eHyPRETo: Enhanced Hybrid Pre-Trained and Transfer Learning-based Contextual Relation Classification Model




Pre-trained Model, RC (Relation Classification), Contextual, ELECTRA, RoBERTa, Domain Adaptable, eHyPRETo


Introduction: relation classification (RC) plays a crucial role in enhancing the understanding of intricate relationships, as it helps with many NLP (Natural Language Processing) applications. To identify contextual subtleties in different domains, one might make use of pre-trained models.

Methods: to achieve successful relation classification, a recommended model called eHyPRETo, which is a hybrid pre-trained model, has to be used. The system comprises several components, including ELECTRA, RoBERTa, and Bi-LSTM. The integration of pre-trained models enabled the utilisation of Transfer Learning (TL) to acquire contextual information and complex patterns. Therefore, the amalgamation of pre-trained models has great importance. The major purpose of this related classification is to effectively handle irregular input and improve the overall efficiency of pre-trained models. The analysis of eHyPRETo involves the use of a carefully annotated biological dataset focused on Indian Mosquito Vector Biocontrol Agents.

Results: the eHyPRETo model has remarkable stability and effectiveness in categorising, as evidenced by its continuously high accuracy of 98,73 % achieved during training and evaluation throughout several epochs. The eHyPRETo model's domain applicability was assessed. The obtained p-value of 0,06 indicates that the model is successful and adaptable across many domains.

Conclusion: the suggested hybrid technique has great promise for practical applications such as medical diagnosis, financial fraud detection, climate change analysis, targeted marketing campaigns, and self-driving automobile navigation, among others. The eHyPRETo model has been developed in response to the challenges in RC, representing a significant advancement in the fields of linguistics and artificial intelligence


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How to Cite

Jeyakodi G, Sarojini B, Shanthi Bala P. eHyPRETo: Enhanced Hybrid Pre-Trained and Transfer Learning-based Contextual Relation Classification Model. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];3:758. Available from: