaca Sánchez MA, Navarrete Telenchana DA, Santos Huertas KG, Jami Chango JS. Third molars and development of recurrent headaches and neck pain. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];3:790. Available from: