Active didactics in the learning processes of high school students




Active Didactics, High School, Teacher Training, Cognitive Skills, Self-Awareness


The study focused on evaluating the implementation of active teaching methodologies in the learning process of high school students, with an emphasis on strengthening cognitive skills and self-awareness. The results revealed that the majority of teachers apply these strategies in their classes, which supports the initial hypothesis. However, areas for improvement were identified in teacher training and the effective application of these methodologies, especially in terms of pedagogical support and the application of metacognitive strategies. Based on these findings, the creation of a methodological guide is proposed to support teachers in the correct implementation of active didactics. This guide would include specific strategies to activate cognitive processes in students, design activities that promote student leadership, and encourage the development of critical thinking and the application of learning. Additionally, the strengthening of pedagogical support for students and promoting of learning cycles to improve class methodology are suggested


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How to Cite

Granda Sánchez E, Jiménez Cueva RM, Martínez Gaona EN, Campoverde Moscol A. Active didactics in the learning processes of high school students. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 2];3:780. Available from: